旧约--撒母耳记上(1 Samuel)1-5章 - 作文大全


旧约--撒母耳记上(1 Samuel)1-5章

来源: 作文大全2021-10-03 23:50:55
旧约--撒母耳记上(1 Samuel)--第 1 章
1:1 以法莲山地的拉玛琐非有一个以法莲人,名叫以利加拿,是苏弗的玄孙,托户的曾孙,以利户的孙子,耶罗罕的儿子。
Now there was a certain man of Ramathaimzophim, of mount Ephraim, and his name was Elkanah, the son of Jeroham, the son of Elihu, the son of Tohu, the son of Zuph, an Ephrathite:
1:2 他有两个妻,一名哈拿,一名毗尼拿。毗尼拿有儿女,哈拿没有儿女。
And he had two wives; the name of the one was Hannah, and the name of the other Peninnah: and Peninnah had children, but Hannah had no children.
1:3 这人每年从本城上到示罗,敬拜祭祀万军之耶和华。在那里有以利的两个儿子何弗尼,非尼哈当耶和华的祭司。
And this man went up out of his city yearly to worship and to sacrifice unto the LORD of hosts in Shiloh. And the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, the priests of the LORD, were there.
1:4 以利加拿每逢献祭的日子,将祭肉分给他的妻毗尼拿和毗尼拿所生的儿女。
And when the time was that Elkanah offered, he gave to Peninnah his wife, and to all her sons and her daughters, portions:
1:5 给哈拿的却是双分,因为他爱哈拿。无奈耶和华不使哈拿生育。
But unto Hannah he gave a worthy portion; for he loved Hannah: but the LORD had shut up her womb.
1:6 毗尼拿见耶和华不使哈拿生育,就作她的对头,大大激动她,要使她生气。
And her adversary also provoked her sore, for to make her fret, because the LORD had shut up her womb.
1:7 每年上到耶和华殿的时候,以利加拿都以双分给哈拿。毗尼拿仍是激动她,以致她哭泣不吃饭。
And as he did so year by year, when she went up to the house of the LORD, so she provoked her; therefore she wept, and did not eat.
1:8 她丈夫以利加拿对她说,哈拿阿,你为何哭泣,不吃饭,心里愁闷呢。有我不比十个儿子还好吗。
Then said Elkanah her husband to her, Hannah, why weepest thou? and why eatest thou not? and why is thy heart grieved? am not I better to thee than ten sons?
1:9 他们在示罗吃喝完了,哈拿就站起来。祭司以利在耶和华殿的门框旁边,坐在自己的位上。
So Hannah rose up after they had eaten in Shiloh, and after they had drunk. Now Eli the priest sat upon a seat by a post of the temple of the LORD.
1:10 哈拿心里愁苦,就痛痛哭泣,祈祷耶和华,
And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed unto the LORD, and wept sore.
1:11 许愿说,万军之耶和华阿,你若垂顾婢女的苦情,眷念不忘婢女,赐我一个儿子,我必使他终身归与耶和华,不用剃头刀剃他的头。
And she vowed a vow, and said, O LORD of hosts, if thou wilt indeed look on the affliction of thine handmaid, and remember me, and not forget thine handmaid, but wilt give unto thine handmaid a man child, then I will give him unto the LORD all the days of his life, and there shall no razor come upon his head.
1:12 哈拿在耶和华面前不住地祈祷,以利定睛看她的嘴。
And it came to pass, as she continued praying before the LORD, that Eli marked her mouth.
1:13 原来哈拿心中默祷,只动嘴唇,不出声音,因此以利以为她喝醉了。
Now Hannah, she spake in her heart; only her lips moved, but her voice was not heard: therefore Eli thought she had been drunken.
1:14 以利对她说,你要醉到几时呢。你不应该喝酒。
And Eli said unto her, How long wilt thou be drunken? put away thy wine from thee.
