Chapter 5 - 作文大全


Chapter 5

来源: 作文大全2023-09-07 10:58:24

The haggling business, which had mainly depended on the horse, became disorganized forthwith. Distress, if not penury, loomed in the distance. Durbeyfield was what was locally called a slack-twisted fellow; he had good strength to work at times; but the times could not be relied on to coincide with the hours of requirement; and, having been unaccustomed to the regular toil of the day labourer, he was not particularly persistent when they did so coincide.

Tess, meanwhile, as the one who had dragged her parents into this quagmire, was silently wondering what she could do to help them out of it; and then her mother broached her scheme.

`We must take the ups with the downs, Tess,' said she; `and never could your high blood have been found out at a more called for moment. You must try your friends. Do ye know that there is a very rich Mrs d'Urberville living on the outskirts o' The Chase, who must be our relation? You must go to her and claim kin, and ask for some help in our trouble.'

`I shouldn't care to do that,' says Tess. `If there is such a lady, `would be enough for us if she were friendly - not to expect her to give us help.'

`You could win her round to do anything, my dear. Besides, perhaps there's more in it than you know of. I've heard what I've heard, good now.'

The oppressive sense of the harm she had done led Tess to be more deferential than she might otherwise have been to the maternal wish; but she could not understand why her mother should find such satisfaction in contemplating an enterprise of, to her, such doubtful profit. Her mother might have made inquiries, and have discovered that this Mrs d'Urberville was a lady of unequalled virtues and charity. But Tess's pride made the part of poor relation one of particular distaste to her.

`I'd rather try to get work,' she murmured.

`Durbeyfield, you can settle it,' said his wife, turning to where he sat in the background. `If you say she ought to go, she will go.'

`I don't like my children going and making themselves beholden to strange kin,' murmured he. `I'm the head of the noblest branch o' the family, and I ought to live up to it.'

His reasons for staying away were worse to Tess than her own objection to going. `Well, as I killed the horse, mother,' she said mournfully, `I suppose I ought to do something. I don't mind going and seeing her, but you must leave it to me about asking for help. And don't go thinking about her making a match for me - it is silly.'

`Very well said, Tess!' observed her father sententiously.

`Who said I had such a thought?' asked Joan.

`I fancy it is in your mind, mother. But I'll go.'

Rising early next day she walked to the hill-town called Shaston, and there took advantage of a van which twice in the week ran from Shaston eastward to Chaseborough, passing near Trantridge, the parish in which the vague and mysterious Mrs d'Urberville had her residence.

Tess Durbeyfield's route on this memorable morning lay amid the northeastern undulations of the Vale in which she had been born, and in which her life had unfolded. The Vale of Blackmoor was to her the world, and its inhabitants the races thereof. From the gates and stiles of Marlott she had looked down its length in the wondering days of infancy, and what had been mystery to her then was not much less than mystery to her now. She has seen dally from her chamber-window towers, villages, faint white mansions; above all the town of Shaston standing majestically on its height; its windows shining like lamps in the evening sun. She had hardly ever visited the place, only a small tract even of the Vale and its environs being known to her by close inspection. Much less had she been far outside the valley. Every contour of the surrounding hills was as personal to her as that of her relatives' faces; but for what lay beyond her judgment was dependent on the teaching of the village school, where she had held a leading place at the time of her leaving, a year or two before this date.

In those early days she had been much loved by others of her own sex and age, and had used to be seen about the village as one of three - all nearly of the same year - walking home from school side by side; Tess the middle one - in a pink print pinafore, of a finely reticulated pattern, worn over a stuff frock that had lost its original colour for a nondescript tertiary - marching on upon long stalky legs, in tight stockings which had little ladder-like holes at the knees, torn by kneeling in the roads and banks in search of vegetable and mineral treasures; her then earth-coloured hair hanging like pot-hooks; the arms of the two outside girls resting round the waist of Tess; her arms on the shoulders of the two supporters.

