初中初一作文700字:A Despotic Emperor - 作文大全


初中初一作文700字:A Despotic Emperor

来源: 作文大全2024-05-12 12:04:00
导读:作文标题:ADespoticEmperor关 键 词:初中初一700字字    数:700字作文本文适合:初中初一亲爱的各位同学,出国留学网将为大家精心整理了海...
作文标题: A Despotic Emperor
关 键 词: 初中初一 700字
字    数: 700字作文
本文适合: 初中初一


本作文是关于初中初一700字的作文,题目为:《A Despotic Emperor》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。

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这段话是用指定的生词遍的故事。所以有点牵强…… Once there was a despotic emperor who made arbitrary decisions. The people under his dominion all suffered this tyranny. The upper level and lower level were so clear and made obvious that they look almost like the sand and water layer that was separated in a centrifuge. He’s life was transient due to this exorbitant amount of entertainment and alcoholic absorption. But he remained dogmatic to the end. People warned him to choose his heir prudently but his fanaticism in his stolid brain convinced him that his elder son was a much better choice. So he promulgated this decision right before he died. And that was a self-evident mistake; everyone could see his life was an ugly pratfall. The new heir was even crueler than his father. He planned an artifice to execute this younger brother- a possible threat to his authority. He prevaricated and accused this younger brother for endeavoring usurpation and eventfully finished him. This annexation of sin refracted the widespread totalitarianism of that period of time.  来自:作文大全以下为老师指定的生词。 来源:作文网 zw.liuxue86.comCentrifuge 离心机 Pratfall 屁股着地摔倒 Prudence 谨慎 Dominion 领域。管辖 Transgress 违反 Prevaricate 撒谎 Artifice 诡计 Stolid 麻木 Annex 合并。增添 Tyranny 暴政。专制。 Refract 折射。 Endeavor 努力。 Arbitrary 武断 Promulgate 公布 Exorbitant 过多。 Self- evident 不证自明的。 Transient 短暂的。 Usurpation (名)篡夺。 Despot 专制君主。暴君。 Dogmatic 固执己见的。 Fanaticism 盲信。
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