14 黑潮暖流(2) - 作文大全


14 黑潮暖流(2)

来源: 作文大全2022-09-18 20:26:05

There was nothing to be seen. Not a reef, not an islet. No more Abraham Lincoln. Adeserted immenseness.


Raising his sextant, Captain Nemo took the altitude of the sun, which would give him hislatitude. He waited for a few minutes until the orb touched the rim of the horizon. While he was taking his sights, he didn't move a muscle, and the instrument couldn't have been steadier in hands made out of marble.


Noon, he said. Professor, whenever you're ready. . . .


I took one last look at the sea, a little yellowish near the landing places of Japan, and I went below again to the main lounge.


There the captain fixed his position and used a chronometer to calculate hislongitude, which he double-checked against his previous observations of hour angles. Then he told me:


Professor Aronnax, we're in longitude 137 degrees 15' west-


West of which meridian? I asked quickly, hoping the captain's reply might give me a clue to his nationality.


Sir, he answered me, I have chronometers variously set to the meridians of Paris, Greenwich, and Washington, D.C. But in your honor, I'll use the one for Paris.


This reply told me nothing. I bowed, and the commander went on:


We're in longitude 137 degrees 15' west of the meridian of Paris, and latitude 30 degrees 7' north, in other words, about 300 miles from the shores of Japan. At noon on this day of November 8, we hereby begin our voyage of exploration under the waters.


May God be with us! I replied.


And now, professor, the captain added, I'll leave you to your intellectual pursuits. I've set our course east-northeast at a depth of fifty meters. Here are some large-scale charts on which you'll be able to follow that course. The lounge is at your disposal, and with your permission, I'll take my leave.