As Tess grew older, and began to see how matters stood, she felt quite a Malthusian towards her mother for thoughtlessly giving her so many little sisters and brothers, when it was such a trouble to nurse and provide for them. Her mother's intelligence was that of a happy child: Joan Durbeyfield was simply an additional one, and that not the eldest, to her own long family of waiters on Providence.

However, Tess became humanely beneficent towards the small ones, and to help them as much as possible she used, as soon as she left school, to lend a hand at hay making or harvesting on neighbouring farms; or, by preference, at milking or butter-making processes, which she had learnt when her father had owned cows; and being deft-fingered it was a kind of work in which she excelled.

Every day seemed to throw upon her young shoulders more of the family burdens, and that Tess should be the representative of the Durbeyfields at the d'Urberville mansion came as a thing of course. In this instance it must be admitted that the Durbeyfields were putting their fairest side outward.

She alighted from the van at Trantridge Cross, and ascended on foot a hill in the direction of the district known as The Chase, on the borders of which, as she had been informed, Mrs d'Urberville's seat, The Slopes, would be found. It was not a manorial home in the ordinary sense, with fields, and pastures, and a grumbling farmer, out of whom the owner had to squeeze an income for himself and his family by hook or by crook. It was more, far more; a country house built for enjoyment pure and simple, with not an acre of troublesome land attached to it beyond what was required for residential purposes, and for a little fancy farm kept in hand by the owner, and tended by a bailiff.

The crimson brick lodge came first in sight, up to its eaves in dense evergreens. Tess thought this was the mansion itself till, passing through the side wicket with some trepidation, and onward to a point at which the drive took a turn, the house proper stood in full view. It was of recent erection - indeed almost new - and of the same rich red colour that formed such a contrast with the evergreens of the lodge. Far behind the corner of the house - which rose like a geranium bloom against the subdued colours around - stretched the soft azure landscape of The Chase - a truly venerable tract of forest land, one of the few remaining woodlands in England of undoubted primaeval date, wherein Druidical mistletoe was still found on aged oaks, and where enormous yew trees, not planted by the hand of man, grew as they had grown when they were pollarded for bows. All this sylvan antiquity, however, though visible from the Slopes, was outside the immediate boundaries of the estate.

Everything on this snug property was bright, thriving, and well kept; acres of glass houses stretched down the inclines to the copses at their feet. Everything looked like money - like the last coin issued from the Mint. The stables, partly screened by Austrian pines and evergreen oaks, and fitted with every late appliance, were as dignified as Chapels-of-Ease. On the extensive lawn stood an ornamental tent, its door being towards her.

Simple Tess Durbeyfield stood at gaze, in a half alarmed attitude, on the edge of the gravel sweep. Her feet had brought her onward to this point before she had quite realized where she was; and now all was contrary to her expectation.

`I thought we were an old family; but this is all new!'she said, in her artlessness. She wished that she had not fallen in so readily with her mother's plans for `claiming kin', and had endeavoured to gain assistance nearer home.

The d'Urbervilles - or Stoke-d'Urbervilles, as they at first called themselves - who owned all this, were a somewhat unusual family to find in such an old-fashioned part of the country. Parson Tringham had spoken truly when he said that our shambling John Durbeyfield was the only really lineal representative of the old d'Urberville family existing in the county, or near it; he might have added, what he knew very well, that the Stoke-d'Urbervilles were no more d'Urbervilles of the true tree than he was himself. Yet it must be admitted that this family formed a very good stock whereon to regraft a name which sadly wanted such renovation.

When old Mr Simon Stoke, latterly deceased, had made his fortune as an honest merchant (some said money-lender) in the North, he decided to settle as a county man in the South of England, out of hall of his business district; and in doing this he felt the necessity of recommencing with a name that would not too readily identify him with the smart tradesman of the past, and that would be less commonplace than the original bald stark words. Conning for an hour in the British Museum the pages of works devoted to extinct, half extinct, obscured, and ruined families appertaining to the quarter of England in which he proposed to settle, he considered that d'Urberville looked and sounded as well as any of them: and d'Urberville accordingly was annexed to his own name for himself and his heirs eternally. Yet he was not an extravagant minded man in this, and in constructing his family tree on the new basis was duly reasonable in framing his inter-marriages and aristocratic links, never inserting a single title above a rank of strict moderation.

