高中高三作文1200字:英文记叙文范文欣赏 - 作文大全



来源: 作文大全2023-06-29 18:00:42
导读:作文标题:英文记叙文范文欣赏关 键 词:欣赏高中高三1200字字    数:1200字作文本文适合:高中高三亲爱的各位同学,出国留学网将为大家精心整理了海量作文...
作文标题: 英文记叙文范文欣赏
关 键 词: 欣赏 高中高三 1200字
字    数: 1200字作文
本文适合: 高中高三



It was a cold day in winter. An ant was bringing out some grains of corn he had gathered in summer to dry them. A grasshopper, who was very hunger, saw the ant and begged him for some corn, saying that he was dying of hunger. The ant looked at the grasshopper and asked him what he had done in summer and why he hadn’t stored up some grains of corn. The grasshopper told the ant that he had been very busy in summer and he hadn’t stored any corn. The ant asked him once more what he had done in summer. The grasshopper replied that he had sung all summer. The ant angrily said to him that he could dance all winter as he had sung all summer.

1. 记叙文的基本要求
I usually get up early in the morning. Then, I go to the lavatory to brush my teeth and my face. After that, I go to the sports ground to have some exercise. Lunch is at 12:00. After lunch, I take a nap. In the afternoon, I go to the library. When evening comes, I watch TV for a while. Then I listen to the English broadcast, or prepare my lessons in the classroom. I usually go to bed when the close strikes 11.
4) 主次分明,详略得当。对一件事情的叙述不能平均用墨。能够突出主题的情节要详写,不能突出主题的情节要简写或不写。如下面一段文字的主题句是Traveling can have its exciting though frustrating movements.应是突出的重点。从段落中我们可以看到描写这两点的很多细节:司机是如何弄到活鸡送到家中同时又担心拿不到手提箱而赶不上飞机的焦急心情。作者对他们最后怎样到达旅馆、怎样及时到达机场描写得很少,尽管它们也是这个事件的一部分。
Traveling can have its exciting, though frustrating moments. A few years ago I spent a week in America. The week was over, to my surprised, that I had left one of my suitcases at my hotel. Quickly, I jumped into a taxi and explained my situation to the driver. We sped off in the direct of my hotel. Suddenly, the taxi driver slowed down so he could talk with the driver of a truck moving along the road next to us. The truck contained live chicken. Without stopping the taxi, the driver stuck his hand out of the window and took a live chicken, which he neatly stuck under the seat next to him. Meanwhile, I was getting more and more anxious about my suitcase and making my plane on time. Time wasn’t bothering the taxi driver, though. Instead of heading straight for the hotel, he made a detour to drop the chicken off at his home! In the end, however, we managed to get the suitcase and then raced back to the airport. Fortunately, I made it to my plane on time. What started out as a frustrating moment ended up being a permanent memory and a great story.

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