旧约--历代记下(2 Chronicles)1-10章 - 作文大全


旧约--历代记下(2 Chronicles)1-10章

来源: 作文大全2023-09-09 08:54:30
旧约--历代记下(2 Chronicles)--第 1 章
1:1 大卫的儿子所罗门国位坚固。耶和华他的神与他同在,使他甚为尊大。
And Solomon the son of David was strengthened in his kingdom, and the LORD his God was with him, and magnified him exceedingly.
1:2 所罗门吩咐以色列众人,就是千夫长,百夫长,审判官,首领与族长都来。
Then Solomon spake unto all Israel, to the captains of thousands and of hundreds, and to the judges, and to every governor in all Israel, the chief of the fathers.
1:3 所罗门和会众都往基遍的邱坛去,因那里有神的会幕,就是耶和华仆人摩西在旷野所制造的。
So Solomon, and all the congregation with him, went to the high place that was at Gibeon; for there was the tabernacle of the congregation of God, which Moses the servant of the LORD had made in the wilderness.
1:4 只是神的约柜,大卫已经从基列耶琳搬到他所预备的地方,因他曾在耶路撒冷为约柜支搭了帐幕,
But the ark of God had David brought up from Kirjathjearim to the place which David had prepared for it: for he had pitched a tent for it at Jerusalem.
1:5 并且户珥的孙子,乌利的儿子比撒列所造的铜坛也在基遍耶和华的会幕前。所罗门和会众都就近坛前。
Moreover the brasen altar, that Bezaleel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, had made, he put before the tabernacle of the LORD: and Solomon and the congregation sought unto it.
1:6 所罗门上到耶和华面前会幕的铜坛那里,献一千牺牲为燔祭。
And Solomon went up thither to the brasen altar before the LORD, which was at the tabernacle of the congregation, and offered a thousand burnt offerings upon it.
1:7 当夜,神向所罗门显现,对他说,你愿我赐你什么,你可以求。
In that night did God appear unto Solomon, and said unto him, Ask what I shall give thee.
1:8 所罗门对神说,你曾向我父大卫大施慈爱,使我接续他作王。
And Solomon said unto God, Thou hast shewed great mercy unto David my father, and hast made me to reign in his stead.
1:9 耶和华神阿,现在求你成就向我父大卫所应许的话。因你立我作这民的王,他们如同地上尘沙那样多。
Now, O LORD God, let thy promise unto David my father be established: for thou hast made me king over a people like the dust of the earth in multitude.
1:10 求你赐我智慧聪明,我好在这民前出入。不然,谁能判断这众多的民呢。
Give me now wisdom and knowledge, that I may go out and come in before this people: for who can judge this thy people, that is so great?
1:11 神对所罗门说,我已立你作我民的王。你既有这心意,并不求资财,丰富,尊荣,也不求灭绝那恨你之人的性命,又不求大寿数,只求智慧聪明好判断我的民。
And God said to Solomon, Because this was in thine heart, and thou hast not asked riches, wealth, or honour, nor the life of thine enemies, neither yet hast asked long life; but hast asked wisdom and knowledge for thyself, that thou mayest judge my people, over whom I have made thee king:
1:12 我必赐你智慧聪明,也必赐你资财,丰富,尊荣。在你以前的列王都没有这样,在你以后也必没有这样的。
Wisdom and knowledge is granted unto thee; and I will give thee riches, and wealth, and honour, such as none of the kings have had that have been before thee, neither shall there any after thee have the like.
1:13 于是,所罗门从基遍邱坛会幕前回到耶路撒冷,治理以色列人。
Then Solomon came from his journey to the high place that was at Gibeon to Jerusalem, from before the tabernacle of the congregation, and reigned over Israel.
1:14 所罗门聚集战车马兵,有战车一千四百辆,马兵一万二千名,安置在屯车的城邑和耶路撒冷,就是王那里。
And Solomon gathered chariots and horsemen: and he had a thousand and four hundred chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen, which he placed in the chariot cities, and with the king at Jerusalem.
1:15 王在耶路撒冷使金银多如石头,香柏木多如高原的桑树。
And the king made silver and gold at Jerusalem as plenteous as stones, and cedar trees made he as the sycomore trees that are in the vale for abundance.
1:16 所罗门的马是从埃及带来的,是王的商人一群一群按着定价买来的。
And Solomon had horses brought out of Egypt, and linen yarn: the king's merchants received the linen yarn at a price.
1:17 他们从埃及买来的车,每辆价银七百舍客勒,马每匹一百五十舍客勒。赫人诸王和亚兰诸王所买的车马,也是按这价值经他们手买来的。
And they fetched up, and brought forth out of Egypt a chariot for six hundred shekels of silver, and an horse for an hundred and fifty: and so brought they out horses for all the kings of the Hittites, and for the kings of Syria, by their means.
旧约--历代记下(2 Chronicles)--第 2 章
2:1 所罗门定意要为耶和华的名建造殿宇,又为自己的国建造宫室。
And Solomon determined to build an house for the name of the LORD, and an house for his kingdom.
2:2 所罗门就挑选七万扛抬的,八万在山上凿石头的,三千六百督工的。
And Solomon told out threescore and ten thousand men to bear burdens, and fourscore thousand to hew in the mountain, and three thousand and six hundred to oversee them.
2:3 所罗门差人去见推罗王希兰,说,你曾运香柏木与我父大卫建宫居住,求你也这样待我。
And Solomon sent to Huram the king of Tyre, saying, As thou didst deal with David my father, and didst send him cedars to build him an house to dwell therein, even so deal with me.
2:4 我要为耶和华我神的名建造殿宇,分别为圣献给他,在他面前焚烧美香,常摆陈设饼,每早晚,安息日,月朔,并耶和华我们神所定的节期献燔祭。这是以色列人永远的定例。
Behold, I build an house to the name of the LORD my God, to dedicate it to him, and to burn before him sweet incense, and for the continual shewbread, and for the burnt offerings morning and evening, on the sabbaths, and on the new moons, and on the solemn feasts of the LORD our God. This is an ordinance for ever to Israel.
2:5 我所要建造的殿宇甚大。因为我们的神至大,超乎诸神。
And the house which I build is great: for great is our God above all gods.
2:6 天和天上的天,尚且不足他居住的,谁能为他建造殿宇呢。我是谁。能为他建造殿宇吗。不过在他面前烧香而已。
But who is able to build him an house, seeing the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain him? who am I then, that I should build him an house, save only to burn sacrifice before him?
2:7 现在求你差一个巧匠来,就是善用金,银,铜,铁,和紫色,朱红色,蓝色线,并精于雕刻之工的巧匠,与我父大卫在犹大和耶路撒冷所预备的巧匠一同作工。
Send me now therefore a man cunning to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass, and in iron, and in purple, and crimson, and blue, and that can skill to grave with the cunning men that are with me in Judah and in Jerusalem, whom David my father did provide.