1:15 哈拿回答说,主阿,不是这样。我是心里愁苦的妇人,清酒浓酒都没有喝,但在耶和华面前倾心吐意。
And Hannah answered and said, No, my lord, I am a woman of a sorrowful spirit: I have drunk neither wine nor strong drink, but have poured out my soul before the LORD.
1:16 不要将婢女看作不正经的女子。我因被人激动,愁苦太多,所以祈求到如今。
Count not thine handmaid for a daughter of Belial: for out of the abundance of my complaint and grief have I spoken hitherto.
1:17 以利说,你可以平平安安地回去。愿以色列的神允准你向他所求的。
Then Eli answered and said, Go in peace: and the God of Israel grant thee thy petition that thou hast asked of him.
1:18 哈拿说,愿婢女在你眼前蒙恩。于是妇人走去吃饭,面上再不带愁容了。
And she said, Let thine handmaid find grace in thy sight. So the woman went her way, and did eat, and her countenance was no more sad.
1:19 次日清早,他们起来,在耶和华面前敬拜,就回拉玛。到了家里,以利加拿和妻哈拿同房,耶和华顾念哈拿,
And they rose up in the morning early, and worshipped before the LORD, and returned, and came to their house to Ramah: and Elkanah knew Hannah his wife; and the LORD remembered her.
1:20 哈拿就怀孕。日期满足,生了一个儿子,给他起名叫撒母耳,说,这是我从耶和华那里求来的。
Wherefore it came to pass, when the time was come about after Hannah had conceived, that she bare a son, and called his name Samuel, saying, Because I have asked him of the LORD.
1:21 以利加拿和他全家都上示罗去,要向耶和华献年祭,并还所许的愿。
And the man Elkanah, and all his house, went up to offer unto the LORD the yearly sacrifice, and his vow.
1:22 哈拿却没有上去,对丈夫说,等孩子断了奶,我便带他上去朝见耶和华,使他永远住在那里。
But Hannah went not up; for she said unto her husband, I will not go up until the child be weaned, and then I will bring him, that he may appear before the LORD, and there abide for ever.
1:23 她丈夫以利加拿说,就随你的意行吧。可以等儿子断了奶。但愿耶和华应验他的话。于是妇人在家里乳养儿子,直到断了奶。
And Elkanah her husband said unto her, Do what seemeth thee good; tarry until thou have weaned him; only the LORD establish his word. So the woman abode, and gave her son suck until she weaned him.
1:24 既断了奶,就把孩子带上示罗,到了耶和华的殿。又带了三只公牛,一伊法细面,一皮袋酒。那时孩子还小。
And when she had weaned him, she took him up with her, with three bullocks, and one ephah of flour, and a bottle of wine, and brought him unto the house of the LORD in Shiloh: and the child was young.
1:25 宰了一只公牛,就领孩子到以利面前。
And they slew a bullock, and brought the child to Eli.
1:26 妇人说,主阿,我敢在你面前起誓,从前在你这里站着祈求耶和华的那妇人,就是我。
And she said, Oh my lord, as thy soul liveth, my lord, I am the woman that stood by thee here, praying unto the LORD.
1:27 我祈求为要得这孩子。耶和华已将我所求的赐给我了。
For this child I prayed; and the LORD hath given me my petition which I asked of him:
1:28 所以,我将这孩子归与耶和华,使他终身归与耶和华。于是在那里敬拜耶和华。
Therefore also I have lent him to the LORD; as long as he liveth he shall be lent to the LORD. And he worshipped the LORD there.
旧约--撒母耳记上(1 Samuel)--第 2 章
2:1 哈拿祷告说,我的心因耶和华快乐。我的角因耶和华高举。我的口向仇敌张开。我因耶和华的救恩欢欣。
And Hannah prayed, and said, My heart rejoiceth in the LORD, mine horn is exalted in the LORD: my mouth is enlarged over mine enemies; because I rejoice in thy salvation.
2:2 只有耶和华为圣。除他以外没有可比的,也没有磐石像我们的神。
There is none holy as the LORD: for there is none beside thee: neither is there any rock like our God.
