小学五年级日记:Our Playground is different - 作文大全


小学五年级日记:Our Playground is different

来源: 作文大全2023-10-22 13:38:36
作文标题: Our Playground is different
关键词: Playground 小学五年级
本文适合: 小学五年级

本日记是关于小学五年级的日记,题目为:《Our Playground is different》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。

Lingling: I have been out of our school for two months. Does our school look different now?(我已经离开学校两个月了。我们学校看起来有什么不同吗?)

Xiaoxue: Yes, it does. Our school's sports field is different.(是的,我们学校的操场不一样了。)

Qiqi: There wasn't a football playground here before. (以前这里没有足球场。)

Lingling: There was only a basketball playground. Look, there's a swimming pool, too.(以前只有一个篮球场。看,还有一个游泳池。)

Xiaoxue: There wasn't a swimming pool here before! There is one now.(以前这里没有游泳池,现在有一个了。)

Qiqi: There are some life-buoies, too.(还有一些救生圈。)

Xiaoxue: Do you like our sports field now?(你们喜欢我们的操场吗?)

Lingling: Yes, I do. We can swim here.(是的,我们可以在这里游泳了。)

Qiqi: We couldn't before. There wasn't a swimming pool!(我们以前可不行,那时候可没游泳池。)

Xiaoxue: Then let's go to swimming.(那么让我们去游泳吧。)

Lingling & Qiqi: Great!(好主意!)