我的暑假生活英语作文30字单词 - 作文大全



来源: 作文大全2023-11-22 17:02:00



  Holiday, I went to the happy valley, green expo garden... I did Chinese, maths vacation homework. I still every day and her mother read a book, practice calligraphy, play with toys, cycling, play badminton and jump rope.

  I feel the most meaningful thing is sports, such as cycling, every morning I go to the small road cycling. As long as it is to ride a bike, I always ride too early. In addition to cycling than my mother and I also play badminton, running.


  This year's summer vacation, my whole family went to a lot of fun and interesting places to play, we went to purdue village, Beijing amusement park, military museum... Such fun and interesting place, I feel happy time always soon, this year's summer vacation I had a very happy, so happy I will feel light always pass quickly.


  This is a most significant summer vacation, this is one of the most fulfilling summer vacation. In this summer vacation. I paid a hard work, harvest the fruits of happiness. Become the I grew up in an indelible memory.

  This summer holiday, I insist to get up at six every morning running. Time is long, the body also becomes stronger. And, in this period of time, I I always fell more troubling problem, that is the problem to ride a bike.


  This summer vacation in addition to finish the "summer vacation" and the teacher summer vacation homework, I study English every morning, read, write the words, sentences memorizing words. I learned a lot of English words and some simple sentences, I can be a lot of harvest!

  My sister and I went to the bookstore to buy the "Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale", Chinese extracurricular reading practice and maths exercise books. I finish all the extracurricular practice as planned, you see I'm busy!


  One day in this year's summer vacation, my mother said to me, smiles on "today we climb distance WenMing qingcheng mountain!" "Good! Good!" I am pleased to jumped up, you know, qingcheng mountain but I dream of yearning.

  Today ——a dream come true!【作文网 zw.liuxue86.com】

  Said go go, hey! How time flies, in a short time I was saw the mountainous peaks, and after a while, I saw a memorial arch. I'll tell you what, the appearance of the monument is very strange, like a mountain glyph. Went up like a mountain, in the middle of the two next to the "hill" side as it's right-hand man. Two "hill" on the hang up a taiji eight diagrams, a see will know that this is a sacred place of Taoism. Arch hanging in the middle of a big brand, with several big word "qingcheng mountain".

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