2:3 人不要夸口说骄傲的话,也不要出狂妄的言语。因耶和华是大有智识的神,人的行为被他衡量。
Talk no more so exceeding proudly; let not arrogancy come out of your mouth: for the LORD is a God of knowledge, and by him actions are weighed.
2:4 勇士的弓都已折断。跌倒的人以力量束腰。
The bows of the mighty men are broken, and they that stumbled are girded with strength.
2:5 素来饱足的,反作用人求食。饥饿的,再不饥饿。不生育的,生了七个儿子。多有儿女的,反倒衰微。
They that were full have hired out themselves for bread; and they that were hungry ceased: so that the barren hath born seven; and she that hath many children is waxed feeble.
2:6 耶和华使人死,也使人活,使人下阴间,也使人往上升。
The LORD killeth, and maketh alive: he bringeth down to the grave, and bringeth up.
2:7 他使人贫穷,也使人富足,使人卑微,也使人高贵。
The LORD maketh poor, and maketh rich: he bringeth low, and lifteth up.
2:8 他从灰尘里抬举贫寒人,从粪堆中提拔穷乏人,使他们与王子同坐,得着荣耀的座位。地的柱子属于耶和华。他将世界立在其上。
He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the LORD's, and he hath set the world upon them.
2:9 他必保护圣民的脚步,使恶人在黑暗中寂然不动。人都不能靠力量得胜。
He will keep the feet of his saints, and the wicked shall be silent in darkness; for by strength shall no man prevail.
2:10 与耶和华争竞的,必被打碎。耶和华必从天上以雷攻击他,必审判地极的人,将力量赐与所立的王,高举受膏者的角。
The adversaries of the LORD shall be broken to pieces; out of heaven shall he thunder upon them: the LORD shall judge the ends of the earth; and he shall give strength unto his king, and exalt the horn of his anointed.
2:11 以利加拿往拉玛回家去了。那孩子在祭司以利面前事奉耶和华。
And Elkanah went to Ramah to his house. And the child did minister unto the LORD before Eli the priest.
2:12 以利的两个儿子是恶人,不认识耶和华。
Now the sons of Eli were sons of Belial; they knew not the LORD.
2:13 这二祭司待百姓是这样的规矩,凡有人献祭,正煮肉的时候,祭司的仆人就来,手拿三齿的叉子,
And the priests' custom with the people was, that, when any man offered sacrifice, the priest's servant came, while the flesh was in seething, with a fleshhook of three teeth in his hand;
2:14 将叉子往罐里,或鼎里,或釜里,或锅里一插,插上来的肉,祭司都取了去。凡上到示罗的以色列人,他们都是这样看待。
And he struck it into the pan, or kettle, or caldron, or pot; all that the fleshhook brought up the priest took for himself. So they did in Shiloh unto all the Israelites that came thither.
2:15 又在未烧脂油以前,祭司的仆人就来对献祭的人说,将肉给祭司,叫他烤吧。他不要煮过的,要生的。
Also before they burnt the fat, the priest's servant came, and said to the man that sacrificed, Give flesh to roast for the priest; for he will not have sodden flesh of thee, but raw.
2:16 献祭的人若说,必须先烧脂油,然后你可以随意取肉。仆人就说,你立时给我,不然我便抢去。
And if any man said unto him, Let them not fail to burn the fat presently, and then take as much as thy soul desireth; then he would answer him, Nay; but thou shalt give it me now: and if not, I will take it by force.
2:17 如此,这二少年人的罪在耶和华面前甚重了,因为他们藐视耶和华的祭物(或作他们使人厌弃给耶和华献祭)。
Wherefore the sin of the young men was very great before the LORD: for men abhorred the offering of the LORD.
2:18 那时,撒母耳还是孩子,穿着细麻布的以弗得,侍立在耶和华面前。
But Samuel ministered before the LORD, being a child, girded with a linen ephod.
