小学三年级作文700字:Universal Robot - 作文大全


小学三年级作文700字:Universal Robot

来源: 作文大全2024-06-10 20:00:30
导读:作文标题:UniversalRobot关 键 词:小学三年级700字字    数:700字作文本文适合:小学三年级作文大全网努力做大家喜爱的作文网站,我们继续努...
作文标题: Universal Robot
关 键 词: 小学三年级 700字
字    数: 700字作文
本文适合: 小学三年级


本作文是关于小学三年级700字的作文,题目为:《Universal Robot》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。

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Universal robot     I would like to invent a robot refuse to eat. Now our country more and more garbage, creating pollution. With this robot, it will refuse to eat, but will refuse production capacity for people to use, and its own will get stronger. With them, the blue sky of the motherland will become watts Blue watts blue, the water is clear bottoming out, the air is extremely clean ... I would like to take the invention of a snake robots. Leave early and go home late every day, regardless of wind and rain, and we want to catch the snake. Robot braved heavy rain in a day, captured three unknown poisonous snakes, and also captured 10 Enhydris [toxic]. Scientists at an unknown poisonous snakes to treat AIDS. "Successful, the AIDS prescriptions." Scientists dead. Patients also feel excited and said : "He was very nice robot."     ...   来源:出国留学网 www.liuxue86.com  Perhaps this can be the future. maybe not. But I hope that we can become a reality.               万能机器人         我想发明一种会吃垃圾的机器人。现在我们国家垃圾越来越多,造成环境污染。有了这种机器人,它会把垃圾全部吃掉,而且会利用垃圾生产能量供人使用,它自己也会变得更强壮。有了它们,祖国的蓝天就会变得瓦蓝瓦蓝的,河水变得清澈见底,空气变得无比的清新……      我想发明一种会抓蛇的机器人。天天早出晚归,无论风吹雨打,也要抓蛇。一天机器人冒着瓢泼大雨,抓了3条不知名的毒蛇,还抓了10条水蛇〔有毒〕。科学家把一条不知名的毒蛇来治艾滋病。“成功了,艾滋病有药方了。”科学家叫道。患者们也兴奋而情不自禁地说:“机器人真好。”   ……
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