高中高三作文7950字:解读高考独白听力 - 作文大全



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导读:作文标题:解读高考独白听力关 键 词:高考独白高中高三7950字字    数:7950字作文本文适合:高中高三作文网提示:我们欢迎所有使用和拷贝我们的作文,只需...
作文标题: 解读高考独白听力
关 键 词: 高考 独白 高中高三 7950字
字    数: 7950字作文
本文适合: 高中高三



解读独白听力   高考听力测试中的独白部分主要考查考生对短文听力的把握能力。一段独白配置3~4道问题, 有的针对独白的细节, 有的针对对独白的整体把握。   独白的难度比对话大, 首先是因为独白的信息量比较大(每篇独白大约150~300个词), 是对话的几倍甚至十几倍。其次, 由于独白具有鲜明的英文写作的特点, 在语法和句子结构的难度上都有所加深。同时独白的内容广泛, 题材丰富, 所以要求应试者不仅要有较高的理解能力, 而且要熟悉英文写作的特点, 有较宽的知识面。   独白和对话各有自己的规律和特点:   1 对话主要是考查情景会话中对语意的理解; 独白主要是考查对文章大意及重要细节的理解。   2 对话中每道题的内容是独立的; 而每篇独白后的几个问题有一定的联系, 往往是某一主题的几个方面。   3 对话中暗示题比较多, 需要经过推理、 联想、 计算和判断, 才能得出正确的答案; 独白主要是考听和记, 虽然有时需要概括全文的中心思想, 但只要听懂大意, 记住主要细节, 就可以选择正确的答案。   4 对同样的提问, 独白和对话回答的要求有时不同。例如where问句, 对话要求判断对话的场所, 而独白则要求直接回答独白中出现的地点。   因此, 除了对话部分的某些听力技巧也适用于独白外, 根据独白的特点, 还有一些规律可循。本章将从四个方面介绍独白的解题技巧。      【例11   Good morning, everybody This time I’ll read a letter to you   Dear Lucy,   Christmas is ing soon The radio station is playing Christmas music, and the stores are very busy People are doing their Christmas shopping Many families have Christmas trees in their homes already We are going to buy our tree a few days before Christmas   At this time of the year, we make or buy presents for our families I am going to buy a record for my elder brother He listens to music all the time I am going to make a toy for my little brother   Our family is usually together on Christmas Day My elder brother lives in another town, but he always drives his car here Last year, however, he didn?蒺t e because it was snowing very hard and the roads were too dangerous We all felt sad   I hope we are going to be together again this year My elder brother is going to arrive before Christmas Eve Then we are going to put up the tree in the living room and put the presents under the tree We won’t open them until Christmas morning   Do you celebrate Christmas in your country? Write soon   Yours,   Elizabeth   这封信明显在讲述圣诞的活动。同学都对西方传统节日圣诞节非常熟悉, 相信抓住这篇文章的关键并不难。联想在听力测验中十分重要, 如果在听时紧张, 主要内容没有记住, 也不要着急, 联想一下自己过圣诞时的场景, 必定会有所收获。   1 What are the people busy with before Christmas?    A Doing Christmas shopping    B Calling on their friends    C Doing general cleanings   2 What is Elizabeth going to buy for her elder brother?    A A record B A watch C A toy   3 Why did Elizabeth feel sorry for Christmas last year?    A She was ill    B Her elder brother didn’t e    C She didn’t get any presents   4 Who do you think Elizabeth is writing to?    A Her brother B A classmate C A pen friend   [答案] A A B C   从上例我们可以发现故事题材具有如下主要特点:   1) 经常将不定的时间, 或虚构的、 不确定的人物置于故事的开头, 考生听到开头的一两句话, 便可确定文章的题材为故事。   2) 经常通过人物的语言来交代事情的经过、 情节的发展和人物的思想活动。这些语言对理解故事的情节和人物的思想感情起了很重要的作用, 因此也就常常成为考查与提问的重点。   3) 故事不仅仅向听者讲述已经发生的事情, 更重要的是通过丰富的想像力和一些不同寻常的情节给人留下风趣幽默和耐人寻味之处, 这就是故事的内涵, 也常常是最后一个问题的提问内容。 短对话练习——Short Dialogue   Unit 1   1 Who wants to go into the town?   A Fred B Joan C Both   2 What does the man want the woman to open?   A A bag B A knife C A door   3 How often does Mary water the garden?   A Twice a week B Every day C Every two days   4 where does the man want to go?   A The zoo B The park C The lake   5 What does the woman mean?   A She has already been to the concert   B Betty is asking her to the concert   C The man could go with Betty   6 What is the woman doing?   A She’s calling the taxi   B She is telephoning a pany   C She is looking for a man   7where is Joe?   A In the classroom B In the teachers’ office C At home   8 What is the woman doing?   A She’s giving a surprising party   B She’s preparing a birthday party   C She’s giving Tom a surprise   9 Why did the man have a country house?   A He bought a new house in the downtown   B He built the country house with his own hand   C He used to live in the country   10 What does the man mean?   A What the woman said is true in fact   B He thinks the woman can be pleased easily   C He thinks the woman is too particular about her clothes   11 where does the talk take place?   A At the man’s house   B At the woman’s house   C In a restaurant   12 Who is the manager?   A The woman B Mrs Clark C Mr Brown   13 Why are they in such a hurry?   A They are going to catch a plane   B They are going to catch a train   C They are going to catch a ship   14 How many people are working for Mr Jackson?   A Two B Three C Five   15 What’s the weather like now?   A It’s fine B It’s windy C It’s going to rain   16 What is in the bottle?   A Some wine B Some water C Some medicine   17 How many suitcases does the woman have?   A Three B Two C One   18 What does the man e for?   A He es to say goodbye   B He es to visit his friend   C He es to invite the woman   19 What has the man decided to do?   A To go to the office   B To spend the weekend   C To attend an English Evening   20What’s the time now in New York?   