2:19 他母亲每年为他作一件小外袍,同着丈夫上来献年祭的时候带来给他。
Moreover his mother made him a little coat, and brought it to him from year to year, when she came up with her husband to offer the yearly sacrifice.
2:20 以利为以利加拿和他的妻祝福,说,愿耶和华由这妇人再赐你后裔,代替你从耶和华求来的孩子。他们就回本乡去了。
And Eli blessed Elkanah and his wife, and said, The LORD give thee seed of this woman for the loan which is lent to the LORD. And they went unto their own home.
2:21 耶和华眷顾哈拿,她就怀孕生了三个儿子,两个女儿。那孩子撒母耳在耶和华面前渐渐长大。
And the LORD visited Hannah, so that she conceived, and bare three sons and two daughters. And the child Samuel grew before the LORD.
2:22 以利年甚老迈,听见他两个儿子待以色列众人的事,又听见他们与会幕门前伺候的妇人苟合,
Now Eli was very old, and heard all that his sons did unto all Israel; and how they lay with the women that assembled at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.
2:23 他就对他们说,你们为何行这样的事呢。我从这众百姓听见你们的恶行。
And he said unto them, Why do ye such things? for I hear of your evil dealings by all this people.
2:24 我儿阿,不可这样。我听见你们的风声不好,你们使耶和华的百姓犯了罪。
Nay, my sons; for it is no good report that I hear: ye make the LORD's people to transgress.
2:25 人若得罪人,有士师审判他。人若得罪耶和华,谁能为他祈求呢。然而他们还是不听父亲的话,因为耶和华想要杀他们。
If one man sin against another, the judge shall judge him: but if a man sin against the LORD, who shall intreat for him? Notwithstanding they hearkened not unto the voice of their father, because the LORD would slay them.
2:26 孩子撒母耳渐渐长大,耶和华与人越发喜爱他。
And the child Samuel grew on, and was in favour both with the LORD, and also with men.
2:27 有神人来见以利,对他说,耶和华如此说,你祖父在埃及法老家作奴仆的时候,我不是向他们显现吗。
And there came a man of God unto Eli, and said unto him, Thus saith the LORD, Did I plainly appear unto the house of thy father, when they were in Egypt in Pharaoh's house?
2:28 在以色列众支派中,我不是拣选人作我的祭司,使他烧香,在我坛上献祭,在我面前穿以弗得,又将以色列人所献的火祭都赐给你父家吗。
And did I choose him out of all the tribes of Israel to be my priest, to offer upon mine altar, to burn incense, to wear an ephod before me? and did I give unto the house of thy father all the offerings made by fire of the children of Israel?
2:29 我所吩咐献在我居所的祭物,你们为何践踏。尊重你的儿子过于尊重我,将我民以色列所献美好的祭物肥己呢。
Wherefore kick ye at my sacrifice and at mine offering, which I have commanded in my habitation; and honourest thy sons above me, to make yourselves fat with the chiefest of all the offerings of Israel my people?
2:30 因此,耶和华以色列的神说,我曾说,你和你父家必永远行在我面前。现在我却说,决不容你们这样行。因为尊重我的,我必重看他。藐视我的,他必被轻视。
Wherefore the LORD God of Israel saith, I said indeed that thy house, and the house of thy father, should walk before me for ever: but now the LORD saith, Be it far from me; for them that honour me I will honour, and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed.
2:31 日子必到,我要折断你的膀臂和你父家的膀臂,使你家中没有一个老年人。
Behold, the days come, that I will cut off thine arm, and the arm of thy father's house, that there shall not be an old man in thine house
2:32 在神使以色列人享福的时候,你必看见我居所的败落。在你家中必永远没有一个老年人。
And thou shalt see an enemy in my habitation, in all the wealth which God shall give Israel: and there shall not be an old man in thine house for ever.
2:33 我必不从我坛前灭尽你家中的人。那未灭的必使你眼目乾瘪,心中忧伤。你家中所生的人都必死在中年。
And the man of thine, whom I shall not cut off from mine altar, shall be to consume thine eyes, and to grieve thine heart: and all the increase of thine house shall die in the flower of their age.
