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来源: 作文大全2022-06-21 06:54:31
导读:Serenaslippedquicklyintothewaterandglidedgracefullyaway.Louisfollowed. 塞蕾娜立刻溜进水里...

Serena slipped quickly into the water and glidedgracefully away. Louis followed. 


He motioned for her to stay on the lake.


Then he raced back to the island, grabbed histrumpet, his slate, his chalk pencil, his medal, andhis moneybag,


flew over the balustrade, and walked boldly into theBird House.


He was still mad. He went straight to the office of the Head Man in Charge of Birds. He rappedon the door.


"Come in!" said a voice. Louis entered.


The Head Man was seated at his desk. "Hello, Louis!" he said.


"What's on your mind?" asked the man.


Louis placed his trumpet on the floor and took his slate and chalk pencil from his neck. "I'm inlove," he wrote.

路易斯把他的小号放到地板上,摘下了脖子上的石板石笔。“我正在热恋中,” 他写。

The Head Man leaned back in his chair and put his hands behind his head. His face had afaraway look.


He gazed out of the window for a moment in silence.


"Well," he said, "it's natural that you're in love. You're young. You're talented.


In a couple of months, spring will be here. All birds fall in love in springtime.


I suppose you're in love with one of my young swans."


"Serena," wrote Louis. "She arrived the day before yesterday.


I used to know her slightly, back in Montana. She loves me, too."


"That doesn't surprise me," said the Head Man.


"You're a very unusual young cob. Any young female swan would fall for you.


You're a great trumpeter--one of the best. I'm delighted to hear about this love affair, Louis.


You and your bride can stay right here on Bird Lake and raise your family in comfort andsafety, in the oldest zoo in the United States."


Louis shook his head. "I have other plans," he wrote.


Then he set his slate down and raised his trumpet.


It was an old song by Irving Berlin. The room was filled with the sound of love.


The Head Man had a dreamy look in his eyes.


Louis set his horn down and took up his slate again.


"I am taking Serena away with me in a day or two," he wrote.


"Oh, no you're not!" said the Head Man firmly.


"Serena now belongs to the Zoo. She is the property of the people of Philadelphia.


She came here because of an act of God."


"It wasn't an act of God," wrote Louis. "It was a high wind."


"Well, anyway," said the Head Man, "she's my swan."


"No, she's mine," wrote Louis. "She's mine by reason of the power of love--the greatest force onearth."
