小学四年级作文(600字):My Favorite Color - 作文大全


小学四年级作文(600字):My Favorite Color

来源: 作文大全2024-06-08 13:24:30
作文标题: My Favorite Color
关键词: Favorite Color 小学四年级
本文适合: 小学四年级

本作文(600字)是关于小学四年级的作文(600字),题目为:《My Favorite Color》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。

My Favorite Color

There are many colors around us.

They are red, yellow, blue, green and purple……

Apple and cherry are red.

banana and pear are yellow.

Sky and sea are blue.

Grass and tree are green.

Grape and dream are purple.


And my favorite colors are red and purple.

I like to eat cherry and grape very much.

【妈妈的话】这是儿子今天看了“青出于蓝而胜于蓝”的文章《My Favorite Season》(http://blog.xxt.cn/showSingleArticle.action?artId=1052320&tempid=0.0943491947454938)后仿写的一篇关于颜色的文章,虽然简单,但也算是“学以致用”吧!