《黎明踏浪号》11 独脚怪欢天喜地 - 作文大全


《黎明踏浪号》11 独脚怪欢天喜地

来源: 作文大全2023-07-28 08:42:18



Lucy followed the great Lion out into the passage and at once she saw coming towards them an old man,barefoot,dressed in a red robe.His white hair was crowned with a chaplet of oak leaves,his beard fell to his girdle,and he supported himself with a curiously carved staff.When he saw Aslan he bowed low and said,

露茜跟着狮王出来,走进长廊,迎面过来了一位老人,光着脚, 身穿红袍。白发上戴着一顶橡树叶编的花冠,胡须垂到腰带,拄着一根巧夺天工的雕花手杖。见到阿斯兰,他就深深地鞠了一躬,说:

“Welcome,Sir,to the least of your houses.”


“Do you grow weary,Coriakin,of ruling such foolish subjects as I have given you here ?”


“No,”said the Magician,“they are very stupid but there is no real harm in them.I begin to grow rather fond of the creatures. Sometimes,perhaps,I am a little impatient,waiting for the day when they can be governed by wisdom instead of this rough magic.”


“All in good time,Coriakin,”said Aslan.


“Yes,all in very good time,Sir,”was the answer.“Do you intend to show yourself to them ?”


“Nay,”said the Lion,with a little half-growl that meant (Lucy thought)the same as a laugh.“I should frighten them out of their senses.Many stars will grow old and come to take their rest in islands before your people are ripe for that.And today before sunset I must visit Trumpkin the Dwarf where he sits in the castle of Cair Paravel counting the days till his master Caspian comes home. I will tell him all your story,Lucy.Do not look so sad.We shall meet soon again.”

“不。”狮子说,略带几分咆哮,露茜想这大概就是笑笑的意思吧。“我会吓死他们的。恐怕等岛上的日月星辰都老得该退休了, 那些家伙也不见得有多少长进呢。今天太落山之前我还要去看看小矮人杜鲁普金,他现在正坐在凯尔帕拉维尔的城堡里等着他主人凯斯宾回家。我会把你们的经历全告诉他。露茜,别愁眉苦脸的,我们很快就会再见的。”

“Please,Aslan,”said Lucy,“what do you call soon ?”


“I call all times soon,”said Aslan;and instantly he was vanished away and Lucy was alone with the Magician.


“Gone !”said he,“and you and I quite crestfallen.It’s always like that,you can’t keep him;it’s not as if he were a tame lion.And how did you enjoy my book ?”

“他走了!”他说,“你我都很失望,可是他向来都是这样, 留不住的。他不是一头温驯的狮子。你觉得我的那本书怎么样?”

“Parts of it very much indeed,”said Lucy.“Did you know I was there all the time ?”


“Well,of course I knew when I let the Duffers make themselves invisible that you would be coming along presently to take the spell off.I wasn’t quite sure of the exact day.And I wasn’t especially on the watch this morning.You see they had made me invisible too and being invisible always makes me so sleepy.Heigh-ho-there I’m yawning again.Are you hungry ?”


“Well,perhaps I am a little,”said Lucy.“I’ve no idea what the time is.”


“Come,”said the Magician.“All times may be soon to Aslan;but in my home all hungry times are one o’clock.”


He led her a little way down the passage and opened a door.Passing in,Lucy found herself in a pleasant room full of sunlight and flowers.The table was bare when they entered,but it was of course a magic table,and at a word from the old man the tablecloth,silver,plates,glasses and food appeared.


“I hope that is—what you would like,”said he.“I have tried to give you food more like the food of your own land than perhaps you have had lately.”

“希望你能喜欢,”他说,“我尽力给你弄一些合乎你口味的食物, 不是你最近吃的那些。”

“It’s lovely,”said Lucy,and so it was;an omelette,piping hot,cold lamb and green peas,a strawberry ice,lemonsquash to drink with the meal and a cup of chocolate to follow.But the magician himself drank only wine and ate only bread.There was nothing alarming about him,and Lucy and he were soon chatting away like old friends.


