高中高二作文200字:I don't like weekend - 作文大全


高中高二作文200字:I don't like weekend

来源: 作文大全2024-02-11 12:19:06
导读:作文标题:Idon'tlikeweekend关 键 词:高中高二200字字    数:200字作文本文适合:高中高二作文网提示:本文来源于网络,作文网仅作编辑整...
作文标题: I don't like weekend
关 键 词: 高中高二 200字
字    数: 200字作文
本文适合: 高中高二


本作文是关于高中高二200字的作文,题目为:《I don't like weekend》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。

Summer holiday is coming.Today is Saturday.I thinks I will have a good time today.But...My cousin came to my home today.I was unhappy .Because he was piquant. My wonderful day was over. I took a brine to him. But he looks like love it. He thinks itis sweet. Iwilldown. Then,he took a brine to me ,too. "Oh no.My dear.It so briny." At noon. We had a big lunch. But he did't eat.My mom said to me "Why did your consin don't have lunch?" "I don't know."Ianswer."I drink some brine"he answers.Then,my dad was angry.Because.....I don't know to say.Tomorrow is again today. He is coming to my home ,too. I am sad so much.

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