A Five pm B Eleven am C Eleven pm 长对话练习——Long Dialogue   Unit 1   Dialogue 1   1 Why did the woman go out when the others were enjoying themselves?   A She wanted to have something to read   B She wanted to look at the lights   C She wanted to think of her past   2 What can we learn about the woman?   A She worked hard and got success   B She still lives a very hard life   C She will leave the city very soon   Dialogue 2   3 How many places has Mary been to?   A One B Two C Three   4 How many days did she spend on the trip?   A Fourteen B Twelve C Ten   Dialogue 3   5 where are they?   A In an airport B In a railway station C At a bus stop   6 Who goes on board first?   A The man B The woman C Both of them   7 What does the man worry about?   A The weather B The safety C The woman   Dialogue 4   8 What is the man going to do?   A Changing some US dollars   B Changing some UK pounds   C Changing some HK dollars   9 What is the exchange rate?   A 100 American dollars to 72 pounds   B 700 American dollars to 405 pounds   C 700 American dollars to 400 pounds   10How much does the man want to change?   A $700 B $400 C $500   11 What kind of notes does he want?   A 20, 5 and small changes   B 100,50 and small changes   C 100 and small changes   Dialogue 5   12 What day will the day after tomorrow be?   A Friday B Saturday C Sunday   13 How many times has the man been to the Summer Palace?   A Only once B Twice C Three times   Dialogue 6   14 How many days will the man be away from home?   A Several days B Two weeks C Ten days   15 What does the sentence “I’ll ring you up” mean?   A I’Il ring the bell   B I’ll get the ring up   C I’ll give you a ring   Dialogue 7   16 where is Tom going?   A Home B The supermarket C France   17 What is Bob going to do?   A He’s going to help the woman   B He’ s going to find a job   C He’s going to make some money   18 Who needs to make some money?   A Tom B Mary C Bob 录音原文   短对话——Short Dialogue   Unit 1   1 M: Hi, Joan, will you go into the town any time soon?   W: Sorry, Fred, I wasn’t planning to But if you need to go, I can take you   2 M: Would you open this one, and see what’s in it, please?   W: Nothing except some knives and rubbers   3 M: Hi, Mary, watering the garden again?   W: Hi I do it every other day at this time   4 M: We will go to the zoo There are a lot of lovely animals there   W: I prefer to go to the park There we can take a boat   5 M: Could I get a ride with you to the concert tonight?   W: I can’t go, but you might ask Betty I think she’s leaving around 7:30   6 W: Taxi! Taxi!   M: Can I help you, Madam?   7 W: Excuse me, do you know where Joe is?   M: Joe? He has gone to the teachers’ office   8 W: Surprise! Surprise! Happy birthday, Tom   M: What? Today is my birthday? Ah, yes Today is my birthday Thank you for remembering it e on in   9 W: where do you live?   M: I am living in the downtown now, but I used to live in the country We have a country house there   10 W: Well, the size of the shirt fits me But I don’t think the color suits me   M: It seems to me that you are very hard to please   11 M: I’ m sorry, but I really must go now Thank you very much for the delicious meal   W: I’m glad you enjoy it Thank you for ing Please drop in when you have time   12 W: Nice to meet you This is our manager, Mr Brown This is Mrs Clark   M: How do you do? Wele to   13 W: Would you drive a little fast?   M: All right But the traffic is heavy Don’ t worry You can catch your train   14W: Hi, Mr Jackson! How many people are working for you?   M: I have two here and three in the workshop   15M: What a fine day!   W: Yes, it is But it’s going to rain according to the weather forecast   16 M: What’s in the bottle?   W: Some cold soda water   17 W: Would you take me to the railway station? I’ll take the 11:45 train   M: Hurry up It’s nearly the time Are those two suitcases yours?   18 M: I e here to tell you I’m off on Sunday   W: So soon? When will you be back?   19W: What are you plans for the weekend, Robert?   M: The class is having an English Evening at Long Lake   20W: Joe, do you know what time it is right now in New York?   M: Let me see It is five pm now and New York is six hours behind   长对话——Long dialogue   Unit 1   Dialogue1   M: What are you doing out here alone?   W: Just looking at the lights I like to look at the city at night   M: Everybody’s standing around the piano and singing Don’t you want to join us?   W: I’ d rather stay out here for a few minutes Look down there where I’ m pointing   M:I don’t see anything special   W: That’s where I used to live when I was a child   M: What kind of neighborhood was it?   