世界残疾人日英语作文 - 作文大全



来源: 作文大全2023-09-07 13:56:06



  In 1976, the United Nations general assembly proclaimed 1981 the international year of the disabled people, and to determine the theme for the international year of the disabled, "full participation and equal".

  In 1982, the United Nations has declared 1983-1992 for "the United Nations decade" for the disabled.

  To commemorate this decade, October 14, 1992, 47 session of the UN general assembly resolution, determine each year on December 3, as the international day of disabled persons, calls for governments around the world and relevant organizations to take a more active and wide range of actions and measures, in order to achieve "the United Nations decade for the disabled" and "about the disabled and the world programme of action of improve the disabled situation, in order to establish a" everyone sharing society ".

  In December 3, as the economic and social council launched the asia-pacific conference held in Beijing ten years for the disabled. Hundreds of Chinese and foreign people with disabilities and the conference representatives held a celebration celebrate the first "international day of disabled persons.

  Today, there are more than 600 million disabled people around the world, accounting for 10% of the world's population, 80% of distribution in developing countries.

  Each year to commemorate the international day of disabled persons on December 3, activities to promote people's understanding of disability, encourage people to maintain the dignity of disabled persons, protect their rights and happiness. And in order to increase the disabled into the political life, social life, economic life and cultural life for the various aspects such as a sense of achievement. The theme of the international day of disabled persons based on human rights for people with disabilities to fully and equally and to participate in social goals.


  Drums, heavy hammer ringing for attack, the hollow echo always let people disappointed, body disabled than ordinary people, limbs developed is impaired brain damage. 出国留学网We can explore the failure, we need wenwu all-rounder. The international day of disabled persons, residual heart strong body, a blessing in disguise, drums, a heavy hammer, more must work hard, take care of the disabled, strong national soul! The international day for the disabled, care for people with disabilities, from small start. Help the disabled and handicapped people warm. Take care of the disabled, dedicate a love. While others are happy is also happiness. The international day of disabled people, understanding, respect, care and help the disabled, let love sunshine illuminate every soul of disabled persons. Improve the livelihood of the people for the disabled, safeguard the rights and interests of disabled persons. Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests for the disabled, civilized and harmonious society. They used the unremitting struggle to increase the thickness of the life, they use a persistent effort to base the height of the high life, enhance the volume of life, they used a dogged persistence they widen the length of your life with tenacious spirit. The international day of disabled persons, blossom different light on the applause for them.