高中高二作文2250字:Forbidden City - 作文大全


高中高二作文2250字:Forbidden City

来源: 作文大全2023-07-17 17:00:30
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作文标题: Forbidden City
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本作文是关于高中高二2250字的作文,题目为:《Forbidden City》,欢迎大家踊跃投稿。

At the National Palace Museum in Beijing, formerly known as the Forbidden City. Is the Ming and Qing dynasties of the palace, unique masterpiece of ancient architecture, the world's largest, most complete ancient buildings. As the world's five first Palace (the Imperial Palace in Beijing, the Palace of Versailles France, United Kingdom Buckingham Palace, the White House, the Kremlin Russia). National Palace Museum was founded in the year 1406,1420 in the basic completion of the Ming Emperor Zhu Di was founded. Palace 961 meters long from north to south and 753 meters wide east, an area of about 725,000 square meters. Construction area of 155,000 square meters. Legend has it that a total of 9999.5 Palace, in 1973, according to real experts on-site measuring the size of the Palace compound has more than 90 blocks, 980 houses, for a total of 8704 (and this "between" now is not the room of the concept, here, "between" 4 Housing columns formed by space). Miyagi surrounded by 12 meters high, long wall of 3400 meters, in the form of a rectangular city, outside the wall, 52 meters wide moat surrounded by a fortified castle barriers. Forbidden City palace are building wooden structures, yellow glazed tile roof, green Whitehead base, decorated with paintings of the resplendent. Palace 4 doors, the main entrance of the Meridian Gate, Donghua Men of the East Gate, the name Simon West China doors north gate of Shenwu Men. In the face of the north gate Shenwu Men, useful soil, and stone into the Jingshan, the mountain is covered with pine Baicheng Lin. In the overall layout, Jingshan is building the barrier Palace. Construction of the National Palace on the basis of its layout and function is pided into "North" and "Neiting" Most of the two. "North Korea" and "Neiting" in order to stem the door for community-ching, ching stem outside the door for North Korea to the south, north to Neiting. North Korea outside the National Palace, the building Neiting very different atmosphere. North Korea and the outside Ethernet, and in Bulgaria and the three main hall as the center is the emperor will be held in North Korea, also known as "the former administration." Is a feudal power Emperor, the grand ceremony was held. In addition there are two wings of East Wenhua Dian, Wen Yuan Ge, Si hospital on the South 3; West Wu Yingdian there, and so on Neiwu Fu construction. Neiting to Palace of Heavenly Purity, the Hall cross, after three Kunning Gong Temple as the center, Yang Xindian for the two wings, East and West Liu Gong, Temple Chai, Yuqing Gong, after the Imperial Garden. Is a feudal emperor and Empress of the residence. Neiting Ningshou Gong was the eastern part of the Qianlong emperor to step down after the construction and endowment. Ci Ninggong Neiting West, Shou-an Temple. In addition, Chung Wa Palace, North 5, and other construction. National Palace Museum was founded in the year 1406 (2004 Wing-lok), 1420 (18 years, Wing-lok) completion of the basic and will last for 14 years, is the Ming Chengzu Zhu Di built in the Yuan Dadu on the basis of the construction of the palace. Kuai Designers presided over the beginning of the Ming Cheung (1397-1481, the word Ting-jui, Suzhou). After the completion of the National Palace Museum, went through the Ming and Qing dynasties of the two, to the demise of the Qing emperor in 1911, about 500 years, is through the Ming and Qing dynasties and 24 emperors of the two. Is the core of the Ming and Qing dynasties ruled synonymous with the highest. Ming and Qing court 500 years of history, including the Empress, hierarchy, power struggles, religious worship, and so on. At that time, ordinary people even approached the wall near the Forbidden City where crime can be called. Since the Ming and Qing court feudal system is a high degree of complete domination of the top center, an unusual event, often around the imperial power transmission and carried out safety. Such as the restoration of the emperor of the Ming Dynasty orthodox Duo Men's changed, Emperor Jiajing was the lady-in-waiting Mouci Renyin change Palace, 43 Wanli club hit too womb "which hit club," Taichang Emperor died as a result of service Dan Wan "Red Pill case, "Taichang around Dili after the dead emperor of the new board of a" shift Palace "storm. Secretary of State for the Kings in the early Qing Dynasty imperial power established by the three officials of the temple dispute, the late Qing Dynasty Empress Dowager Cixi yau coup to seek power, and so on. Revolution in 1911, the Forbidden City Palace should have been nationalized all, but then, in accordance with the development of the "Qing Shi preferential conditions," Prince's Emperor Pu Yi was allowed to "temporarily Gong Jin", that is, "sleep "Section. In 1924, launched by Feng Yuxiang, "Beijing coup", will be driven out of Pu Yi Gong Jin, at the same time to set up a "follow-up committee Qing Shi", took over the National Palace. In October 10, 1925 announced the formal establishment of the National Palace Museum, opening to the outside world. After the Forbidden City in 1925 was known as the "Forbidden City." With the decline of the Qing Dynasty, in particular, in 1949 before 38 years, the increasing destruction of the Palace building, there are a number of palaces group collapse, garbage Chengshan. After the establishment of the People's * in 1949, 1961, the State Department announced that the National Palace for the first batch of "national key cultural unit." Starting from the 1950s and 1960s for a large-scale repair. National Palace Museum in 1988 by UNESCO as "World Cultural Heritage." Now into the "Palace Museum."

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