2:8 又求你从黎巴嫩运些香柏木,松木,檀香木到我这里来,因我知道你的仆人善于砍伐黎巴嫩的树木。我的仆人也必与你的仆人同工。
Send me also cedar trees, fir trees, and algum trees, out of Lebanon: for I know that thy servants can skill to cut timber in Lebanon; and, behold, my servants shall be with thy servants,
2:9 这样,可以给我预备许多的木料,因我要建造的殿宇高大出奇。
Even to prepare me timber in abundance: for the house which I am about to build shall be wonderful great.
2:10 你的仆人砍伐树木,我必给他们打好了的小麦二万歌珥,大麦二万歌珥,酒二万吧特,油二万吧特。
And, behold, I will give to thy servants, the hewers that cut timber, twenty thousand measures of beaten wheat, and twenty thousand measures of barley, and twenty thousand baths of wine, and twenty thousand baths of oil.
2:11 推罗王希兰写信回答所罗门说,耶和华因为爱他的子民,所以立你作他们的王。
Then Huram the king of Tyre answered in writing, which he sent to Solomon, Because the LORD hath loved his people, he hath made thee king over them.
2:12 又说,创造天地的耶和华以色列的神是应当称颂的。他赐给大卫王一个有智慧的儿子,使他有谋略聪明,可以为耶和华建造殿宇,又为自己的国建造宫室。
Huram said moreover, Blessed be the LORD God of Israel, that made heaven and earth, who hath given to David the king a wise son, endued with prudence and understanding, that might build an house for the LORD, and an house for his kingdom.
2:13 现在我打发一个精巧有聪明的人去,他是我父亲希兰所用的,
And now I have sent a cunning man, endued with understanding, of Huram my father's,
2:14 是但支派一个妇人的儿子。他父亲是推罗人,他善用金,银,铜,铁,石,木,和紫色,蓝色,朱红色线与细麻制造各物,并精于雕刻,又能想出各样的巧工。请你派定这人,与你的巧匠和你父,我主大卫的巧匠一同做工。
The son of a woman of the daughters of Dan, and his father was a man of Tyre, skilful to work in gold, and in silver, in brass, in iron, in stone, and in timber, in purple, in blue, and in fine linen, and in crimson; also to grave any manner of graving, and to find out every device which shall be put to him, with thy cunning men, and with the cunning men of my lord David thy father.
2:15 我主所说的小麦,大麦,酒,油,愿我主运来给众仆人。
Now therefore the wheat, and the barley, the oil, and the wine, which my lord hath spoken of, let him send unto his servants:
2:16 我们必照你所需用的,从黎巴嫩砍伐树木,扎成筏子,浮海运到约帕。你可以从那里运到耶路撒冷。
And we will cut wood out of Lebanon, as much as thou shalt need: and we will bring it to thee in floats by sea to Joppa; and thou shalt carry it up to Jerusalem.
2:17 所罗门仿照他父大卫数点住在以色列地所有寄居的外邦人,共有十五万三千六百名。
And Solomon numbered all the strangers that were in the land of Israel, after the numbering wherewith David his father had numbered them; and they were found an hundred and fifty thousand and three thousand and six hundred.
2:18 使七万人扛抬材料,八万人在山上凿石头,三千六百人督理工作。
And he set threescore and ten thousand of them to be bearers of burdens, and fourscore thousand to be hewers in the mountain, and three thousand and six hundred overseers to set the people a work.
旧约--历代记下(2 Chronicles)--第 3 章
3:1 所罗门就在耶路撒冷,耶和华向他父大卫显现的摩利亚山上,就是耶布斯人阿珥楠的禾场上,大卫所指定的地方预备好了,开工建造耶和华的殿。
Then Solomon began to build the house of the LORD at Jerusalem in mount Moriah, where the Lord appeared unto David his father, in the place that David had prepared in the threshingfloor of Ornan the Jebusite.
3:2 所罗门作王第四年二月初二日开工建造。
And he began to build in the second day of the second month, in the fourth year of his reign.
3:3 所罗门建筑神殿的根基,乃是这样,长六十肘,宽二十肘,都按着古时的尺寸。
Now these are the things wherein Solomon was instructed for the building of the house of God. The length by cubits after the first measure was threescore cubits, and the breadth twenty cubits.
3:4 殿前的廊子长二十肘,与殿的宽窄一样,高一百二十肘。里面贴上精金。
And the porch that was in the front of the house, the length of it was according to the breadth of the house, twenty cubits, and the height was an hundred and twenty: and he overlaid it within with pure gold.
3:5 大殿的墙都用松木板遮蔽,又贴了精金,上面雕刻棕树和链子。
And the greater house he cieled with fir tree, which he overlaid with fine gold, and set thereon palm trees and chains.
3:6 又用宝石装饰殿墙,使殿华美。所用的金子都是巴瓦音的金子。
And he garnished the house with precious stones for beauty: and the gold was gold of Parvaim.
3:7 又用金子贴殿和殿的楝梁,门槛,墙壁,门扇。墙上雕刻基路伯。
He overlaid also the house, the beams, the posts, and the walls thereof, and the doors thereof, with gold; and graved cherubims on the walls.
3:8 又建造至圣所,长二十肘,与殿的宽窄一样,宽也是二十肘。贴上精金,共用金子六百他连得。
And he made the most holy house, the length whereof was according to the breadth of the house, twenty cubits, and the breadth thereof twenty cubits: and he overlaid it with fine gold, amounting to six hundred talents.
3:9 金钉重五十舍客勒。楼房都贴上金子。
And the weight of the nails was fifty shekels of gold. And he overlaid the upper chambers with gold.
3:10 在至圣所按造像的法子造两个基路伯,用金子包裹。
And in the most holy house he made two cherubims of image work, and overlaid them with gold.
3:11 两个基路伯的翅膀共长二十肘。这基路伯的一个翅膀长五肘,挨着殿这边的墙。那一个翅膀也长五肘,与那基路伯翅膀相接。
And the wings of the cherubims were twenty cubits long: one wing of the one cherub was five cubits, reaching to the wall of the house: and the other wing was likewise five cubits, reaching to the wing of the other cherub.
3:12 那基路伯的一个翅膀长五肘,挨着殿那边的墙。那一个翅膀也长五肘,与这基路伯的翅膀相接。
And one wing of the other cherub was five cubits, reaching to the wall of the house: and the other wing was five cubits also, joining to the wing of the other cherub.
3:13 两个基路伯张开翅膀,共长二十肘,面向外殿而立。
The wings of these cherubims spread themselves forth twenty cubits: and they stood on their feet, and their faces were inward.
3:14 又用蓝色,紫色,朱红色线和细麻织幔子,在其上绣出基路伯来。
And he made the vail of blue, and purple, and crimson, and fine linen, and wrought cherubims thereon.
3:15 在殿前造了两根柱子,高三十五肘。每柱顶高五肘。
Also he made before the house two pillars of thirty and five cubits high, and the chapiter that was on the top of each of them was five cubits.
3:16 又照圣所内链子的样式作链子,安在柱顶上。又作一百石榴,安在链子上。
And he made chains, as in the oracle, and put them on the heads of the pillars; and made an hundred pomegranates, and put them on the chains.