2:34 你的两个儿子何弗尼,非尼哈所遭遇的事可作你的证据,他们二人必一日同死。
And this shall be a sign unto thee, that shall come upon thy two sons, on Hophni and Phinehas; in one day they shall die both of them.
2:35 我要为自己立一个忠心的祭司。他必照我的心意而行。我要为他建立坚固的家。他必永远行在我的受膏者面前。
And I will raise me up a faithful priest, that shall do according to that which is in mine heart and in my mind: and I will build him a sure house; and he shall walk before mine anointed for ever.
2:36 你家所剩下的人都必来叩拜他,求块银子,求个饼,说,求你赐我祭司的职分,好叫我得点饼吃。
And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left in thine house shall come and crouch to him for a piece of silver and a morsel of bread, and shall say, Put me, I pray thee, into one of the priests' offices, that I may eat a piece of bread.
旧约--撒母耳记上(1 Samuel)--第 3 章
3:1 童子撒母耳在以利面前事奉耶和华。当那些日子,耶和华的言语稀少,不常有默示。
And the child Samuel ministered unto the LORD before Eli. And the word of the LORD was precious in those days; there was no open vision.
3:2 一日,以利睡卧在自己的地方。他眼目昏花,看不分明。
And it came to pass at that time, when Eli was laid down in his place, and his eyes began to wax dim, that he could not see;
3:3 神的灯在神耶和华殿内约柜那里,还没有熄灭,撒母耳已经睡了。
And ere the lamp of God went out in the temple of the LORD, where the ark of God was, and Samuel was laid down to sleep;
3:4 耶和华呼唤撒母耳。撒母耳说,我在这里。
That the LORD called Samuel: and he answered, Here am I.
3:5 就跑到以利那里,说,你呼唤我。我在这里。以利回答说,我没有呼唤你,你去睡吧。他就去睡了。
And he ran unto Eli, and said, Here am I; for thou calledst me. And he said, I called not; lie down again. And he went and lay down.
3:6 耶和华又呼唤撒母耳。撒母耳起来,到以利那里,说,你呼唤我。我在这里。以利回答说,我的儿,我没有呼唤你,你去睡吧。
And the LORD called yet again, Samuel. And Samuel arose and went to Eli, and said, Here am I; for thou didst call me. And he answered, I called not, my son; lie down again.
3:7 那时撒母耳还未认识耶和华,也未得耶和华的默示。
Now Samuel did not yet know the LORD, neither was the word of the LORD yet revealed unto him.
3:8 耶和华第三次呼唤撒母耳。撒母耳起来,到以利那里,说,你又呼唤我。我在这里。以利才明白是耶和华呼唤童子。
And the LORD called Samuel again the third time. And he arose and went to Eli, and said, Here am I; for thou didst call me. And Eli perceived that the LORD had called the child.
3:9 因此以利对撒母耳说,你仍去睡吧。若再呼唤你,你就说,耶和华阿,请说,仆人敬听。撒母耳就去,仍睡在原处。
Therefore Eli said unto Samuel, Go, lie down: and it shall be, if he call thee, that thou shalt say, Speak, LORD; for thy servant heareth. So Samuel went and lay down in his place.
3:10 耶和华又来站着,像前三次呼唤说,撒母耳阿。撒母耳阿。撒母耳回答说,请说,仆人敬听。
And the LORD came, and stood, and called as at other times, Samuel, Samuel. Then Samuel answered, Speak; for thy servant heareth.
3:11 耶和华对撒母耳说,我在以色列中必行一件事,叫听见的人都必耳呜。
And the LORD said to Samuel, Behold, I will do a thing in Israel, at which both the ears of every one that heareth it shall tingle.
3:12 我指着以利家所说的话,到了时候,我必始终应验在以利身上。
In that day I will perform against Eli all things which I have spoken concerning his house: when I begin, I will also make an end.