Of this work of imagination poor Tess and her parents were naturally in ignorance - much to their discomfiture; indeed, the very possibility of such annexations was unknown to them; who supposed that, though to be well favoured might be the gift of fortune, a family name came by nature.

Tess still stood hesitating like a barber about to make his plunge, hardly knowing whether to retreat or to persevere, when a figure came forth from the dark triangular door of the tent. It was that of a tall young man, smoking.

He had an almost swarthy complexion, with full lips, badly moulded, though red and smooth, above which was a well-groomed black moustache with curled points, though his age could not be more than three or four-and-twenty. Despite the touches of barbarism in his contours, there was a singular force in the gentleman's face, and in his bold rolling eye.

`Well, my Beauty, what can I do for you?' said he, coming forward. And perceiving that she stood quite confounded: `Never mind me. I am Mr d'Urberville. Have you come to see me or my mother?'

This embodiment of a d'Urberville and a namesake differed even more from what Tess had expected than the house and grounds had differed. She had dreamed of an aged and dignified face, the sublimation of all the d'Urberville lineaments, furrowed with incarnate memories representing in hieroglyphic the centuries of her family's and England's history. But she screwed herself up to the work in hand, since she could not get out of it, and answered--

`I came to see your mother, sir.'

`I am afraid you cannot see her - she is an invalid,' replied the present representative of the spurious house; for this was Mr Alec, the only son of the lately deceased gentleman. `Cannot I answer your purpose? What is the business you wish to see her about?'

`It isn't business - it is - I can hardly say what!'


`Oh no. Why, sir, if I tell you, it will seem'------

Tess's sense of a certain ludicrousness in her errand was now so strong that, notwithstanding her awe of him, and her general discomfort at being here, her rosy lips curved towards a smile, much to the attraction of the swarthy Alexander.

`It is so very foolish,' she stammered; `I fear I can't tell you!' `Never mind; I like foolish things. Try again, my dear,' said he kindly.

`Mother asked me to come,'Tess continued; `and, indeed, I was in the mind to do so myself likewise. But I did not think it would be like this. I came, sir, to tell you that we are of the same family as you.,

`Ho! Poor relations?'



`No; d'Urbervilles.'

`Ay, ay; I mean d'Urbervilles.'

`Our names are worn away to Durbeyfield; but we have several proofs that we are d'Urbervilles. Antiquarians hold we are, - and - and we have an old seal, marked with a ramping lion on a shield, and a castle over him. And we have a very old silver spoon, round in the bowl like a little ladle, and marked with the same castle. But it is so worn that mother uses it to stir the pea-soup.'

`A castle argent is certainly my crest,' said he blandly. `And my arms a lion rampant.'

`And so mother said we ought to make ourselves beknown to you - as we've lost our horse by a bad accident, and are the oldest branch o' the family.'

`Very' kind of your mother, I'm sure. And 1, for one, don't regret her step.' Alec looked at Tess as he spoke, in a way that made her blush a little. `And so, my pretty girl, you've come on a friendly visit to us, as relations?'

`I suppose I have,' faltered Tess, looking uncomfortable again.

`Well - there's no harm in it. Where do you live? What are you?'

She gave him brief particulars; and responding to further inquiries told him that she was intending to go back by the same carrier who had brought her.

`It is a long while before he returns past Trantridge Cross. Supposing we walk round the grounds to pass the time, my pretty Coz?'

Tess wished to abridge her visit as much as possible; but the young man was pressing, and she consented to accompany him. He conducted her about the lawns, and flower-beds, and conservatories; and thence to the fruit-garden and greenhouses, where he asked her if she liked strawberries.

`Yes,' said Tess, `when they come.'