3:17 将两根柱子立在殿前,一根在右边,一根在左边。右边的起名叫雅斤,左边的起名叫波阿斯。
And he reared up the pillars before the temple, one on the right hand, and the other on the left; and called the name of that on the right hand Jachin, and the name of that on the left Boaz.
旧约--历代记下(2 Chronicles)--第 4 章
4:1 他又制造一座铜坛,长二十肘,宽二十肘,高十肘。
Moreover he made an altar of brass, twenty cubits the length thereof, and twenty cubits the breadth thereof, and ten cubits the height thereof.
4:2 又铸一个铜海,样式是圆的,高五肘,径十肘,围三十肘。
Also he made a molten sea of ten cubits from brim to brim, round in compass, and five cubits the height thereof; and a line of thirty cubits did compass it round about.
4:3 海周围有野瓜(野瓜原文作牛)的样式,每肘十瓜,共有两行,是铸海的时候铸上的。
And under it was the similitude of oxen, which did compass it round about: ten in a cubit, compassing the sea round about. Two rows of oxen were cast, when it was cast.
4:4 有十二只铜牛驮海,三只向北,三只向西,三只向南,三只向东。海在牛上,牛尾向内。
It stood upon twelve oxen, three looking toward the north, and three looking toward the west, and three looking toward the south, and three looking toward the east: and the sea was set above upon them, and all their hinder parts were inward.
4:5 海厚一掌,边如杯边,又如百合花,可容三千吧特。
And the thickness of it was an handbreadth, and the brim of it like the work of the brim of a cup, with flowers of lilies; and it received and held three thousand baths.
4:6 又制造十个盆,五个放在右边,五个放在左边,献燔祭所用之物都洗在其内。但海是为祭司沭浴的。
He made also ten lavers, and put five on the right hand, and five on the left, to wash in them: such things as they offered for the burnt offering they washed in them; but the sea was for the priests to wash in.
4:7 他又照所定的样式造十个金灯台放在殿里,五个在右边,五个在左边。
And he made ten candlesticks of gold according to their form, and set them in the temple, five on the right hand, and five on the left.
4:8 又造十张桌子放在殿里,五张在右边,五张在左边。又造一百个金碗。
He made also ten tables, and placed them in the temple, five on the right side, and five on the left. And he made an hundred basons of gold.
4:9 又建立祭司院和大院,并院门,用铜包裹门扇。
Furthermore he made the court of the priests, and the great court, and doors for the court, and overlaid the doors of them with brass.
4:10 将海安在殿门的右边,就是南边。
And he set the sea on the right side of the east end, over against the south.
4:11 户兰又造了盆,铲,碗。这样,他为所罗门王作完了神殿的工。
And Huram made the pots, and the shovels, and the basons. And Huram finished the work that he was to make for king Solomon for the house of God;
4:12 所造的就是两根柱子和柱上两个如球的顶,并两个盖柱顶的网子,
To wit, the two pillars, and the pommels, and the chapiters which were on the top of the two pillars, and the two wreaths to cover the two pommels of the chapiters which were on the top of the pillars;
4:13 和四百石榴,安在两个网子上,每网两行盖着两个柱上如球的顶。
And four hundred pomegranates on the two wreaths; two rows of pomegranates on each wreath, to cover the two pommels of the chapiters which were upon the pillars.
4:14 盆座和其上的盆,
He made also bases, and lavers made he upon the bases;
4:15 海和海下的十二只牛,
One sea, and twelve oxen under it.
4:16 盆,铲子,肉锸子,与耶和华殿里的一切器皿,都是巧匠户兰用光亮的铜为所罗门王造成的,
The pots also, and the shovels, and the fleshhooks, and all their instruments, did Huram his father make to king Solomon for the house of the LORD of bright brass.
4:17 是在约旦平原疏割和撒利但中间藉胶泥铸成的。
In the plain of Jordan did the king cast them, in the clay ground between Succoth and Zeredathah.
4:18 所罗门制造的这一切甚多,铜的轻重无法可查。
Thus Solomon made all these vessels in great abundance: for the weight of the brass could not be found out.
4:19 所罗门又造神殿里的金坛和陈设饼的桌子,
And Solomon made all the vessels that were for the house of God, the golden altar also, and the tables whereon the shewbread was set;
4:20 并精金的灯台和灯盏,可以照例点在内殿前。
Moreover the candlesticks with their lamps, that they should burn after the manner before the oracle, of pure gold;
4:21 灯台上的花和灯盏,并腊剪都是金的,且是纯金的。
And the flowers, and the lamps, and the tongs, made he of gold, and that perfect gold;
4:22 又用精金制造镊子,盘子,调羹,火鼎。至于殿门和至圣所的门扇,并殿的门扇,都是金子妆饰的。
And the snuffers, and the basons, and the spoons, and the censers, of pure gold: and the entry of the house, the inner doors thereof for the most holy place, and the doors of the house of the temple, were of gold.
旧约--历代记下(2 Chronicles)--第 5 章
5:1 所罗门作完了耶和华殿的一切工,就把他父大卫分别为圣的金银和器皿都带来,放在神殿的府库里。
Thus all the work that Solomon made for the house of the LORD was finished: and Solomon brought in all the things that David his father had dedicated; and the silver, and the gold, and all the instruments, put he among the treasures of the house of God.
5:2 那时,所罗门将以色列的长老,各支派的首领,并以色列的族长招聚到耶路撒冷,要把耶和华的约柜从大卫城就是锡安运上来。
Then Solomon assembled the elders of Israel, and all the heads of the tribes, the chief of the fathers of the children of Israel, unto Jerusalem, to bring up the ark of the covenant of the LORD out of the city of David, which is Zion.
5:3 于是以色列众人在七月节前都聚集到王那里。
Wherefore all the men of Israel assembled themselves unto the king in the feast which was in the seventh month.
5:4 以色列众长老来到,利未人便抬起约柜。
And all the elders of Israel came; and the Levites took up the ark.
5:5 祭司利未人将约柜运上来,又将会幕和会幕的一切圣器具都带上来。
And they brought up the ark, and the tabernacle of the congregation, and all the holy vessels that were in the tabernacle, these did the priests and the Levites bring up.
5:6 所罗门王和聚集到他那里的以色列全会众都在约柜前献牛羊为祭,多得不可胜数。
Also king Solomon, and all the congregation of Israel that were assembled unto him before the ark, sacrificed sheep and oxen, which could not be told nor numbered for multitude.
5:7 祭司将耶和华的约柜抬进内殿,就是至圣所,放在两个基路伯的翅膀底下。
And the priests brought in the ark of the covenant of the LORD unto his place, to the oracle of the house, into the most holy place, even under the wings of the cherubims:
5:8 基路伯张着翅膀在约柜之上,遮掩约柜和抬柜的杠。
For the cherubims spread forth their wings over the place of the ark, and the cherubims covered the ark and the staves thereof above.
5:9 这杠甚长,杠头在内殿前可以看见,在殿外却不能看见,直到如今还在那里。
And they drew out the staves of the ark, that the ends of the staves were seen from the ark before the oracle; but they were not seen without. And there it is unto this day.