3:13 我曾告诉他必永远降罚与他的家,因他知道儿子作孽,自招咒诅,却不禁止他们。
For I have told him that I will judge his house for ever for the iniquity which he knoweth; because his sons made themselves vile, and he restrained them not.
3:14 所以我向以利家起誓说,以利家的罪孽,虽献祭奉礼物,永不能得赎去。
And therefore I have sworn unto the house of Eli, that the iniquity of Eli's house shall not be purged with sacrifice nor offering for ever.
3:15 撒母耳睡到天亮,就开了耶和华的殿门,不敢将默示告诉以利。
And Samuel lay until the morning, and opened the doors of the house of the LORD. And Samuel feared to shew Eli the vision.
3:16 以利呼唤撒母耳说,我儿撒母耳阿。撒母耳回答说,我在这里。
Then Eli called Samuel, and said, Samuel, my son. And he answered, Here am I.
3:17 以利说,耶和华对你说什么,你不要向我隐瞒。你若将神对你所说的隐瞒一句,愿他重重地降罚与你。
And he said, What is the thing that the LORD hath said unto thee? I pray thee hide it not from me: God do so to thee, and more also, if thou hide any thing from me of all the things that he said unto thee.
3:18 撒母耳就把一切话都告诉了以利,并没有隐瞒。以利说,这是出于耶和华,愿他凭自己的意旨而行。
And Samuel told him every whit, and hid nothing from him. And he said, It is the LORD: let him do what seemeth him good.
3:19 撒母耳长大了,耶和华与他同在,使他所说的话一句都不落空。
And Samuel grew, and the LORD was with him, and did let none of his words fall to the ground.
3:20 从但到别是巴所有的以色列人,都知道耶和华立撒母耳为先知。
And all Israel from Dan even to Beersheba knew that Samuel was established to be a prophet of the LORD.
3:21 耶和华又在示罗显现。因为耶和华将自己的话默示撒母耳,撒母耳就把这话传遍以色列地。
And the LORD appeared again in Shiloh: for the LORD revealed himself to Samuel in Shiloh by the word of the LORD.
旧约--撒母耳记上(1 Samuel)--第 4 章
4:1 以色列人出去与非利士人打仗,安营在以便以谢。非利士人安营在亚弗。
And the word of Samuel came to all Israel. Now Israel went out against the Philistines to battle, and pitched beside Ebenezer: and the Philistines pitched in Aphek.
4:2 非利士人向以色列人摆阵。两军交战的时候,以色列人败在非利士人面前。非利士人在战场上杀了他们的军兵约有四千人。
And the Philistines put themselves in array against Israel: and when they joined battle, Israel was smitten before the Philistines: and they slew of the army in the field about four thousand men.
4:3 百姓回到营里,以色列的长老说,耶和华今日为何使我们败在非利士人面前呢。我们不如将耶和华的约柜从示罗抬到我们这里来,好在我们中间救我们脱离敌人的手。
And when the people were come into the camp, the elders of Israel said, Wherefore hath the LORD smitten us to day before the Philistines? Let us fetch the ark of the covenant of the LORD out of Shiloh unto us, that, when it cometh among us, it may save us out of the hand of our enemies.
4:4 于是百姓打发人到示罗,从那里将坐在二基路伯上万军之耶和华的约柜抬来。以利的两个儿子何弗尼,非尼哈与神的约柜同来。
So the people sent to Shiloh, that they might bring from thence the ark of the covenant of the LORD of hosts, which dwelleth between the cherubims: and the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, were there with the ark of the covenant of God.
4:5 耶和华的约柜到了营中,以色列众人就大声欢呼,地便震动。
And when the ark of the covenant of the LORD came into the camp, all Israel shouted with a great shout, so that the earth rang again.
4:6 非利士人听见欢呼的声音,就说,在希伯来人营里大声欢呼,是什么缘故呢。随后就知道耶和华的约柜到了营中。
And when the Philistines heard the noise of the shout, they said, What meaneth the noise of this great shout in the camp of the Hebrews? And they understood that the ark of the LORD was come into the camp.
