小学三年级作文1200字:一个坏校长 - 作文大全



来源: 作文大全2023-11-06 10:51:00
导读:作文标题:一个坏校长关 键 词:校长小学三年级1200字字    数:1200字作文本文适合:小学三年级作文网提示:我爱这个网站,因为这个作文网站是大家的,因为...
作文标题: 一个坏校长
关 键 词: 校长 小学三年级 1200字
字    数: 1200字作文
本文适合: 小学三年级



A Bad Principal Taught Me a Good Lesson     She stood at the front of the room, hands on hips, and faced us all as if we were *ers. "Keep in mind that I'm the boss," she said. "You will do as you are told, and if you don't, I'll make your lives miserable!"   她站在教室前面,两手插着腰,像看囚犯一样地看着我们,“记住,我是你们的老板,”她说,“你们想日子好过的话,就乖乖照我说的去做,否则,别怪我不客气!
”      This was first faculty meeting of the year, as a new teacher my first ever, and this woman was my principal.   这就是老师第一天开教务会时的情景,而这个女人就是我的校长。      Fresh out of college, I had accepted the position of kindergarten teacher at a public school. The principal arrived at the same time. From day one, she made it clear that it was time for some changes. Instructors with seniority were dismissed, and quickly replaced with the new principal's close friends. An elderly teacher with a physical disability was moved upstairs to a new classroom. When she asked if she could return to her former room, the principal replied, "Deal with it." Upset, the staff began to complain, but nothing changed. New and inexperienced, I decided to keep my mouth shut.   大学刚毕业,我就应聘到这家公立幼儿园里当老师,校长也是新来的。开学第一天她就明确表示要实施一些改革措施。一些有资历的老师被解雇,取代他们的是新校长的熟人。一位腿脚不灵便的老教师被调到了楼上的教室上课,当她问校长是否能把她调回原来的课室上课时,校长回答说:“就这么决定了!
” 那教师觉得很委屈,可她的抱怨根本无济于事。想着自己是新来的,又没有什么经验,我决定对一切都缄口不言。
    Young, vulnerable, and reluctant to stand up for myself, I was the perfect victim. While everyone labored under the tension, by my second year it became a personal battle. She was out to get me. Her first hostile action was to move me, without cause, to a different classroom in a noisy, high-traffic area. When I told her that parents had protested that this environment interfered with the children's learning, she lashed out, "You're staying exactly where you are, and you'd better deal with the parents, because I won't!"   这样一来,年轻、软弱、不敢坚持自己立场的我就成了绝佳的牺牲品。尽管大家都在她的高压下战战兢兢地干活,但到了第二年的时候,慢慢就演变成了一种私人恩怨。她专门找我的茬儿。她的敌意首先表现在课室的编排上,无缘无故地她把我的课室安排在吵闹的高速公路旁。我向她转达了家长的意见,因为那样会影响孩子们的学习。然而,她却生气地嚷着说:“你就给我在那间教室里呆着,家长的事你自己搞掂,总之我是不会出面的!
”     She would yell at me in front of my colleagues. "Can't you do things right?" "You're still a baby wearing diapers." "Come down from the clouds." "You're too much of a dreamer." She never missed an opportunity to humiliate me.   她还会当着其他同事的面冲我大喊大叫,“你怎么老做错呢?” “你以为你自己还小啊!
要我帮你换尿布吗?” “别老魂不守舍的。” “你简直是白日做梦!
” 总之一有机会,她都会百般地羞辱我。      In my third