`They are already here.' D'Urberville began gathering specimens of the fruit for her, handing them back to her as he stooped; and, presently, selecting a specially fine product of the `British Queen variety, he stood up and held it by the stem to her mouth.

`No - no!' she said quickly, putting her fingers between his hand and her lips. `I would rather take it in my own hand.' `Nonsense!' he insisted; and in a slight distress she parted her lips and took it in.

They had spent some time wandering desultorily thus, Tess eating in a half pleased, half reluctant state whatever d'Urberville offered her. When she could consume no more of the strawberries he filled her little basket with them; and then the two passed round to the rose trees, whence he gathered blossoms and gave her to put in her bosom. She obeyed like one in a dream, and when she could affix no more he himself tucked a bud or two into her hat, and heaped her basket with others in the prodigality of his bounty. At last, looking at his watch, he said, `Now, by the time you have had something to eat, it will be time for you to leave, if you want to catch the carrier to Shaston. Come here, and I'll see what grub I can find.'

Stoke-d'Urberville took her back to the lawn and into the tent, where he left her, soon reappearing with a basket of light luncheon, which he put before her himself. It was evidently the gentleman's wish not to be disturbed in this pleasant tête-à-te by the servantry.

`Do you mind my smoking?' he asked.

`Oh, not at all, sir.'

He watched her pretty and unconscious munching through the skeins of smoke that pervaded the tent, and Tess Durbeyfield did not divine, as she innocently looked down at the roses in her bosom, that there behind the blue narcotic haze was potentially the `tragic mischief' of her drama one who stood fair to be the blood-red-ray in the spectrum of her young life. She had an attribute which amounted to a disadvantage just now; and it was attribute which amounted to a disadvantage just now; and it was this that caused Alec d'Urberville's eyes to rivet themselves upon her. It was a luxuriance of aspect, a fullness of growth, which made her appear more of a woman that she really was. She had inherited the feature from her mother without the quality it denoted. It had troubled her mind occasionally, till her companions had said that it was a fault which time would cure.

She soon had finished her lunch. `Now I am going home, sir,' she said, rising.

`And what do they call you?' he asked, as he accompanied her along the drive till they were out of sight of the house.

`Tess Durbeyfield, down at Marlott.'

`And you say your people have lost their horse?'

`I - killed him!' she answered, her eyes filling with tears as she gave particulars of Prince's death. `And I don't know what to do for father on account of it!'

`I must think if I cannot do something. My mother must find a berth for you. But, Tess, no nonsense about "d'Urberville";--

"Durbeyfield" only, you know - quite another name.'

`I wish for no better, sir,' said she with something of dignity.

For a moment - only for a moment - when they were in the turning of the drive, between the tall rhododendrons and conifers, before the lodge became visible, he inclined his face towards her as if - but, no: he thought better of it, and let her go.

Thus the thing began. Had she perceived this meeting's import she might have asked why she was doomed to be seen and coveted that day by the wrong man, and not by some other man, the right and desired one in all respects - as nearly as humanity can supply the right and desired; yet to him who amongst her acquaintance might have approximated to this kind, she was but a transient impression, half forgotten.

In the ill-judged execution of the well-judged plan of things the call seldom produces the comer, the man to love rarely coincides with the hour for loving. Nature does not often say `See!' to her poor creature at a time when seeing can lead to happy doing; or reply `Here!'to a body's cry of `Where?'till the hide and seek has become an irksome, outworn game. We may wonder whether at the acme and summit of the human progress these anachronisms will be corrected by a finer intuition, a closer interaction of the social machinery than that which now jolts us round and along; but such completeness is not to be prophesied, or even conceived as possible. Enough that in the present case, as in millions, it was not the two halves of a perfect whole that confronted each other at the perfect moment; a missing counterpart wandered independently about the earth waiting in crass obtuseness till the late time came. Out of which maladroit delay sprang anxieties, disappointments, shocks, catastrophes, and passing-strange destinies.

