小学三年级作文300字:一个笑话-A Joke(中英文对照) - 作文大全


小学三年级作文300字:一个笑话-A Joke(中英文对照)

来源: 作文大全2024-06-17 17:40:23
导读:作文标题:一个笑话-AJoke(中英文对照)关 键 词:小学三年级300字字    数:300字作文本文适合:小学三年级作文大全网有话说:小编忙活了,很长时间,...
作文标题: 一个笑话-A Joke(中英文对照)
关 键 词: 小学三年级 300字
字    数: 300字作文
本文适合: 小学三年级


本作文是关于小学三年级300字的作文,题目为:《一个笑话-A Joke(中英文对照)》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。

有一个洞穴充满了许多吸血蝙蝠。有一次,一只蝙蝠所谓安迪回家晚,并有血液所有超过他的身体。他所有的朋友和家人问他哪里的血液来自,并要求他采取的地方。他不想告诉他们,在第一,但经过了一阵子,他说: “大家跟我来,乡亲” 。然后他们飞越山谷,跨过一条河,和停在前面的一块石头。安迪问: “你家伙看到树” ?和他的朋友们都回答“是”然后安迪说: “我没有” 。

There was a cave full of lots of vampire bats. Once, a bat called Andy came home late and there was of blood all over his body. All of his friends and family asked him where the blood came from, and asked him to take place. He didn't want to tell them at first, but after a while, he said "Follow me, folks". Then they flew over a valley, crossed a river, and stopped in front of a stone. Andy asked "Do you guys see that tree?" And his friends all answered "Yes" And then Andy said "I didn't".