关于感恩节的英语作文 - 作文大全



来源: 作文大全2022-12-04 17:36:25



  In the United States, the fourth Thursday in November is called Thanksgiving Day. On that day, Americans give thanks for the blessings they have enjoyed during the year.Thanksgiving Day is usually a family day. People always celebrate with big dinners and happy reunions. Pumpkin pie and Indian pudding are traditional Thanksgiving desserts. Relatives from other cities, students who have been away at school, and many other Americans travel a long distance to spend the holiday at home.



  The ancients had a saying: dripping, the smallest favor. In this world, there are many people who grace to us, such as parents, friends, classmates, colleagues, leadership, men, government, society and so on. Our life, health, property and every day we enjoy the air, sunlight, water, everyone should be in the list of our thanksgiving. So, despite the suffering can not forget that evil must be punished, but we really should Huaikang grateful heart and efforts to return the kindness of those who give us the organization and people. So, I hope to have a debt of gratitude section. Gratitude Day, I took out the papers, fine gifts, all aspects of the awards, to the front of the teachers. Return to his alma mater's grace, because I grew up you nurture teachers. Gratitude Day, I brought a silk banner, came to the government building, in return for the government's grace, because the government offered me a peace order, protect us from chaos. Gratitude Day, I can hold the money to contribute to society, to return to the community of grace, because society gave me such a wonderful time and free-living stage.

  Gratitude to our own fault or offense heartfelt repentance and the initiative to accept the deserved punishment; gratitude and sufficient to dilute the rancor in our hearts and very narrow overflow hate, gratitude can also help us through the greatest pain and suffering, with grateful hearts, we will gradually forgive those who had grudges and you even touch your heart hurts for those people. With grateful hearts, we are in a grateful world can live. Please everyone that put this gratitude into action it, in the gratitude section, you have to repay every grace of the people. I hope that the calendar can have a debt of gratitude on the card section, so that everyone is full of gratitude, also Nov. 24 to pay the debt of gratitude to whom section action. So that the whole world is full of love.

  古人有云:滴水之,当涌泉相报。在这个世界上,有许许多多对我们有恩的人,如父母,亲朋,同学,同事,领导,部下,*,社会等。我们的生命,健康,财产以及我们每天享受着的空气,阳光,水源,莫不应在我们的感恩之列。所以,尽管苦难不能忘记,罪恶必须得到惩罚,但我们也的确应常怀感激之心并努力回报那些给予我们恩情的组织和人们。所以,我希望能有个报恩节。 报恩节那天,我可以拿着满分的试卷,精美的礼品,各方面的奖状,送到老师们面前。回报母校之恩,因为是各位师长培育我长大。

  报恩节那天,我可以捧着一面锦旗,来到*大楼,以回报*之恩,因为是*给我提供了一个安宁的秩序,使我们免受混乱。 报恩节那天,我还可以拿着金钱去给社会捐款,以回报社会之恩,因为是社会给我提供了这样一个美好的时代和*生活的舞台。 感恩之心使我们为自己的过错或罪行发自内心忏悔并主动接受应有的惩罚;感恩之心又足以稀释我们心中狭溢的积怨和蛮恨,感恩之心还可以帮助我们度过最大的痛苦和灾难,常怀感恩之心,我们也会逐渐原谅那些曾和你有过结怨甚至触及你心灵痛处的那些人。常怀感恩之心,我们便能在一个感恩的世界中生活。那请每一个人把这种感恩之心行动起来吧,在报恩节里,报答每一位对你有恩的人。 我希望以后的日历牌上能有个报恩节,让每个人充满感恩之心,也在11月24日的报恩节中为之付出行动。使整个世界充满爱。


  there axe many kinds of thanksgiving days in the world. american thanksgiving day is another important holiday related to christianity. it is on the fourth thursday of each november. thanksgiving day in america is considered as a time to offer thanks, of family gatherings and holiday meals, such as turkeys, pumpkin pie, indian corn and so on. there are always holiday parades and hot balloons on that day.