5:10 约柜里惟有两块石版,就是以色列人出埃及后,耶和华与他们立约的时候,摩西在何烈山所放的。除此以外,并无别物。
There was nothing in the ark save the two tables which Moses put therein at Horeb, when the LORD made a covenant with the children of Israel, when they came out of Egypt.
5:11 当时,在那里所有的祭司都已自洁,并不分班供职。
And it came to pass, when the priests were come out of the holy place: (for all the priests that were present were sanctified, and did not then wait by course:
5:12 他们出圣所的时候,歌唱的利未人亚萨,希幔,耶杜顿,和他们的众子众弟兄都穿细麻布衣服,站在坛的东边,敲钹,鼓瑟,弹琴,同着他们有一百二十个祭司吹号。
Also the Levites which were the singers, all of them of Asaph, of Heman, of Jeduthun, with their sons and their brethren, being arrayed in white linen, having cymbals and psalteries and harps, stood at the east end of the altar, and with them an hundred and twenty priests sounding with trumpets:)
5:13 吹号的,歌唱的都一齐发声,声合为一,赞美感谢耶和华。吹号,敲钹,用各种乐器,扬声赞美耶和华说,耶和华本为善,他的慈爱永远长存。那时,耶和华的殿有云充满,
It came even to pass, as the trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the LORD; and when they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of musick, and praised the LORD, saying, For he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever: that then the house was filled with a cloud, even the house of the LORD;
5:14 甚至祭司不能站立供职,因为耶和华的荣光充满了神的殿。
So that the priests could not stand to minister by reason of the cloud: for the glory of the LORD had filled the house of God.
旧约--历代记下(2 Chronicles)--第 6 章
6:1 那时,所罗门说,耶和华曾说他必住在幽暗之处。
Then said Solomon, The LORD hath said that he would dwell in the thick darkness.
6:2 但我已经建造殿宇作你的居所,为你永远的住处。
But I have built an house of habitation for thee, and a place for thy dwelling for ever.
6:3 王转脸为以色列会众祝福,以色列会众就都站立。
And the king turned his face, and blessed the whole congregation of Israel: and all the congregation of Israel stood.
6:4 所罗门说,耶和华以色列的神是应当称颂的。因他亲口向我父大卫所应许的,也亲手成就了。
And he said, Blessed be the LORD God of Israel, who hath with his hands fulfilled that which he spake with his mouth to my father David, saying,
6:5 他说,自从我领我民出埃及地以来,我未曾在以色列众支派中选择一城建造殿宇为我名的居所,也未曾拣选一人作我民以色列的君。
Since the day that I brought forth my people out of the land of Egypt I chose no city among all the tribes of Israel to build an house in, that my name might be there; neither chose I any man to be a ruler over my people Israel:
6:6 但选择耶路撒冷为我名的居所,又拣选大卫治理我民以色列。
But I have chosen Jerusalem, that my name might be there; and have chosen David to be over my people Israel.
6:7 所罗门说,我父大卫曾立意要为耶和华以色列神的名建殿,
Now it was in the heart of David my father to build an house for the name of the LORD God of Israel.
6:8 耶和华却对我父大卫说,你立意要为我的名建殿,这意思甚好。
But the LORD said to David my father, Forasmuch as it was in thine heart to build an house for my name, thou didst well in that it was in thine heart:
6:9 只是你不可建殿,惟你所生的儿子必为我名建殿。
Notwithstanding thou shalt not build the house; but thy son which shall come forth out of thy loins, he shall build the house for my name.
6:10 现在耶和华成就了他所应许的话,使我接续我父大卫坐以色列的国位,是照耶和华所说的,又为耶和华以色列神的名建造了殿。
The LORD therefore hath performed his word that he hath spoken: for I am risen up in the room of David my father, and am set on the throne of Israel, as the LORD promised, and have built the house for the name of the LORD God of Israel.
6:11 我将约柜安置在其中,柜内有耶和华的约,就是他与以色列人所立的约。
And in it have I put the ark, wherein is the covenant of the LORD, that he made with the children of Israel.
6:12 所罗门当着以色列会众,站在耶和华的坛前,举起手来,
And he stood before the altar of the LORD in the presence of all the congregation of Israel, and spread forth his hands:
6:13 所罗门曾造一个铜台,长五肘,宽五肘,高三肘,放在院中。就站在台上,当着以色列的会众跪下,向天举手,
For Solomon had made a brasen scaffold of five cubits long, and five cubits broad, and three cubits high, and had set it in the midst of the court: and upon it he stood, and kneeled down upon his knees before all the congregation of Israel, and spread forth his hands toward heaven,
6:14 说,耶和华以色列的神阿,天上地下没有神可比你的。你向那尽心行在你面前的仆人守约施慈爱。
And said, O LORD God of Israel, there is no God like thee in the heaven, nor in the earth; which keepest covenant, and shewest mercy unto thy servants, that walk before thee with all their hearts:
6:15 向你仆人我父大卫所应许的话现在应验了。你亲口应许,亲手成就,正如今日一样。
Thou which hast kept with thy servant David my father that which thou hast promised him; and spakest with thy mouth, and hast fulfilled it with thine hand, as it is this day.
6:16 耶和华以色列的神阿,你所应许你仆人我父大卫的话说,你的子孙若谨慎自己的行为,遵守我的律法,像你在我面前所行的一样,就不断人坐以色列的国位。现在求你应验这话。
Now therefore, O LORD God of Israel, keep with thy servant David my father that which thou hast promised him, saying, There shall not fail thee a man in my sight to sit upon the throne of Israel; yet so that thy children take heed to their way to walk in my law, as thou hast walked before me.
6:17 耶和华以色列的神阿,求你成就向你仆人大卫所应许的话。
Now then, O LORD God of Israel, let thy word be verified, which thou hast spoken unto thy servant David.
6:18 神果真与世人同住在地上吗。看哪,天和天上的天尚且不足你居住的,何况我所建的这殿呢。
But will God in very deed dwell with men on the earth? behold, heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain thee; how much less this house which I have built!
6:19 惟求耶和华我的神垂顾仆人的祷告祈求,俯听仆人在你面前的祈祷呼吁。
Have respect therefore to the prayer of thy servant, and to his supplication, O LORD my God, to hearken unto the cry and the prayer which thy servant prayeth before thee:
6:20 愿你昼夜看顾这殿,就是你应许立为你名的居所。求你垂听仆人向此处祷告的话。
That thine eyes may be open upon this house day and night, upon the place whereof thou hast said that thou wouldest put thy name there; to hearken unto the prayer which thy servant prayeth toward this place.
6:21 你仆人和你民以色列向此处祈祷的时候,求你从天上你的居所垂听,垂听而赦免。
Hearken therefore unto the supplications of thy servant, and of thy people Israel, which they shall make toward this place: hear thou from thy dwelling place, even from heaven; and when thou hearest, forgive.
6:22 人若得罪邻舍,有人叫他起誓,他来到这殿,在你的坛前起誓,
If a man sin against his neighbour, and an oath be laid upon him to make him swear, and the oath come before thine altar in this house;
6:23 求你从天上垂听,判断你的仆人,定恶人有罪,照他所行的报应在他头上。定义人有理,照他的义赏赐他。
Then hear thou from heaven, and do, and judge thy servants, by requiting the wicked, by recompensing his way upon his own head; and by justifying the righteous, by giving him according to his righteousness.