When d'Urberville got back to the tent he sat down astride on a chair reflecting, with a pleased gleam in his face. Then he broke into a loud laugh.

`Well, I'm damned! What a funny thing! Ha-ha-ha! And what a crumby girl!'


德北菲尔德主要依靠这匹老马作小本生意,马一死,生意就立刻垮了。如果说还 不会马上贫穷,那么烦恼已经在不远的地方出现了。德北菲尔德是当地称为懒散骨头的那种人;有时候他倒挺有力气工作;不过这种时候是靠不住的,因为不能碰巧有工作需要他;而且,他由于不惯做日工的正规劳动,所以每当凑巧有工作的时候,他又特别缺乏毅力。




“乖孩子,你会讨她的欢心的,你会要她为你做什么她就为你做什么的。另外,也许还 有你不知道的好事呢。我听说过我已经听说过的事了,你猜猜。”

苔丝心里总有一种她惹了祸的沉重感觉,因此这就使苔丝对她母亲的愿望,比平时顺从多了;而且她还 弄不明白,在她看来,她母亲的计划的好处很值得怀疑,而她的母亲一想到它就能从中得到满足。也许她母亲已经打听过,发现那位德贝维尔夫人是一个极有德行和菩萨心肠的老太太。不过苔丝的自尊心使她觉得,作为一个穷亲戚去求那位老太太,她心里是非常讨厌的。









在这个难忘的早上,苔丝·德北菲尔德要走的路是从布莱克原野谷东北部高低起伏的中间地带穿过,她在这个谷中出生,她的人生也是在这个谷中展开的。对苔丝来说,黑荒原谷就是一个世界,因此黑荒原谷的所有居民就是整个人类。在她对一切都感到新奇的孩童时期,她就从马洛特村的栅栏门口和栅栏门旁的台阶上向下仔细地观察过这片谷地,那时候她感到很神秘,而现在她感到的神秘也没有减少多少。每天她都从自己房间的窗户里看见教堂的钟楼、村庄和白色的屋宇;尤其是高踞山顶的威严的沙斯顿小镇特别惹人注意;小镇的窗玻璃在夕里闪闪发光,宛如一盏盏灯火。她从来没有去过那个地方,即使这个山谷和这个山谷附近的地带,她通过就近观察而熟悉的地方只有一小片。远离山谷的地方她就去得更少了。四周山峦的所有外形她都熟悉,就像熟悉她的亲戚的面孔一样;但是对她没有去过的地方,她就只能根据在乡村小学学到的知识加以判断了。到今天她离开学校还 只有一两年的时间,她离开学校的时候,她是学校里学得最好的学生。


苔丝渐渐地长大了,开始懂事了,这时候,她感到自己就像是一个马尔萨斯的门徒,来看待她母亲糊里糊涂地给她生下的一群弟弟妹妹了,因为养育他们、照顾他们是一件十分麻烦的事。她母亲的智力只是一个快活小孩子的智力。对她自己家里一大群听天由命的孩子来说,琼·德北菲尔德简直就是其中的一个,而且还 不是最大的一个。

但是,苔丝对她的弟弟和妹妹却很疼、呵护,并尽力帮助他们,一放学回家,她就到附近的农田里割草、收庄稼,做一个帮手;或者去帮着做她喜欢做的事情,如挤牛、搅油,这是她从前在父亲养牛时学会的;因为她的手指头灵活,所以这种活儿她干得比成人还 好。



苔丝最先看见的是用红砖盖成的门房,然后才看见屋檐上长满的厚厚的长青藤蔓。苔丝以为这就是庄园本身;她怀着惶恐不安的心情走过偏门,走到车路转弯的地点,这时候,她才看见出现在眼前的庄园全貌。庄园是最近新盖的——几乎全是新的——它也是同样的深红颜色,同偏门长满的长青藤蔓形成鲜明对照。在周围浅谈柔和的颜色的对照下,它就像一簇天竺葵的红花突现在那儿;在屋角后面的远处,展现在眼前的是猎苑的一大片柔和的淡蓝色风景——的确是一片让人肃然起敬的森林,是英国残留下来的已经不多的原始森林中的一片;在古老的橡树上,仍然还 找得到朱伊德槲寄生,林中的茂密的水杉树不是人工栽种的,它们从人们把它们的枝条砍下来做弓箭的时候就生长在那里。但是,所有这些古老的森林,虽然从山坡上可以看见,但是却已经超越这片产业的边界了。


