六一儿童节英语作文带翻译 - 作文大全



来源: 作文大全2022-08-29 14:19:56



  I went to the film and television city with my mother on June 1st. I played boating, karting, bumper cars and finally the popular science amusement park. At first, I didn't want to go boating. my mother said boating was great, so I went to have fun. When two people are not enough, I will find someone else to play with me.

  Driving a kart, my mother and I turned two laps. The best thing to play is bumper cars. I drive and hit other people's red circle with a gun, and hit him with a hammer on the red circle. After finishing, we went to the movies, first watched for 4d, then watched for 5d. 5d is the dynamic chair shaking. After reading, I went to the field training camp to play again. I only climbed the chain. after finishing, we left and walked. suddenly, I remembered that I forgot my bag, and we went back to get it. I had a great time on this day.




  Today is children's day, my parents and I go to grandma's house. Grandma led my brother and me to pick mulberry in the mulberry field.

  The mulberry field is very large, and the mulberry trees are covered with thick branches and leaves, and under the thick branches and leaves, they are covered with large purple mulberry trees. My saliva is running down when I see these mulberries. We got into the mulberry field, picked mulberries off one by one and put them in the basket. Mulberry juice infected our hands and clothes with purple. When we got home, we washed mulberry, and the water in the basin was dyed purple. I shared the cleaned mulberry with my grandparents, which was really sweet to eat.

  I am really happy on this children's day.





  Today is June 1st children's day, which is really lively on campus! Students dressed in performance clothes came to the playground in high spirits.

  At first, the first program was the chorus of our class, and we lined up neatly on the stage, and all the students were smiling. as the teacher played the piano and sang the moving and listening songs, our voice was loud, and the audience clapped warm applause for us. Next, some classes danced, and they acted beautifully. Some classes performed sketches, which made us laugh constantly.

  The classmates were so happy that they unknowingly ended, and I had a happy day.


  开始了,第一个节目就是我们班大合唱,我们排着整齐的队伍上到台上,同学们个个面带笑容,随着老师的琴声,唱着动听的歌曲, 我们声音响亮,台下给我们鼓起了热烈的掌声。接下来,有的班跳舞,他们动作优美。有的班表演小品,他们惹的我们笑声不断。



  When children's day came, I got up early, packed my things and came to school. Wow! What a beautiful classroom we have! Hanging colorful ribbons, science fiction painting painted by us dressed the wall in colorful, as if to put on a floral dress for it. The blackboard says, " the party is sunshine, and I am flowers. " a few characters, beautiful blackboard becomes more beautiful at this time.

  In a short time, the students arrived and the activity began. Some students perform singing, some students recite poems, and others dance. students sing and dance freely. Among them, Jiang qingsong played the piano beautifully and won the applause of the students.

  Children's day is really happy. if it were children's day every day, what a wonderful day!