6:24 你的民以色列若得罪你,败在仇敌面前,又回心转意承认你的名,在这殿里向你祈求祷告,
And if thy people Israel be put to the worse before the enemy, because they have sinned against thee; and shall return and confess thy name, and pray and make supplication before thee in this house;
6:25 求你从天上垂听,赦免你民以色列的罪,使他们归回你赐给他们和他们列祖之地。
Then hear thou from the heavens, and forgive the sin of thy people Israel, and bring them again unto the land which thou gavest to them and to their fathers.
6:26 你的民因得罪你,你惩罚他们,使天闭塞不下雨,他们若向此处祷告,承认你的名,离开他们的罪,
When the heaven is shut up, and there is no rain, because they have sinned against thee; yet if they pray toward this place, and confess thy name, and turn from their sin, when thou dost afflict them;
6:27 求你在天上垂听,赦免你仆人和你民以色列的罪,将当行的善道指教他们,且降雨在你的地,就是你赐给你民为业之地。
Then hear thou from heaven, and forgive the sin of thy servants, and of thy people Israel, when thou hast taught them the good way, wherein they should walk; and send rain upon thy land, which thou hast given unto thy people for an inheritance.
6:28 国中若有饥荒,瘟疫,旱风,霉烂,蝗虫,蚂蚱,或有仇敌犯境,围困城邑,无论遭遇什么灾祸疾病,
If there be dearth in the land, if there be pestilence, if there be blasting, or mildew, locusts, or caterpillers; if their enemies besiege them in the cities of their land; whatsoever sore or whatsoever sickness there be:
6:29 你的民以色列,或是众人,或是一人,自觉灾祸甚苦,向这殿举手,无论祈求什么,祷告什么,
Then what prayer or what supplication soever shall be made of any man, or of all thy people Israel, when every one shall know his own sore and his own grief, and shall spread forth his hands in this house:
6:30 求你从天上你的居所垂听赦免。你是知道人心的,要照各人所行的待他们(惟有你知道世人的心),
Then hear thou from heaven thy dwelling place, and forgive, and render unto every man according unto all his ways, whose heart thou knowest; (for thou only knowest the hearts of the children of men:)
6:31 使他们在你赐给我们列祖之地上一生一世敬畏你,遵行你的道。
That they may fear thee, to walk in thy ways, so long as they live in the land which thou gavest unto our fathers.
6:32 论到不属你民以色列的外邦人,为你的大名和大能的手,并伸出来的膀臂,从远方而来,向这殿祷告,
Moreover concerning the stranger, which is not of thy people Israel, but is come from a far country for thy great name's sake, and thy mighty hand, and thy stretched out arm; if they come and pray in this house;
6:33 求你从天上你的居所垂听,照着外邦人所祈求的而行,使天下万民都认识你的名,敬畏你,像你的民以色列一样,又使他们知道我建造的这殿是称为你名下的。
Then hear thou from the heavens, even from thy dwelling place, and do according to all that the stranger calleth to thee for; that all people of the earth may know thy name, and fear thee, as doth thy people Israel, and may know that this house which I have built is called by thy name.
6:34 你的民若奉你的差遣,无论往何处去与仇敌争战,向你所选择的城与我为你名所建造的殿祷告,
If thy people go out to war against their enemies by the way that thou shalt send them, and they pray unto thee toward this city which thou hast chosen, and the house which I have built for thy name;
6:35 求你从天上垂听他们的祷告祈求,使他们得胜。
Then hear thou from the heavens their prayer and their supplication, and maintain their cause.
6:36 你的民若得罪你(世上没有不犯罪的人),你向他们发怒,将他们交给仇敌掳到或远或近之地。
If they sin against thee, (for there is no man which sinneth not,) and thou be angry with them, and deliver them over before their enemies, and they carry them away captives unto a land far off or near;
6:37 他们若在掳到之地想起罪来,回心转意,恳求你说,我们有罪了,我们悖逆了,我们作恶了。
Yet if they bethink themselves in the land whither they are carried captive, and turn and pray unto thee in the land of their captivity, saying, We have sinned, we have done amiss, and have dealt wickedly;
6:38 他们若在掳到之地尽心尽性归服你,又向自己的地,就是你赐给他们列祖之地和你所选择的城,并我为你名所建造的殿祷告,
If they return to thee with all their heart and with all their soul in the land of their captivity, whither they have carried them captives, and pray toward their land, which thou gavest unto their fathers, and toward the city which thou hast chosen, and toward the house which I have built for thy name:
6:39 求你从天上你的居所垂听你民的祷告祈求,为他们伸冤,赦免他们的过犯。
Then hear thou from the heavens, even from thy dwelling place, their prayer and their supplications, and maintain their cause, and forgive thy people which have sinned against thee.
6:40 我的神阿,现在求你睁眼看,侧耳听在此处所献的祷告。
Now, my God, let, I beseech thee, thine eyes be open, and let thine ears be attent unto the prayer that is made in this place.
6:41 耶和华神阿,求你起来,和你有能力的约柜同入安息之所。耶和华神阿,愿你的祭司披上救恩。愿你的圣民蒙福欢乐。
Now therefore arise, O LORD God, into thy resting place, thou, and the ark of thy strength: let thy priests, O LORD God, be clothed with salvation, and let thy saints rejoice in goodness.
6:42 耶和华神阿,求你不要厌弃你的受膏者,要记念向你仆人大卫所施的慈爱。
O LORD God, turn not away the face of thine anointed: remember the mercies of David thy servant.
旧约--历代记下(2 Chronicles)--第 7 章
7:1 所罗门祈祷已毕,就有火从天上降下来,烧尽燔祭和别的祭。耶和华的荣光充满了殿。
Now when Solomon had made an end of praying, the fire came down from heaven, and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices; and the glory of the LORD filled the house.
7:2 因耶和华的荣光充满了耶和华殿,所以祭司不能进殿。
And the priests could not enter into the house of the LORD, because the glory of the LORD had filled the LORD's house.
7:3 那火降下,耶和华的荣光在殿上的时候,以色列众人看见,就在铺石地俯伏叩拜,称谢耶和华说,耶和华本为善,他的慈爱永远长存。
And when all the children of Israel saw how the fire came down, and the glory of the LORD upon the house, they bowed themselves with their faces to the ground upon the pavement, and worshipped, and praised the LORD, saying, For he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever.
7:4 王和众民在耶和华面前献祭。
Then the king and all the people offered sacrifices before the LORD.
7:5 所罗门王用牛二万二千,羊十二万献祭。这样,王和众民为神的殿行奉献之礼。
And king Solomon offered a sacrifice of twenty and two thousand oxen, and an hundred and twenty thousand sheep: so the king and all the people dedicated the house of God.
7:6 祭司侍立,各供其职。利未人也拿着耶和华的乐器,就是大卫王造出来,藉利未人颂赞耶和华的。(他的慈爱永远长存。)祭司在众人面前吹号,以色列人都站立。
And the priests waited on their offices: the Levites also with instruments of musick of the LORD, which David the king had made to praise the LORD, because his mercy endureth for ever, when David praised by their ministry; and the priests sounded trumpets before them, and all Israel stood.