4:7 非利士人就惧怕起来,说,有神到了他们营中。又说,我们有祸了。向来不曾有这样的事。
And the Philistines were afraid, for they said, God is come into the camp. And they said, Woe unto us! for there hath not been such a thing heretofore.
4:8 我们有祸了。谁能救我们脱离这些大能之神的手呢。从前在旷野用各样灾殃击打埃及人的,就是这些神。
Woe unto us! who shall deliver us out of the hand of these mighty Gods? these are the Gods that smote the Egyptians with all the plagues in the wilderness.
4:9 非利士人哪,你们要刚强,要作大丈夫,免得作希伯来人的奴仆,如同他们作你们的奴仆一样。你们要作大丈夫,与他们争战。
Be strong, and quit yourselves like men, O ye Philistines, that ye be not servants unto the Hebrews, as they have been to you: quit yourselves like men, and fight.
4:10 非利士人和以色列人打仗,以色列人败了,各向各家奔逃,被杀的人甚多,以色列的步兵仆倒了三万。
And the Philistines fought, and Israel was smitten, and they fled every man into his tent: and there was a very great slaughter; for there fell of Israel thirty thousand footmen.
4:11 神的约柜被掳去,以利的两个儿子何弗尼,非尼哈也都被杀了。
And the ark of God was taken; and the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, were slain.
4:12 当日,有一个便雅悯人从阵上逃跑,衣服撕裂,头蒙灰尘,来到示罗。
And there ran a man of Benjamin out of the army, and came to Shiloh the same day with his clothes rent, and with earth upon his head.
4:13 到了的时候,以利正在道旁坐在自己的位上观望,为神的约柜心里担忧。那人进城报信,合城的人就都呼喊起来。
And when he came, lo, Eli sat upon a seat by the wayside watching: for his heart trembled for the ark of God. And when the man came into the city, and told it, all the city cried out.
4:14 以利听见呼喊的声音就问说,这喧囔是什么缘故呢。那人急忙来报信给以利。
And when Eli heard the noise of the crying, he said, What meaneth the noise of this tumult? And the man came in hastily, and told Eli.
4:15 那时以利九十八岁了,眼目发直,不能看见。
Now Eli was ninety and eight years old; and his eyes were dim, that he could not see.
4:16 那人对以利说,我是从阵上来的,今日我从阵上逃回。以利说,我儿,事情怎样。
And the man said unto Eli, I am he that came out of the army, and I fled to day out of the army. And he said, What is there done, my son?
4:17 报信的回答说,以色列人在非利士人面前逃跑,民中被杀的甚多。你的两个儿子何弗尼,非尼哈也都死了,并且神的约柜被掳去。
And the messenger answered and said, Israel is fled before the Philistines, and there hath been also a great slaughter among the people, and thy two sons also, Hophni and Phinehas, are dead, and the ark of God is taken.
4:18 他一提神的约柜,以利就从他的位上往后跌倒,在门旁折断颈项而死。因为他年纪老迈,身体沉重。以利作以色列的士师四十年。
And it came to pass, when he made mention of the ark of God, that he fell from off the seat backward by the side of the gate, and his neck brake, and he died: for he was an old man, and heavy. And he had judged Israel forty years.
4:19 以利的儿妇,非尼哈的妻怀孕将到产期,她听见神的约柜被掳去,公公和丈夫都死了,就猛然疼痛,曲身生产。
And his daughter in law, Phinehas' wife, was with child, near to be delivered: and when she heard the tidings that the ark of God was taken, and that her father in law and her husband were dead, she bowed herself and travailed; for her pains came upon her.
4:20 将要死的时候,旁边站着的妇人们对她说,不要怕。你生了男孩子了。她却不回答,也不放在心上。
And about the time of her death the women that stood by her said unto her, Fear not; for thou hast born a son. But she answered not, neither did she regard it.