W: A very poor one Everybody was supposed to work hard and end up with a house in the outer area of the city   M: But you’ve ended up with a flat in the sky   W: Yes I don’ t want to lose it   Dialogue2   M: Hi, Mary   W: Hi, Tom Nice to see you again How was your holiday? Did you stay at home or did you go away?   M:I t to Chicago for a week, New York for three days, and Washington DC for four days   W: Oh, you have been to so many good places   Dialogue 3   M: Now, let’s get on board   W: After you   M: Here is your seat   W: Oh, it’s by the window I’ll be able to see the whole city below   M: Shall we have a safe journey?   W: Yes The weather forecast promises us good flying weather So we needn’t worry about it   Dialogue 4   W: What can I do for you?   M: I’d like to change some US dollars, please   W: Cash or check?   M: Cash What’ s the rate of exchange?   W: The rate is 100 American dollars to 72 pounds How much do you want to change?   M: 700 American dollars Oh, just a moment Here you are   W: Thank you That es to 504 pounds How do you like it?   M: Could I have 400 in tties, and the rest in fives and small changes, please?   W: Here you are   M: Thank you   Dialogue 5   M: What day is today?   W: It’s Friday   M: How time flies! Tomorrow will be Saturday!   W: I’m going to the Summer Palace the day after tomorrow Have you ever been there?   M: I’ve been there twice The lake there is beautiful I hope I will go there once more   Dialogue 6   M: I wonder if you could take care of my dog for a few days when I’ m away   W: How many days?   M: Two weeks from today   W: Let me think it over, and I’ll ring you up later   Dialogue 7   W: where are you going, Tom?   M: I’ m going home, and where are you going, Mary?   W: We are going to the supermarket   M: What are you going to do there?   W: Bob is going to help me to find a job   M: Really? Why?   W: Because l m going to make some money for a trip to France   M: That’s a good idea Good luck   W: We’ve to go, see you again   M: See you soon 高考英语听力模拟训练试题(一)   第一节   听下面5段对话。每段对话后有1个小题, 从题中所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置上。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。   1 On which day doesn't the woman like to go to the zoo?    A On Fridays B On Sundays C On Saturdays   2 What is the man used to?    A He is used to wearing no hat    B He is used to going out on a cold winter day    C He is used to being done harm to   3 How many children are there in the classroom?    A Seven B Five C Twelve   4 where does this conversation take place?    A At a restaurant B At the theater C At the station   5 How long will the boy be away from school?    A It's uncertain B For two days C For a week   第二节   听下面5段对话或短文。每段对话或短文后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置上。听每段对话或短文前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟; 听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或短文读两遍。   听第1段材料, 回答第6~8题:   6 where does the woman want to go?    A The post office B The cinema C A park   7 Who can answer the woman's question?    A The man with a beard    B The man with a mustache    C The man with a bottle of beer   8 where is the man standing?    A By the post office B By the lamppost C By the mail box   听第2段材料, 回答第9~11题:   9 How many days has the man got for his vacation?    A 25 days B 10 days C 15 days   10 What's the main purpose of the man's going to Hawaii with his family?    A To climb mountains    B To go fishing and swimming    C To have a rest   11 Where's the woman going this summer?    A Africa B Europe C America   听第3段材料, 回答第12~14题:   12 Which room is cheaper?    A The inside room with a bath    B The outside room with a bath    C The outside room without a bath   13 How long does the man plan to stay?    A One night B Two nights C One week   14 What's the room number?    A Room 508 B Room 509 C Room 709   听第4段材料, 回答第15~17题:   15 where was George yesterday?    A At his usual place    B In the newspaper office    C At home   16 Why did the woman call George?    A To ask him to a concert    B To go on a holiday with him    C To invite him to dinner at home   17 where did George see Mary?    A At the office B At the concert C In his sister's room   听第5段材料, 回答第18~20题:   18 How many people are killed in Great Britain every year?    A Several thousand B Several hundred C 100,000 to 200,000   19 What happened to the cyclist on Monday evening?    A He was knocked down by a truck    B He saw a car accident    C He saved some children in the accident   20 What should we do before crossing the road?    A We must look straight ahead    B We must stop and look both ways    C We should look left, look right and look left again 高考模拟试题(一)文字答案   第一节   1 M: Do you like to go to the zoo on Sundays?    W: Yes, I like to go to the zoo, but not on Sundays, because it's always so crowded How about going on a Friday or Saturday?   