7:7 所罗门因他所造的铜坛容不下燔祭,素祭,和脂油,便将耶和华殿前院子当中分别为圣,在那里献燔祭和平安祭牲的脂油。
Moreover Solomon hallowed the middle of the court that was before the house of the LORD: for there he offered burnt offerings, and the fat of the peace offerings, because the brasen altar which Solomon had made was not able to receive the burnt offerings, and the meat offerings, and the fat.
7:8 那时所罗门和以色列众人,就是从哈马口直到埃及小河,所有的以色列人都聚集成为大会,守节七日。
Also at the same time Solomon kept the feast seven days, and all Israel with him, a very great congregation, from the entering in of Hamath unto the river of Egypt.
7:9 第八日设立严肃会,行奉献坛的礼七日,守节七日。
And in the eighth day they made a solemn assembly: for they kept the dedication of the altar seven days, and the feast seven days.
7:10 七月二十三日,王遣散众民。他们因见耶和华向大卫和所罗门与他民以色列所施的恩惠,就都心中喜乐,各归各家去了。
And on the three and twentieth day of the seventh month he sent the people away into their tents, glad and merry in heart for the goodness that the LORD had shewed unto David, and to Solomon, and to Israel his people.
7:11 所罗门造成了耶和华殿和王宫。在耶和华殿和王宫凡他心中所要作的,都顺顺利利地作成了。
Thus Solomon finished the house of the LORD, and the king's house: and all that came into Solomon's heart to make in the house of the LORD, and in his own house, he prosperously effected.
7:12 夜间耶和华向所罗门显现,对他说,我已听了你的祷告,也选择这地方作为祭祀我的殿宇。
And the LORD appeared to Solomon by night, and said unto him, I have heard thy prayer, and have chosen this place to myself for an house of sacrifice.
7:13 我若使天闭塞不下雨,或使蝗虫吃这地的出产,或使瘟疫流行在我民中,
If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people;
7:14 这称为我名下的子民,若是自卑,祷告,寻求我的面,转离他们的恶行,我必从天上垂听,赦免他们的罪,医治他们的地。
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
7:15 我必睁眼看,侧耳听在此处所献的祷告。
Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place.
7:16 现在我已选择这殿,分别为圣,使我的名永在其中,我的眼,我的心也必常在那里。
For now have I chosen and sanctified this house, that my name may be there for ever: and mine eyes and mine heart shall be there perpetually.
7:17 你若在我面前效法你父大卫所行的,遵行我一切所吩咐你的,谨守我的律例典章,
And as for thee, if thou wilt walk before me, as David thy father walked, and do according to all that I have commanded thee, and shalt observe my statutes and my judgments;
7:18 我就必坚固你的国位,正如我与你父大卫所立的约,说,你的子孙必不断人作以色列的王。
Then will I stablish the throne of thy kingdom, according as I have covenanted with David thy father, saying, There shall not fail thee a man to be ruler in Israel.
7:19 倘若你们转去丢弃我指示你们的律例诫命,去事奉敬拜别神,
But if ye turn away, and forsake my statutes and my commandments, which I have set before you, and shall go and serve other gods, and worship them;
7:20 我就必将以色列人从我赐给他们的地上拔出根来,并且我为己名所分别为圣的殿也必舍弃不顾,使他在万民中作笑谈,被讥诮。
Then will I pluck them up by the roots out of my land which I have given them; and this house, which I have sanctified for my name, will I cast out of my sight, and will make it to be a proverb and a byword among all nations.
7:21 这殿虽然甚高,将来经过的人必惊讶说,耶和华为何向这地和这殿如此行呢。
And this house, which is high, shall be an astonishment to every one that passeth by it; so that he shall say, Why hath the LORD done thus unto this land, and unto this house?
7:22 人必回答说,是因此地的人离弃耶和华他们列祖的神,就是领他们出埃及地的神,去亲近别神,敬拜事奉他,所以耶和华使这一切灾祸临到他们。
And it shall be answered, Because they forsook the LORD God of their fathers, which brought them forth out of the land of Egypt, and laid hold on other gods, and worshipped them, and served them: therefore hath he brought all this evil upon them.
旧约--历代记下(2 Chronicles)--第 8 章
8:1 所罗门建造耶和华殿和王宫,二十年才完毕了。
And it came to pass at the end of twenty years, wherein Solomon had built the house of the LORD, and his own house,
8:2 以后所罗门重新修筑希兰送给他的那些城邑,使以色列人住在那里。
That the cities which Huram had restored to Solomon, Solomon built them, and caused the children of Israel to dwell there.
8:3 所罗门往哈马琐巴去,攻取了那地方。
And Solomon went to Hamathzobah, and prevailed against it.
8:4 所罗门建造旷野里的达莫,又建造哈马所有的积货城,
And he built Tadmor in the wilderness, and all the store cities, which he built in Hamath.
8:5 又建造上伯和仑,下伯和仑作为保障,都有墙,有门,有闩。
Also he built Bethhoron the upper, and Bethhoron the nether, fenced cities, with walls, gates, and bars;
8:6 又建造巴拉和所有的积货城,并屯车辆马兵的城,与耶路撒冷,黎巴嫩,以及自己治理的全国中所愿意建造的。
And Baalath, and all the store cities that Solomon had, and all the chariot cities, and the cities of the horsemen, and all that Solomon desired to build in Jerusalem, and in Lebanon, and throughout all the land of his dominion.
8:7 至于国中所剩下不属以色列人的赫人,亚摩利人,比利洗人,希未人,耶布斯人,
As for all the people that were left of the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites, which were not of Israel,
8:8 就是以色列人未曾灭绝的,所罗门挑取他们的后裔作服苦的奴仆,直到今日。
But of their children, who were left after them in the land, whom the children of Israel consumed not, them did Solomon make to pay tribute until this day.
8:9 惟有以色列人,所罗门不使他们当奴仆作工,乃是作他的战士,军长的统领,车兵长,马兵长。
But of the children of Israel did Solomon make no servants for his work; but they were men of war, and chief of his captains, and captains of his chariots and horsemen.
8:10 所罗门王有二百五十督工的,监管工人。
And these were the chief of king Solomon's officers, even two hundred and fifty, that bare rule over the people.
8:11 所罗门将法老的女儿带出大卫城,上到为她建造的宫里。因所罗门说,耶和华约柜所到之处都为圣地,所以我的妻不可住在以色列王大卫的宫里。
And Solomon brought up the daughter of Pharaoh out of the city of David unto the house that he had built for her: for he said, My wife shall not dwell in the house of David king of Israel, because the places are holy, whereunto the ark of the LORD hath come.
8:12 所罗门在耶和华的坛上,就是在廊子前他所筑的坛上,与耶和华献燔祭。
Then Solomon offered burnt offerings unto the LORD on the altar of the LORD, which he had built before the porch,
8:13 又遵着摩西的吩咐在安息日,月朔,并一年三节,就是除酵节,七七节,住棚节,献每日所当献的祭。
Even after a certain rate every day, offering according to the commandment of Moses, on the sabbaths, and on the new moons, and on the solemn feasts, three times in the year, even in the feast of unleavened bread, and in the feast of weeks, and in the feast of tabernacles.
