I always do homework on Sundays and Ioften go for a walk on Sundays.
I sometimes clean my room on Saturdays.
I sometimes go shopping on the weekend.
I never take a dancing class on the weekend.
I always wash clothes with my mum on the weekend.
I usually go for a walk with my mum on the weekend.
I never take a dancing class on the weekend.
I often clean my room on Saturdays.
I sometimes go shopping with my mum on the weekend.
I always go shopping with my mother on the weekend.
I sometimes clean my room on the weekend.
I often do homework and watch TV on Saturdays.
I often read books on Sundays.
I often play computer on Fridays.
I often play basketball on the weekend.
I often play [ing-pong with Wang Yang on the weekend.
I often read books on Sundays.