2 W: You should have known that it might do you harm if you don't cover your head on such a cold winter day    M: It doesn't matter I am used to it   3 W: Are there any children in the classroom?    M: Yes, seven are reading at their desks and five are playing on the floor   4 M: How about my food? I've been sitting here for almost half an hour    W: I'm sorry, sir It must be ready by now   5 M: How long will I have to stay out of school?    W: That depends You still have a fever Let me feel your forehead   第二节   Ⅰ Q6~8    W: Excuse me, but could you tell me the way to the cinema, please?    M: No I'm sorry I can't I'm a stranger in these parts But why don't you ask that man with a beard? He'll be able to tell you I'm sure    W: Which one do you mean?    M: Look, the one over there, by the lamppost    W: Ah, yes I can see him now Thank you very much    M: Not at all   Ⅱ Q9~11    W: When are you going to take your vacation?    M: I've got a ten-day vacation starting from July 25    W: where are you going?    M: Hawaii    W: That sounds like a good place Is your whole family going?    M: Yes, we plan to climb the mountains, go fishing and swimming, but most of all, have a good rest My wife is taking a whole lot of books to read    W: Your children must be all excited about it    M: Yes, they are They are already crossing off the days on the calendar Are you going to Europe again this summer?    W: No, not this time We are going to visit some old friends in Egypt    M: Are you going by ship or taking a flight?    W: Going by air   Ⅲ Q12~14    M: I'd like a single room for tonight, please    W: Yes, sir Have you booked a room?    M: I'm sorry I haven't    W: Let me see With or without a bath?    M: I'd prefer a room with a bath    W: We have an inside room with a bath on the 5th floor If you prefer an outside room, it's on the 7th floor, but without a bath    M: How much are they?    W: The room with a bath is seventy dollars and the one without is fifty dollars The rate is cheaper by the week    M: Thanks, but I'm planning to stay only overnight I'll take the room with a bath What time do I have to check out?    W: Eleven o'clock, sir Will you please write down your name here? The bellboy will take your bags and show you your room, which is 509 Here is the key   Ⅳ Q15~17    W: Hello, George! I wanted to speak to you yesterday, but you weren't at your usual place for lunch    M: No, I had a free day from the newspaper office because I worked so much overtime last week    W: Oh, I see You had a holiday    M: Well, I stayed at home and looked after the baby    W: What? You took care of the baby? Whose baby?    M: Oh, it was my sister's baby She wanted to go shopping in the morning So I stayed at home and did a lot of things    W: Oh?    M: Yes I mended my radio, washed a shirt and some socks and cleaned out the drawers of my desk    W: I don't call that a holiday I wanted to ask you to a concert last night The one at the Tom Hall near where we lived    M: That's funny! My office called me in the afternoon and asked me to go and write an article about the concert I noticed that you weren't there; but your friend Mary was    W: Was she indeed? That's very strange   Ⅴ Q18~20   Each year several thousand people are killed on the roads in Great Britain Every year between 100,000 and 200,000 people are injured or killed in road accidents If you are in England and if you listen to the eight o'clock news from the BBC, you will often hear news of road accidents You may hear something like this: “On Monday evening last, at about tty minutes to ten, a cyclist was knocked down by a truck at the crossing of Oak Road and High Street in Groydon The cyclist has died from his injuries Anyone who saw the accident please municate with New Scotland Yard The telephone number for White Hall is one two, one two” Accidents are often caused by carelessness If everybody obeys the rules, the roads will be much safer How can we make the roads safer? In Great Britain traffic keeps to the left Motorcars, trucks, buses and bikes must all keep to the left side of the road In most other countries traffic keeps to the right Before crossing the road, stop and look both ways Look right, look left, and look right again Then, if you are sure that the road is clear, that there is nothing ing, it is safe to cross the road If you see small children, or very old people, or blind people waiting to cross the road, it is a kind act to help them to cross the road safely We must teach young children to cross the road safely We must always give them a good example Small children shouldn't play in the street

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