8:14 所罗门照着他父大卫所定的例,派定祭司的班次,使他们各供己事,又使利未人各尽其职,赞美耶和华,在祭司面前作每日所当作的。又派守门的按着班次看守各门,因为神人大卫是这样吩咐的。
And he appointed, according to the order of David his father, the courses of the priests to their service, and the Levites to their charges, to praise and minister before the priests, as the duty of every day required: the porters also by their courses at every gate: for so had David the man of God commanded.
8:15 王所吩咐众祭司和利未人的,无论是管府库或办别的事,他们都不违背。
And they departed not from the commandment of the king unto the priests and Levites concerning any matter, or concerning the treasures.
8:16 所罗门建造耶和华的殿,从立根基直到成功的日子,工料俱备。这样,耶和华的殿全然完毕。
Now all the work of Solomon was prepared unto the day of the foundation of the house of the LORD, and until it was finished. So the house of the LORD was perfected.
8:17 那时,所罗门往以东地靠海的以旬迦别和以禄去。
Then went Solomon to Eziongeber, and to Eloth, at the sea side in the land of Edom.
8:18 希兰差遣他的臣仆,将船只和熟悉泛海的仆人送到所罗门那里。他们同着所罗门的仆人到了俄斐,得了四百五十他连得金子,运到所罗门王那里。
And Huram sent him by the hands of his servants ships, and servants that had knowledge of the sea; and they went with the servants of Solomon to Ophir, and took thence four hundred and fifty talents of gold, and brought them to king Solomon.
旧约--历代记下(2 Chronicles)--第 9 章
9:1 示巴女王听见所罗门的名声,就来到耶路撒冷,要用难解的话试问所罗门。跟随她的人甚多,又有骆驼驮着香料,宝石,和许多金子。她来见了所罗门,就把心里所有的对所罗门都说出来。
And when the queen of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon, she came to prove Solomon with hard questions at Jerusalem, with a very great company, and camels that bare spices, and gold in abundance, and precious stones: and when she was come to Solomon, she communed with him of all that was in her heart.
9:2 所罗门将她所问的都答上了,没有一句不明白,不能答的。
And Solomon told her all her questions: and there was nothing hid from Solomon which he told her not.
9:3 示巴女王见所罗门的智慧和他所建造的宫室,
And when the queen of Sheba had seen the wisdom of Solomon, and the house that he had built,
9:4 席上的珍馐美味,群臣分列而坐,仆人两旁侍立,以及他们的衣服装饰,酒政,和酒政的衣服装饰,又见他上耶和华殿的台阶,就诧异得神不守舍,
And the meat of his table, and the sitting of his servants, and the attendance of his ministers, and their apparel; his cupbearers also, and their apparel; and his ascent by which he went up into the house of the LORD; there was no more spirit in her.
9:5 对王说,我在本国里所听见论到你的事和你的智慧实在是真的。
And she said to the king, It was a true report which I heard in mine own land of thine acts, and of thy wisdom:
9:6 我先不信那些话,及至我来亲眼见了,才知道你的大智慧。人所告诉我的,还不到一半。你的实迹越过我所听见的名声。
Howbeit I believed not their words, until I came, and mine eyes had seen it: and, behold, the one half of the greatness of thy wisdom was not told me: for thou exceedest the fame that I heard.
9:7 你的群臣,你的仆人常侍立在你面前听你智慧的话是有福的。
Happy are thy men, and happy are these thy servants, which stand continually before thee, and hear thy wisdom.
9:8 耶和华你的神是应当称颂的。他喜悦你,使你坐他的国位,为耶和华你的神作王。因为你的神爱以色列人,要永远坚立他们,所以立你作他们的王,使你秉公行义。
Blessed be the LORD thy God, which delighted in thee to set thee on his throne, to be king for the LORD thy God: because thy God loved Israel, to establish them for ever, therefore made he thee king over them, to do judgment and justice.
9:9 于是示巴女王将一百二十他连得金子和宝石,与极多的香料送给所罗门王。她送给王的香料,以后再没有这样的。
And she gave the king an hundred and twenty talents of gold, and of spices great abundance, and precious stones: neither was there any such spice as the queen of Sheba gave king Solomon.
9:10 希兰的仆人和所罗门的仆人从俄斐运了金子来,也运了檀香木(或作乌木。下同)和宝石来。
And the servants also of Huram, and the servants of Solomon, which brought gold from Ophir, brought algum trees and precious stones.
9:11 王用檀香木为耶和华殿和王宫作台,又为歌唱的人作琴瑟。犹大地从来没有见过这样的。
And the king made of the algum trees terraces to the house of the LORD, and to the king's palace, and harps and psalteries for singers: and there were none such seen before in the land of Judah.
9:12 所罗门王按示巴女王所带来的,还她礼物,另外照她一切所要所求的,都送给她。于是女王和她臣仆转回本国去了。
And king Solomon gave to the queen of Sheba all her desire, whatsoever she asked, beside that which she had brought unto the king. So she turned, and went away to her own land, she and her servants.
9:13 所罗门每年所得的金子共有六百六十六他连得,
Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred and threescore and six talents of gold;
9:14 另外还有商人所进的金子,并且阿拉伯诸王与属国的省长都带金银给所罗门。
Beside that which chapmen and merchants brought. And all the kings of Arabia and governors of the country brought gold and silver to Solomon.
9:15 所罗门王用锤出来的金子打成挡牌二百面,每面用金子六百舍客勒。
And king Solomon made two hundred targets of beaten gold: six hundred shekels of beaten gold went to one target.
9:16 又用锤出来的金子打成盾牌三百面,每面用金子三百舍客勒,都放在黎巴嫩林宫里。
And three hundred shields made he of beaten gold: three hundred shekels of gold went to one shield. And the king put them in the house of the forest of Lebanon.
9:17 王用象牙制造一个大宝座,用精金包裹。
Moreover the king made a great throne of ivory, and overlaid it with pure gold.
9:18 宝座有六层台阶,又有金脚凳,与宝座相连。宝座两旁有扶手,靠近扶手有两个狮子站立。
And there were six steps to the throne, with a footstool of gold, which were fastened to the throne, and stays on each side of the sitting place, and two lions standing by the stays:
9:19 六层台阶上有十二个狮子站立,每层有两个,左边一个,右边一个。在列国中没有这样作的。
And twelve lions stood there on the one side and on the other upon the six steps. There was not the like made in any kingdom.
9:20 所罗门王一切的饮器都是金的,黎巴嫩林宫里的一切器皿都是精金的。所罗门年间,银子算不了什么。
And all the drinking vessels of king Solomon were of gold, and all the vessels of the house of the forest of Lebanon were of pure gold: none were of silver; it was not any thing accounted of in the days of Solomon.
