六一儿童节英语作文——《To celebrate Children’s Day I make a decision(欢度“六·一”我做主)》 - 作文大全


六一儿童节英语作文——《To celebrate Children’s Day I make a decision(欢度“六·一”我做主)》

来源: 作文大全2022-03-02 03:42:24

【To celebrate Children’s Day I make a decision】

--2012 Children's Day activities scheme

June is a flowery season! June is a season with luxuriant foliage! June is a sunny season! June is a season with flying songs! Oh, the days of June make people yearning. How wonderful the days of June! June 1st, our own holiday is coming in our expecting.

" June 1st " blooms happily in the garden of time like gorgeous flowers.

" June 1st "will break through the soil under the year’s breeze like plump seeds.

"June 1st " will dance naughtily in a year’s stave like happy musical note.

A wonderful and interesting activity will be held in the Children's Day of 2012

——I will play it entirely myself! That day, I will gather together with my dear friends to celebrate " Children’s Day "!

First, objectives: Be happy in "Children’s Day", increase our knowledge and promote friendship. Be active in " Children’s Day ", improve our ability and increase parents's understanding of us, let parents be happy.

Second, place and time: at the front door of the Sculpture Park, from 8:30 A.M. to 12:00 noon, June 1st

Third, contents: watching sculptures, interesting games, flying kites, camping and picnic, catching insects of small "method Boolean" .

Fourth, registration way: QQ: coke 818 (ha ha, this is my net name) 2237416745 (please write your name and contact way clearly !)

Fifth, costs: AA

Sixth, requirements:

1. Dressed in sportswear, kite, lunch and camera provided by yourself.

2, civilization activities, maintain order, interest, and helpfulness one another, sharing, and security.

3, After activities, write an experiencing diary with voluntary, no limitation of genre and words, express real feelings, send to my QQ mailbox, (hush: tell you a little secret: as long as you contribute ,you will gain a prize!)

If you like my plan, please sign up positively ! Thanks for your enthusiastic support. I believe that "my holiday, I decide", the activities of " Children’s Day" in 2012 must be happy and successful!



六月是繁花似锦的季节!六月是枝繁叶茂的季节!六月是阳光明媚的季节!六月是歌声飞扬的季节!噢, 六月的日子令人向往!六月的日子多么精彩!我们在盼望中即将迎来“六·一”这个属于自己的节日!

“六·一”像艳丽的花朵,在时间的花园里,快乐地绽放。 “六·一”像饱满的种子,在岁月的微风下,将破土而出。“六·一”像快乐的音符,在一年的五线谱中将顽皮地跳舞!2012年的儿童节,将举行一次精彩、有趣的游园活动——由我自己来策划!那一天,我会和亲爱的朋友们欢聚在一起,共同庆祝”六·一”儿童节!






QQ:可乐818(哈哈,这是我的网名) 2237416745 (请写清你的姓名和联系方式哦!)



1. 身穿运动装,自备风筝、午餐、相机。