4:21 她给孩子起名叫以迦博,说,荣耀离开以色列了。这是因神的约柜被掳去,又因她公公和丈夫都死了。
And she named the child Ichabod, saying, The glory is departed from Israel: because the ark of God was taken, and because of her father in law and her husband.
4:22 她又说,荣耀离开以色列,因为神的约柜被掳去了。
And she said, The glory is departed from Israel: for the ark of God is taken.
旧约--撒母耳记上(1 Samuel)--第 5 章
5:1 非利士人将神的约柜从以便以谢抬到亚实突。
And the Philistines took the ark of God, and brought it from Ebenezer unto Ashdod.
5:2 非利士人将神的约柜抬进大衮庙,放在大衮的旁边。
When the Philistines took the ark of God, they brought it into the house of Dagon, and set it by Dagon.
5:3 次日清早,亚实突人起来,见大衮仆倒在耶和华的约柜前,脸伏于地,就把大衮仍立在原处。
And when they of Ashdod arose early on the morrow, behold, Dagon was fallen upon his face to the earth before the ark of the LORD. And they took Dagon, and set him in his place again.
5:4 又次日清早起来,见大衮仆倒在耶和华的约柜前,脸伏于地,并且大衮的头和两手都在门槛上折断,只剩下大衮的残体。
And when they arose early on the morrow morning, behold, Dagon was fallen upon his face to the ground before the ark of the LORD; and the head of Dagon and both the palms of his hands were cut off upon the threshold; only the stump of Dagon was left to him.
5:5 因此,大衮的祭司和一切进亚实突,大衮庙的人都不踏大衮庙的门槛,直到今日。
Therefore neither the priests of Dagon, nor any that come into Dagon's house, tread on the threshold of Dagon in Ashdod unto this day.
5:6 耶和华的手重重加在亚实突人身上,败坏他们,使他们生痔疮。亚实突和亚实突的四境都是如此。
But the hand of the LORD was heavy upon them of Ashdod, and he destroyed them, and smote them with emerods, even Ashdod and the coasts thereof.
5:7 亚实突人见这光景,就说,以色列神的约柜不可留在我们这里,因为他的手重重加在我们和我们神大衮的身上。
And when the men of Ashdod saw that it was so, they said, The ark of the God of Israel shall not abide with us: for his hand is sore upon us, and upon Dagon our god.
5:8 就打发人去请非利士的众首领来聚集,问他们说,我们向以色列神的约柜应当怎样行呢。他们回答说,可以将以色列神的约柜运到迦特去。于是将以色列神的约柜运到那里去。
They sent therefore and gathered all the lords of the Philistines unto them, and said, What shall we do with the ark of the God of Israel? And they answered, Let the ark of the God of Israel be carried about unto Gath. And they carried the ark of the God of Israel about thither.
5:9 运到之后,耶和华的手攻击那城,使那城的人大大惊慌,无论大小都生痔疮。
And it was so, that, after they had carried it about, the hand of the LORD was against the city with a very great destruction: and he smote the men of the city, both small and great, and they had emerods in their secret parts.
5:10 他们就把神的约柜送到以革伦。神的约柜到了,以革伦人就喊囔起来说,他们将以色列神的约柜运到我们这里,要害我们和我们的众民。
Therefore they sent the ark of God to Ekron. And it came to pass, as the ark of God came to Ekron, that the Ekronites cried out, saying, They have brought about the ark of the God of Israel to us, to slay us and our people.
5:11 于是打发人去请非利士的众首领来,说,愿你们将以色列神的约柜送回原处,免得害了我们和我们的众民。原来神的手重重攻击那城,城中的人有因惊慌而死的。
So they sent and gathered together all the lords of the Philistines, and said, Send away the ark of the God of Israel, and let it go again to his own place, that it slay us not, and our people: for there was a deadly destruction throughout all the city; the hand of God was very heavy there.
5:12 未曾死的人都生了痔疮。合城呼号,声音上达于天。
And the men that died not were smitten with the emerods: and the cry of the city went up to heaven.