Chapter 18 - 作文大全


Chapter 18

来源: 作文大全2022-09-21 10:31:49

Pinocchio finds the Fox and the Cat again, and goes with themto sow the gold pieces in the Field of Wonders Crying as if his heart would break, the Marionettemourned for hours over the length of his nose. No matterhow he tried, it would not go through the door. TheFairy showed no pity toward him, as she was trying toteach him a good lesson, so that he would stop telling lies,the worst habit any boy may acquire. But when she sawhim, pale with fright and with his eyes half out of hishead from terror, she began to feel sorry for him andclapped her hands together. A thousand woodpeckersflew in through the window and settled themselves onPinocchio's nose. They pecked and pecked so hard atthat enormous nose that in a few moments, it was thesame size as before.

"How good you are, my Fairy," said Pinocchio, dryinghis eyes, "and how much I love you!""I love you, too," answered the Fairy, "and if you wishto stay with me, you may be my little brother and I'll beyour good little sister.""I should like to stay--but what about my poor father?""I have thought of everything. Your father has beensent for and before night he will be here.""Really?" cried Pinocchio joyfully. "Then, my goodFairy, if you are willing, I should like to go to meet him.

I cannot wait to kiss that dear old man, who has sufferedso much for my sake.""Surely; go ahead, but be careful not to lose your way.

Take the wood path and you'll surely meet him."Pinocchio set out, and as soon as he found himself in thewood, he ran like a hare. When he reached the giant oaktree he stopped, for he thought he heard a rustle in thebrush. He was right. There stood the Fox and the Cat,the two traveling companions with whom he had eaten atthe Inn of the Red Lobster.

"Here comes our dear Pinocchio!" cried the Fox,hugging and kissing him. "How did you happen here?""How did you happen here?" repeated the Cat.

"It is a long story," said the Marionette. "Let me tellit to you. The other night, when you left me alone at theInn, I met the Assassins on the road--""The Assassins? Oh, my poor friend! And what did they want?""They wanted my gold pieces.""Rascals!" said the Fox.

"The worst sort of rascals!" added the Cat.

"But I began to run," continued the Marionette, "andthey after me, until they overtook me and hanged me tothe limb of that oak."Pinocchio pointed to the giant oak near by.

"Could anything be worse?" said the Fox.

"What an awful world to live in! Where shall wefind a safe place for gentlemen like ourselves?"As the Fox talked thus, Pinocchio noticed that the Catcarried his right paw in a sling.

"What happened to your paw?" he asked.

The Cat tried to answer, but he became so terriblytwisted in his speech that the Fox had to help him out.

"My friend is too modest to answer. I'll answer forhim. About an hour ago, we met an old wolf on the road.

He was half starved and begged for help. Having nothingto give him, what do you think my friend did out of thekindness of his heart? With his teeth, he bit off the pawof his front foot and threw it at that poor beast, so thathe might have something to eat."As he spoke, the Fox wiped off a tear.

Pinocchio, almost in tears himself, whispered in the Cat's ear:

"If all the cats were like you, how lucky the mice would be!""And what are you doing here?" the Fox asked the Marionette.

"I am waiting for my father, who will be here at any moment now.""And your gold pieces?""I still have them in my pocket, except one which Ispent at the Inn of the Red Lobster.""To think that those four gold pieces might becometwo thousand tomorrow. Why don't you listen to me?

Why don't you sow them in the Field of Wonders?""Today it is impossible. I'll go with you some other time.""Another day will be too late," said the Fox.

"Why?""Because that field has been bought by a very rich man,and today is the last day that it will be open to the public.""How far is this Field of Wonders?""Only two miles away. Will you come with us? We'llbe there in half an hour. You can sow the money, and,after a few minutes, you will gather your two thousandcoins and return home rich. Are you coming?"Pinocchio hesitated a moment before answering, for heremembered the good Fairy, old Geppetto, and the adviceof the Talking Cricket. Then he ended by doing whatall boys do, when they have no heart and little brain.

He shrugged his shoulders and said to the Fox and the Cat:

"Let us go! I am with you."And they went.

They walked and walked for a half a day at least andat last they came to the town called the City of SimpleSimons. As soon as they entered the town, Pinocchionoticed that all the streets were filled with hairless dogs,yawning from hunger; with sheared sheep, trembling withcold; with combless chickens, begging for a grain of wheat; with large butterflies, unable to use their wingsbecause they had sold all their lovely colors; with taillesspeacocks, ashamed to show themselves; and with bedraggledpheasants, scuttling away hurriedly, grieving for theirbright feathers of gold and silver, lost to them forever.

Through this crowd of paupers and beggars, a beautifulcoach passed now and again. Within it sat either a Fox,a Hawk, or a Vulture.

"Where is the Field of Wonders?" asked Pinocchio,growing tired of waiting.

"Be patient. It is only a few more steps away."They passed through the city and, just outside the walls,they stepped into a lonely field, which looked moreor less like any other field.

"Here we are," said the Fox to the Marionette.

"Dig a hole here and put the gold pieces into it."The Marionette obeyed. He dug the hole, put thefour gold pieces into it, and covered them up very carefully.

"Now," said the Fox, "go to that near-by *, bringback a pail full of water, and sprinkle it over the spot."Pinocchio followed the directions closely, but, as hehad no pail, he pulled off his shoe, filled it with water,and sprinkled the earth which covered the gold. Thenhe asked:

"Anything else?""Nothing else," answered the Fox. "Now we can go.

Return here within twenty minutes and you will find thevine grown and the branches filled with gold pieces."Pinocchio, beside himself with joy, thanked the Foxand the Cat many times and promised them each a beautiful gift.

"We don't want any of your gifts," answered the tworogues. "It is enough for us that we have helped you tobecome rich with little or no trouble. For this we areas happy as kings."They said good-by to Pinocchio and, wishing him goodluck, went on their way.