9:21 因为王的船只与希兰的仆人一同往他施去。他施船只三年一次装载金,银,象牙,猿猴,孔雀回来。
For the king's ships went to Tarshish with the servants of Huram: every three years once came the ships of Tarshish bringing gold, and silver, ivory, and apes, and peacocks.
9:22 所罗门王的财宝与智慧胜过天下的列王。
And king Solomon passed all the kings of the earth in riches and wisdom.
9:23 普天下的王都求见所罗门,要听神赐给他智慧的话。
And all the kings of the earth sought the presence of Solomon, to hear his wisdom, that God had put in his heart.
9:24 他们各带贡物,就是金器,银器,衣服,军械,香料,骡马,每年有一定之例。
And they brought every man his present, vessels of silver, and vessels of gold, and raiment, harness, and spices, horses, and mules, a rate year by year.
9:25 所罗门有套车的马四千棚,有马兵一万二千,安置在屯车的城邑和耶路撒冷,就是王那里。
And Solomon had four thousand stalls for horses and chariots, and twelve thousand horsemen; whom he bestowed in the chariot cities, and with the king at Jerusalem.
9:26 所罗门统管诸王,从大河到非利士地,直到埃及的边界。
And he reigned over all the kings from the river even unto the land of the Philistines, and to the border of Egypt.
9:27 王在耶路撒冷使银子多如石头,香柏木多如高原的桑树。
And the king made silver in Jerusalem as stones, and cedar trees made he as the sycomore trees that are in the low plains in abundance.
9:28 有人从埃及和各国为所罗门赶马群来。
And they brought unto Solomon horses out of Egypt, and out of all lands.
9:29 所罗门其馀的事,自始至终,不都写在先知拿单的书上和示罗人亚希雅的预言书上,并先见易多论尼八儿子耶罗波安的默示书上吗。
Now the rest of the acts of Solomon, first and last, are they not written in the book of Nathan the prophet, and in the prophecy of Ahijah the Shilonite, and in the visions of Iddo the seer against Jeroboam the son of Nebat?
9:30 所罗门在耶路撒冷作以色列众人的王共四十年。
And Solomon reigned in Jerusalem over all Israel forty years.
9:31 所罗门与他列祖同睡,葬在他父大卫城里。他儿子罗波安接续他作王。
And Solomon slept with his fathers, and he was buried in the city of David his father: and Rehoboam his son reigned in his stead.
旧约--历代记下(2 Chronicles)--第 10 章
10:1 罗波安往示剑去,因为以色列人都到了示剑,要立他作王。
And Rehoboam went to Shechem: for to Shechem were all Israel come to make him king.
10:2 尼八的儿子耶罗波安先前躲避所罗门王,逃往埃及,住在那里。他听见这事,就从埃及回来。
And it came to pass, when Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who was in Egypt, whither he had fled from the presence of Solomon the king, heard it, that Jeroboam returned out of Egypt.
10:3 以色列人打发人去请他,他就和以色列众人来见罗波安,对他说,
And they sent and called him. So Jeroboam and all Israel came and spake to Rehoboam, saying,
10:4 你父亲使我们负重轭作苦工,现在求你使我们作的苦工负的重轭轻松些,我们就事奉你。
Thy father made our yoke grievous: now therefore ease thou somewhat the grievous servitude of thy father, and his heavy yoke that he put upon us, and we will serve thee.
10:5 罗波安对他们说,第三日再来见我吧。民就去了。
And he said unto them, Come again unto me after three days. And the people departed.
10:6 罗波安之父所罗门在世的日子,有侍立在他面前的老年人,罗波安王和他们商议,说,你们给我出个什么主意,我好回覆这民。
And king Rehoboam took counsel with the old men that had stood before Solomon his father while he yet lived, saying, What counsel give ye me to return answer to this people?
10:7 老年人对他说,王若恩待这民,使他们喜悦,用好话回覆他们,他们就永远作王的仆人。
And they spake unto him, saying, If thou be kind to this people, and please them, and speak good words to them, they will be thy servants for ever.
10:8 王却不用老年人给他出的主意,就和那些与他一同长大,在他面前侍立的少年人商议,
But he forsook the counsel which the old men gave him, and took counsel with the young men that were brought up with him, that stood before him.
10:9 说,这民对我说,你父亲使我们负重轭,求你使我们轻松些。你们给我出个什么主意,我好回覆他们。
And he said unto them, What advice give ye that we may return answer to this people, which have spoken to me, saying, Ease somewhat the yoke that thy father did put upon us?
10:10 那同他长大的少年人说,这民对王说,你父亲使我们负重轭,求你使我们轻松些。王要对他们如此说,我的小拇指比我父亲的腰还粗。
And the young men that were brought up with him spake unto him, saying, Thus shalt thou answer the people that spake unto thee, saying, Thy father made our yoke heavy, but make thou it somewhat lighter for us; thus shalt thou say unto them, My little finger shall be thicker than my father's loins.
10:11 我父亲使你们负重轭,我必使你们负更重的轭。我父亲用鞭子责打你们,我要用蝎子鞭责打你们。
For whereas my father put a heavy yoke upon you, I will put more to your yoke: my father chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions.
10:12 耶罗波安和众百姓遵着罗波安王所说你们第三日再来见我的那话,第三日他们果然来了。
So Jeroboam and all the people came to Rehoboam on the third day, as the king bade, saying, Come again to me on the third day.
10:13 罗波安王用严厉的话回覆他们,不用老年人所出的主意,
And the king answered them roughly; and king Rehoboam forsook the counsel of the old men,
10:14 照着少年人所出的主意对他们说,我父亲使你们负重轭,我必使你们负更重的轭。我父亲用鞭子责打你们,我要用蝎子鞭责打你们。
And answered them after the advice of the young men, saying, My father made your yoke heavy, but I will add thereto: my father chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions.
10:15 王不肯依从百姓。这事乃出于神,为要应验耶和华藉示罗人亚希雅对尼八儿子耶罗波安所说的话。
So the king hearkened not unto the people: for the cause was of God, that the LORD might perform his word, which he spake by the hand of Ahijah the Shilonite to Jeroboam the son of Nebat.
10:16 以色列众民见王不依从他们,就对王说,我们与大卫有什么分儿呢。与耶西的儿子并没有关涉。以色列人哪,各回各家去吧。大卫家阿,自己顾自己吧。于是,以色列众人都回自己家里去了。
And when all Israel saw that the king would not hearken unto them, the people answered the king, saying, What portion have we in David? and we have none inheritance in the son of Jesse: every man to your tents, O Israel: and now, David, see to thine own house. So all Israel went to their tents.
10:17 惟独住在犹大城邑的以色列人,罗波安仍作他们的王。
But as for the children of Israel that dwelt in the cities of Judah, Rehoboam reigned over them.
10:18 罗波安王差遣掌管服苦之人的哈多兰往以色列人那里去,以色列人就用石头打死他。罗波安王急忙上车,逃回耶路撒冷去了。
Then king Rehoboam sent Hadoram that was over the tribute; and the children of Israel stoned him with stones, that he died. But king Rehoboam made speed to get him up to his chariot, to flee to Jerusalem.
10:19 这样,以色列人背叛大卫家,直到今日。
And Israel rebelled against the house of David unto this day.