2016春节英语手抄报内容(优秀) - 作文大全



来源: 作文大全2021-08-07 02:22:58





  At home as usual, the Spring Festival in the twelfth month almost two dozen began, during this time, every family is busy cleaning the house, wash the sheets curtains, buy bacon sausage eat, such as preparation for the holiday. December 26 house posted red couplets, happy.

  New Year's eve is quite lively. Every cast eve of food, is full of the fragrance of wine meat, men, women, and children wear new clothes. The family around a round table on a happy night dinner, people will give children lucky money. Lights were blazing in every New Year's eve, no gap. On the sky black, binjiang road began to put up the firecrackers, fireworks, the sky marina rice pattern of fireworks, firecrackers. Past midnight, the whole city fireworks firecrackers deafening, as if to make the whole house apart. On this night, in addition to the very children, no sleep standing, shou sui. I was a bit in the morning or so, fast asleep.

  In the first month of a very different times and the New Year's eve; Shop is closed, the door to pile up the setting off of firecrackers paper last night, the city is at rest. This day, most people have to go to the park, temple fairs, can be happy.

  Yuanxiao, another climax of Spring Festival. The fifteenth day, every family decorated, good and beautiful. Will also be there and enjoy the moon round the moon, like a large tracts of nine. In front of the television in the home, see yuanxiao "joy", the family you my sentence, very happy.

  Home colorful Spring Festival, the most happy is our children, besides can get lucky money, the most happy is that we can play at ease. New Year's day is happy!

  The 1051 day is at the end of the Spring Festival, the work of the work, to go to school, the school day restored peace forward.


  除夕真热闹。家家赶做年夜菜,到处都是酒肉的香味,男女老少都穿起新衣。一家人围在一张圆桌上开开心心的吃连夜饭,大人们还会给孩子门压岁钱。除夕家家灯火通明,不许间断。天一黑,滨江路上就开始放起了鞭炮,礼花,满天五彩滨纷的礼花,鞭炮声不间断。午夜零时,全城礼花声鞭炮声震耳欲聋,仿佛要把整幢震垮似的。这一夜,除了很上的孩子,没有什么睡得站,都要守岁。我 却在凌晨一点方左右,就呼呼大睡了。



