The Story of Fox And Cock - 作文大全


The Story of Fox And Cock

来源: 作文大全2023-08-11 17:11:36

One afternoon a fox met a cock and said,“Good afternoon, cock, I remember what a good singer your father was! I want to know if you can sing as well as your father.” The cock closed his eyes and began to sing loudly. The fox then caught him with his mouth and carried him away. The people of the village saw this and cried out“Look! The fox is carrying off our cock.”

The cock said to the fox,“Do you hear what the people said? They are saying you are carrying off their cock. Tell them quickly that it’s yours.”

The fox opened his mouth and said,“It’s not yours. It’s mine.” Just at that time the cock ran away from the fox’s mouth as fast as he could.