Chapter 5 - 作文大全


Chapter 5

来源: 作文大全2023-09-09 19:01:42

Growing appetites troubled their minds;and no eating-house,no wine shop showed itself,the approach of the Prussians and the passage of the troops having frightened away all these industries.

The gentlemen ran to the farms along the way for provisions,but they did not even find bread,for the defiant peasant had concealed his stores for fear of being pillaged by the soldiers who,having nothing to put between their teeth,took by force whatever they discovered.

Toward one o'clock in the afternoon,Loiseau announced that there was a decided hollow in his stomach.Everybody suffered with him,and the violent need of eating,ever increasing,had killed conversation.

From time to time some one yawned;another immediately imitated him;and each,in his turn,in accordance with his character,his knowledge of life, and his social position,opened his mouth with carelessness or modesty,placing his hand quickly before the yawning hole from whence issued a vapor.

Ball-of-Fat,after many attempts,bent down as if seeking something under her skirts.She hesitated a second,looked at her neighbors,then sat up again tranquilly.The faces were pale and drawn.Loiseau affirmed that he would give a thousand francs for a small ham.His wife made a gesture,as if in protest;but she kept quiet.She was always troubled when anyone spoke of squandering money,and could not comprehend any pleasantry on the subject.“The fact is,”said the Count,“I cannot understand why I did not think to bring some provisions with me.”Each reproached him-self in the same way.

However,Cornudet had a flask full of rum.He offered it;it was refused coldly.Loiseau alone accepted two swallows,and then passed back the flask saying,by way of thanks:“It is good all the same;it is warming and checks the appetite.”The alcohol put him in good-humor and he proposed that they do as they did on the little ship in the song,eat the fattest of the passengers.This indirect allusion to Ball-of-Fat choked the well-bred people.They said nothing.Cornudet alone laughed.The two good sisters had ceased to mumble their rosaries and,with their hands enfolded in their great sleeves,held themselves immovable,obstinately lowering their eyes,without doubt offering to Heaven the suffering it had brought upon them.

Finally at three o'clock,when they found them-selves in the midst of an interminable plain,without a single village in sight,Ball-of-Fat bending down quickly drew from under the seat a large basket covered with a white napkin.

At first she brought out a little china plate and a silver cup;then a large dish in which there were two whole chickens,cut up and imbedded in their own

fruits,and sweetmeats,provisions for three days if they should not see the kitchen of an inn.Four necks of bottles were seen among the packages of food.She took a wing of a chicken and began to eat it delicately,with one of those little biscuits called“Regence”in Normandy.

All looks were turned in her direction.Then the odor spread,enlarging the nostrils and making the mouth water,besides causing a painful contraction of the jaw behind the ears.The scorn of the women for this girl became ferocious,as if they had a desire to kill her and throw her out of the carriage into the snow,her,her silver cup,her basket,provisions and all.

But Loiseau with his eyes devoured the dish of chicken.He said:“Fortunately Madame had more pre-caution than we.There are some people who know how to think ahead always.”

She turned toward him,saying:“If you would like some of it,sir?It Is hard to go without breakfast so long.”

He saluted her and replied:“Faith,I frankly can-not refuse;I can stand it no longer.Everything goes in time of war,does it not,Madame?”And then casting a comprehensive glance around,he added:“In moments like this,one can but be pleased to find people who are obliging.

He had a newspaper which he spread out on his knees,that no spot might come to his pantaloons,and upon the point of a knife that he always carried in his pocket,he took up a leg all glistening with jelly,put it between his teeth and masticated it with a satisfaction so evident that there ran through the carriage a great sigh of distress.

Then Ball-of-Fat,in a sweet and humble voice,proposed that the two sisters partake of her collation They both accepted instantly and,without raising their eyes,began to eat very quickly,after stammering their thanks.Cornudet no longer refused the offers of his neighbor,and they formed with the sisters a sort of table,by spreading out some newspapers upon their knees.

The mouths opened and shut without ceasing, they masticated,swallowed,gulping ferociously.Loiseau in his corner was working hard and,in a low voice,was trying to induce his wife to follow his example.She resisted for a long time;then,when a drawn sensation ran through her body,she yielded.Her husband,rounding his phrase,asked their“charming companion”if he might be allowed to offer a little piece to Madame Loiseau.

She replied:“Why,yes,certainly,sir,”with an amiable smile,as she passed the dish.

An embarrassing thing confronted them when they opened the first bottle of Bordeaux:they had but one cup.Each passed it after having tasted.Cornudet alone,for politeness without doubt,placed his lips at the spot left humid by his fair neighbor.

Then,surrounded by people eating,suffocated by the odors of the food,the Count and Countess de Breville,as well as Madame and M.Carré-Lamadon,were suffering that odious torment which has preserved the name of Tantalus.Suddenly the young wife of the manufacturer gave forth such a sigh that all heads were turned in her direction;she was as white as the snow without;her eyes closed,her head drooped;she had lost consciousness Her husband,much excited,implored the help of everybody.Each lost his head completely,until the elder of the two sisters,holding the head of the sufferer,slipped Ball-of-Fat's cup between her lips and forced her to swallow a few drops of wine.The pretty little lady revived,opened her eyes,smiled,and declared in a dying voice that she felt very well now.But,in order that the attack might not return,the sister urged her to drink a full glass of Bordeaux,and added:“It is just hunger,nothing more.”