天真纯朴的苔丝站在一条砾石铺成的弯道边上,神态里半带着惊慌,惊讶地看着。在她还 没有完全意识到她到了什么地方的时候,她的两条腿就已经把她带到了这个地方;而现在看来,一切都完全和她期望的相反。

“我还 以为我们是一个古老的家族呢;可是这一家全都是新的。”她说,口气里一派天真。她心里真希望她没有那样轻易就接受了母亲的“认亲”计划,而想法在自己的家门口找到了帮助。

德贝维尔家——或者像他们最先称呼自己的那样叫斯托克·德贝维尔家拥有这儿的一切产业,在英国如此保守的这块地方看到这样的家庭,是有些异乎寻常的。特林汉姆牧师说,我们那位步履蹒跚的约翰·德北菲尔德是英国古老的德贝维尔家族唯一仅存的嫡系子孙,他说的倒是真的,或者说接近真的;他还 应该加上一句,他知道得清清楚楚,叫斯托克·德贝维尔的这户人家就像他自己一样,本来就不是德贝维尔家族的真正后裔。不过我们必须承认,如果要重新嫁接德贝维尔这个急需更新复苏的名字,斯托克这户人家倒是一根上好的砧木。



苔丝还 站在那儿犹豫着,像一个沐浴的人想跳进水里去一样,不知道是跳进去还 是退回去,正在这个时候,有一个人从帐篷黑色的三角形门里走了出来。他是一个个子高高的着烟的年轻人。


“啊,我的美人儿,我能为你效劳吗?”他走上前来说。他看见苔丝站在那儿完全不知如何是好的样子,又说:“不要害怕我。我是德贝维尔先生。你到这儿来是看我的还 是来看我母亲的?”





到这儿来认亲,这件事苔丝心里感到确实好笑,她这种感觉现在变得更强烈了,虽然她心里有些害怕他,总的说来在这儿感到局促不安,但她还 是把玫瑰红的嘴唇咧开,装出笑容来,这一下真叫黝黑的阿历克神魂颠倒。








“我们的姓现在读变了音,读成了德北菲尔德;但是我们有一些证据,可以证明我们姓德贝维尔。考古学家也认为我们姓德贝维尔,——而且——我们还 有一方古印,上面刻有一面盾牌,盾牌上面有一头扑起的狮子,狮子的上方是一座城堡。我们还 有一把非常古老的银匙,银匙的勺儿是圆形的,像一把小勺子,上面也刻有一座相同的城堡。不过这把银匙已经用坏了,所以我母亲就用它来搅豌豆汤。”







“要等到那趟车转回来经过特兰里奇十字路口,时间还 早得很。我们到庭园里走走,等车回来,我漂亮的小堂妹,好不好?”






他们就这样漫无目的地逛着,消磨了一阵时光,每当德贝维尔请她吃草莓,她都半推半就地吃了。苔丝吃不下草莓了,他就把草莓装在她的小篮子里;然后,他们两个人就转到玫瑰那儿,他摘了一些玫瑰花朵,递给苔丝,让她戴在胸前。她依从着他,就像在睡梦里一样,她的胸前戴不下了,但是德贝维尔还 是又摘了一两个玫瑰的花蕾插进她的帽子里,而且还 十分慷慨大方地在她的篮子里堆了一些其它的花朵。装完了,他看看手表说:“现在是你吃点东西的时候了,然后就该动身了,如果你想搭车去沙斯顿的话。过来吧,我着能找到一点什么东西请你吃。”








“你还 说你们家的马死了?”







