第19节 - 作文大全



来源: 作文大全2023-09-10 16:14:36
导读: "OurHemstoldustheywantedtoworkinaplacethatwassafe,sothechangesneededtomakesense...

 "Our Hems told us they wanted to work in a place that was safe, so the changes needed to make sense to them and increase their sense of security. When they realized the real danger of not changing, some of them changed and did well. Our vision helped us turn many of our Hems into Haws."


"What did you do with the Hems who didn't change'?" Frank wanted to know.


"We had to let them go," Michael said sadly. "We wanted to keep all our employees, but we knew if our business didn't change quickly enough, we would all be in trouble."


Then he said, "The good news is that while our Haws were initially hesitant, they were open-minded enough to learn something new, act differently, and adapt in time to help us succeed.


"They came to expect change and actively look for it. Because they understood human nature, they helped us paint a realistic vision of New Cheese that made good sense to practically everyone.


"They told us they wanted to work in an organization that gave people the confidence and tools to change. And they helped us keep our sense of humor as we went after our New Cheese."


Richard commented, "You got all that from a little story?"


Michael smiled. "It wasn't the story, but what we did differently based on what we took from it."


Angela admitted, "I'm a little bit like Hem, so for me, the most powerful part of the story was when Hem laughed at his fear and went on to paint a picture in his mind, where he saw himself enjoying 'New Cheese'. It made going into the Maze less fearful and more enjoyable. And he eventually got a better deal. That's what I want to do more often."


Frank grinned. "So even Hems can sometimes see the advantage of changing."


Carlos laughed. "Like the advantage of keeping their jobs."


Angela added, "Or even getting a good raise."


Richard, who had been frowning during the discussion, said, "My manager's been telling me our company needs to change. I think what she's really telling me is that I need to, but I haven't wanted to hear it. I guess I never really knew what the 'New Cheese' was that she was trying to move us to. Or how I could gain from it."


A slight smile crossed Richard's face as he said, "I must admit I like this idea of seeing 'New Cheese' and imagining yourself enjoying it. It lightens everything up. When you see how it can make things better, you get more interested in making the change happen.


"Maybe I could use this in my personal life," he added. "My children seem to think that nothing in their lives should ever change. I guess they're acting like Hem -- they're angry. They're probably afraid of what the future holds. Maybe I haven't painted a realistic picture of 'New Cheese' for them. Probably because I don't see it myself."
