我的暑假生活计划作文英文 - 作文大全



来源: 作文大全2022-12-22 15:39:49

  日思夜盼,终于迎来了期待已久的暑假。在这两个月的时间里,总不能天天打游戏吧!我结合老师的要求和爸爸妈妈的心愿,心中有了初步的安排。 下面是作文网暑假计划作文栏目为您准备的五篇《我的暑假生活计划作文英文》。


  Day, night, and finally ushered in the long-awaited summer vacation. In these two months, can't play games every day! Besides, even if I think so, mom and dad are certainly can't promise. Only done to make them more satisfied, my freedom is a bit more, this summer vacation will have a more pleasant. Combined with the requirements of the teacher and I wish mom and dad, have a preliminary arrangement.

  First of all, the summer vacation homework must be finished with good quality. Examination pass, otherwise don't say the school is by mom and dad know also to scold a dog, so don't want to have a summer vacation the day a happy day. Only complete the teacher assigned homework, of course, is not enough, I'm going to lishui youth palace summer programmes will report a period. Supplemented some extra-curricular knowledge, Chinese, maths, English learning in lishui, by the way to travel, try in the name of the food, snacks, there can also be a Kentucky Fried chicken, steak and so on of a few eat dinner rhetorical. www.zww.cn xiao-he composition

  Second, arrange a travel is a must. I have seen the sea in Qingdao, experience the modern metropolis of Shanghai, wuzhen town of simple carefree... This time I want to go to get a glimpse of sichuan huangguoshu waterfall "plunges three thousand feet". I need to use your spare time on the Internet do travel kit, spend the least money to enjoy the most beautiful scenery.

  Help home to do some housework you can reach to, both can relieve the parents' hard work, ability will also be able to exercise some of his own life. At home I want to wash dishes, sweep the floor, tidy up your own items should often do these simple things. Also, on weekends with my parents to learn alone, learn to arrange the daily life of a day, learn to burn a few home cooking, learned to cook. There can be at home with small aunt's little sister!

  Watch a few movies, read some Chinese and foreign classics is also essential. I checked the online, you can choose from these movies, watch: 1. The cast, 2, "the wind and rain harvard road", 3, "hear heaven", 4, "coach carter, 5," dream girl ", 6, 7 "little miss sunshine", and "scent of a woman", 8, 9 "les choristes", and the wild, 10, to listen to the song, 11, 12, "the pursuit of happyness", "dancer in the dark", 13, "good will hunting", 14, erin brockovich, 15, dead poets society, 17, 16, "million dollar baby", "jump out of my world. I also plan to finish see this several Chinese and foreign classics, and make reading notes: "one thousand and one desire", "strange stories", "water margin", "journey to the west", and "the water margin (student edition)", "three", "the little prince", charlotte's web, walden, "the catcher in the rye," Wolf totem ".

  When I put the plan to carry out the good, all should happy holiday is coming to an end, believe that I will also grow more strong, good!


  Started the summer vacation, but summer vacation life is not easy I have to make good summer vacation plans, I hope I can follow my plan this summer holiday.

  First, the language aspect. My composition level has not been very good, mainly because of my train of thought is not open, less accumulation, so take out two hours every day during the summer vacation read names, summarize their experience and lessons to write a few entry. According to the requirements of the teacher write 30 composition is published online in the composition. My writing there is a small write the word, scribble, whether to write a composition or do anything else during the summer vacation homework, I pay attention to the larger, neat handwriting, strive for knowledge points in the exam is not lost.

  Second, mathematics. My math is second to none in the class has been, the biggest problem is often a few small problems. For this, I'm going to do some math problems, and try to do something is really, every math problem for rapid and accurate.

