有关七夕的英语日记 - 作文大全



来源: 作文大全2022-10-11 10:14:54






  According to legend, long time ago, the temple has seven beautiful fairies, especially the smallest fairy, weaver. In the seven sisters is the most kind, the most beautiful one.

  One day, seven sisters came to earth to play, the beautiful weaver met the simple and honest, hard-working good Cowboy, and gradually produced a love of love, and finally she did not return to the Temple and sister, but the cow and the lovers married , Male and female, the sunrise, sunset and interest, living despite poverty, but also very happy life. Two years later, gave birth to a pair of lovely children.

  Did not long, and ultimately, the Queen Mother also found the seven fairies in a weaver, after torture that weaver stay in the world, she sent days soldiers days, regardless of the Cowherd and Weaver begging, just to the weaver back to the Temple, Day each party, separated by thousands of miles of water, never meet, because weaver miss her husband and children, every day in tears. And later touched the Queen Mother, so allow the Cowboy and weaver in the July 7 evening meet each year, when the day of the year, the Cowboy on the lug a pair of children came to the Temple meet, this is the legendary Tanabata Festival, Is now known as China's Valentine's Day.





  Today is the most beautiful festival in our folklore - Tanabata Festival. Summer night moon star, the vast night sky stars. Is there any Cowherd Girl in many stars?

  I look up at the sky to see each star is so bright, they are blinking to me, I carefully looking for Cowboy and Vega. But do not know which one So I went home and hurry to find the relevant information. Originally in the stars of the night sky, the west side of the Galaxy has a bright star, it's next there are four small stars, composed of a weaving with the shuttle's shape, this bright star is Vega. In the southeast of the Vega, there is also a bright star across the galaxy, that is, Cowboy Star, it has two small stars next to it, as if the Cowboy pick a heavy burden. Of course, there is a folk ancient and beautiful legend.

  I wonder if you find the Cannon and Vega? There is no hiding under the vault to listen to Cowboy, weaver whisper? Is there a pinch in the month to make a queen?




  Tanabata Festival, rumors that it is from a legend story, Tanabata Festival is nothing more than our country's most romantic festival. I do not know is not every love story should have a poignant ending, it will be the world forever chant, always remember.

  But often those poignant love story is always easy to be mentioned, perhaps love is really the world's most beautiful things, so we are willing to talk about it, like Tanabata Valentine's love story, like White Snake and Xu Xian's story, As well as foreign Liangshan Bo and Zhu Yingtai, each can stand the test of time and passed down the story, in the hearts of people carved a deep impression, are that a poem of the legend.







  "Tanabata tonight to see Bi Xiao, pull the cattle weaver crossing the river bridge. Every family begging Qiao Wang, wearing red silk tens of thousands." Whenever I read this poem, will think of a beautiful legend.

  Once upon a time there was a boy named Cowboy, who made a living with cattle. One day he rode a god of cattle passing through a forest, Cowboy heard a burst of water, suddenly his gods said: "There is a group of fairies, you quietly walked over, pick up the smallest clothes that can Marry her as a wife. "Later Cowboy tiptoe to take away the clothes. After a while the fairies came out to find clothes, only weaver can not find, other fairies have gone away. Weaver walking or can not find. Cowboy came out to the clothes back to the weaver. Weaver see Cowboy honest and honest, and he married husband and wife.

  Since then, they are male and female weaving, live a happy life. After a few years, they had a son and daughter. But it did not last long, this thing was the king of the mother know, the Queen Mother furious, decided to call the days of heaven to the weaver back to heaven, and punished her in the east side of the Galaxy day and night brocade.

  Cowboy and his children are very sad, had to ask the Queen Mother. So the cow resorted to all the way to send them to heaven. Cowboy seeking Queen Mother a month, stone heart of the Queen or do not agree. This is the heavenly gods know, but also to the Queen Mother pleaded. Finally, the Queen finally agreed. Allow them to meet each other on July 7th. But the Cowboy is mortal, not the long Galaxy. Maid magpie think of the way, she called partners to take the bridge, they finally met.

  July 7 that night, you looked up at the moon, may be able to see them get together the beautiful scenes.




  This festival originated in the Han Dynasty, the Eastern Jin Dynasty Ge Hong's "Xijing Miscellanies" there are "Han color female often to July 7 to wear seven holes in the cardigan, people learn the" record, this is what we The earliest records of the ancient literature about Qi Qiao. Later Tang and Song poetry, women Qi Qiao also often mentioned, the Tang Dynasty Wang Jian poem said, "the stars are decorated with pearl beads, Tanabata E Qi Qiao busy." According to "Kaiyuan Tianbao legacy" contains: Tang Taizong and concubine every Tanabata in the Qing Dynasty dinner, the ladies of their own Qi Qiao, this custom is also enduring in the folk, on behalf of the continuation.

  Song and Yuan Dynasties, Tanabata Qi Qiao quite grand, the capital also has a monopoly Qi Qiao goods market, the world called Qi Qiao City. Song Luo Ye, Jin Ying of the series, "drunk drunk recorded," said: "Tanabata, Pan floor before the sale of begging Qiao. Since July 1, car horse Yin pharynx, to Tanabata the first three days, the car does not pass, , Hereby, from the Qi Qiao City to buy beggars of the grand occasion, you can infer that the tribute to the funny scene at the time of beggar. People from the beginning of the beginning of July to start Qicao items, Qi Qiao City on the busy, crowded, to the day near the Tanabata, Qi Qiao City has become a sea of people, the horse is difficult, view the style, it seems no In the most festive festival - the Spring Festival, that Qi Qiao Festival is one of the most favorite festivals.