  Third, English. My English reading and writing level can also, but there are some gap in the hearing aspect, in the Cambridge English in summer vacation at the same time, listen to some English tapes, do more listening, out of Cambridge, about half an hour listening to English tapes every morning, strive for improvement in terms of English listening.【作文网 zw.liuxue86.com】

  Fourth, outside interests. I am very talented in art, and love art. This summer, I also take part in training, consolidate the raise the level of description. I have a special liking to the computer is to fight for mom and dad agreed to after the daily tasks as planned can surf the Internet to do small production, play a few games.

  Fifth, life. A day ago, I was being waited on hand and foot, in addition to learning what also not stem, starting this summer, I decided to help my mother do some housework, you can reach to exercise their self-care ability. Such as take time to help my mother to brush a bowl, washing clothes, cleaning, etc.

  In summer holidays, I want to be strict with themselves, every moment of the day to do a good young pioneers, begins with a new look to meet the new semester.


  A semester of intensive studies finally ended, I long-expected beautiful summer vacation is coming, but there are a lot of homework in the summer, the summer vacation I also ah oh, reasonable arrangement of my summer vacation, to have a summer vacation plans, I have made a schedule in the summer, take a look at it:

  First of all, with the help of mom and dad, good learning plans, schedules, every day to ensure every one hour of study time in the morning and afternoon. Finish the summer vacation homework carefully. Read the reference books are no less than an hour every day, to note down the reading of the harvest. I little creating a science and technology in the summer vacation. I'm an elementary school students, should be considerate of parents' hard work, in addition to one's own things to do during the summer vacation, be positive for the parents share some housework. Go out to the consent of mom and dad, not to go out, can't go out with someone who don't know. No adults to lead, not to go swimming. On Sunday, let my mother buy a "China children's encyclopedia" and "small carp adventure time. If the schedule a bit less, I feel good to chongqing to visit relatives, by the way, when I come back to Beijing zoo.

  This summer vacation plans may not good, please support!


  After a semester busy learning, we finally ushered in the summer vacation. In order to have a meaningful summer vacation, I especially ahead of the summer vacation plans, hope I can complete according to the plan.

  My summer vacation plan is mainly divided into three parts. The first part is: finish the summer vacation homework. Before summer vacation homework because I have no plan, every time is close to the school before hurriedly catch up on my homework. Plan in this summer vacation I all do for an hour every morning and afternoon summer vacation homework, I believe the efforts of the two hours a day will make me high quality finish the homework during the summer vacation. The second part is: learn to swim. Can see other children in the pool before free swimming, I very envy, also learned last year, but he did not insist on, no society. This year's summer vacation, I'm going to night ok and dad go to swimming pool to swim, let my dad taught me, I also want to serious efforts to study. The third part is to help my mother do housework. Already in the sixth grade, but I also seldom help mother do the housework, every time the holiday at home are bustling about mother, I just play. This summer vacation, I help my mother do one thing must be at least once a day, reduce the burden of the mother.

  With the above detailed plan, I determined to: must complete according to the plan, change your procrastination is lazy, let oneself have a meaningful summer vacation.


  Everyone is so love summer, but do you have thought about -- if you go to arrange the summer vacation, this summer vacation will be more happy?

  The following is the summer holiday, I "terrorist plan" :

  (a) : slacker plan.

  Every day go to bed at 10 PM and get up at ten o 'clock in the morning. Go to bed every day at noon, get up at 6 o 'clock in the afternoon.

  Execution time: 3 weeks

  Painted like index: u

  (2) : the study plan.

  Every day from 3:00 in the afternoon until evening 8:00 endless homework study plan, finish the homework in advance, in order to can more time to go out to play.

  Execution time: 2 weeks

  Painted like index: u do

  (3) : net worm.

  Correctly use the Internet every day, little play games, see the composition of net worm.

  Execution time: the whole summer vacation

  Love index: u u u u

  (4) : composition plan.

  Write a composition every day, practice your writing ability.

  Execution time: the whole summer vacation

  Love index: u u u u u

  The classmates, please remember! Only the most meaningful summer, is a happy summer vacation!

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