“When will the spell work ?”asked Lucy.“Will the Duffers be visible again at once ?”


“Oh yes,they’re visible now.But they’re probably all asleep still;they always take a rest in the middle of the day.”


“And now that they’re visible,are you going to let them off being ugly ? Will you make them as they were before ?”


“Well,that’s rather a delicate question,”said the Magician. “You see,it’s only they who think they were so nice to look at before.They say they’ve been uglified,but that isn’t what I called it. Many people might say the change was for the better.”


“Are they awfully conceited ?”


“They are.Or at least the Chief Duffer is,and he’s taught all the rest to be.They always believe every word he says.”


“We’d noticed that,”said Lucy.


“Yes-we’d get on better without him,in a way.Of course I could turn him into something else,or even put a spell on him which would make them not believe a word he said.But I don’t like to do that.It’s better for them to admire him than to admire nobody.”


“Don’t they admire you ?”asked Lucy.


“Oh,not me,”said the Magician.“They wouldn’t admire me.”


“What was it you uglified them for-I mean,what they call uglified ?”


“Well,they wouldn’t do what they were told.Their work is to mind the garden and raise food-not for me,as they imagine, but for themselves.They wouldn’t do it at all if I didn’t make them.And of course for a garden you want water.There is a beautiful spring about half a mile away up the hill.And from that spring there flows a stream which comes right past the garden.All I asked them to do was to take their water from the stream instead of trudging up to the spring with their buckets two or three times a day and tiring themselves out besides spilling half of it on the way back. But they wouldn’t see it.In the end they refused point blank.”

“说起来,是他们自己不听话。让他们照料照料花园,种种粮食——不是像他们想象的那样,那并不是为我,而是为他们自己。要是我不迫他们干,他们就不干。打理花园当然少不了浇水,山上大约半英里就有眼山泉,有条小溪从山泉一直流到花园旁。我只是让他们从这条小溪里取水,用不着一天两三回提着水桶,爬上山到泉眼里打水再筋疲力尽的回来,路上还会洒掉一半。可是他们死活都不明白, 到最后他们直接不干了。”

“Are they as stupid as all that ?”asked Lucy.


The Magician sighed.“You wouldn’t believe the troubles I’ve had with them.A few months ago they were all for washing up the plates and knives before dinner:they said it saved time afterwards. I’ve caught them planting boiled potatoes to save cooking them when they were dug up.One day the cat got into the dairy and twenty of them were at work moving all the milk out;no one thought of moving the cat.But I see you’ve finished.Let’s go and look at the Duffers now they can be looked at.”

他叹了口气,说:“他们惹的麻烦,说了你也不信。两三个月前,饭前他们就去洗餐盘和刀子,说这可以节约时间,说饭后就不用洗了。有一回他们刨地,我发现他们在种煮熟的土豆,说是吃的时候就不用煮了。有一天猫溜进了牛房,他们二十个人把牛桶搬了出来, 谁都没想过把猫赶出去。唉,我看你吃完了。那我们去看看这些笨蛋现在的样子吧。”

They went into another room which was full of polished instruments hard to understand-such as Astrolabes,Orreries, Chronoscopes,Poesimeters,Choriambuses and Theodolinds-and here,when they had come to the window,the Magician said, “There.There are your Duffers.”

他们走进一间房间,里面全是让人搞不明白的仪表器具,被擦得铮亮铮亮的。比如测天体位置的星盘、太系仪、瞬时仪、节奏测量仪、韵律计算仪,经纬仪,等等。他们走到窗口,魔法师说:“瞧, 这就是你要看的笨蛋。”

“I don’t see anybody,”said Lucy.“And what are those mushroom things ?”


The things she pointed at were dotted all over the level grass. They were certainly very like mushrooms,but far too big-the stalks about three feet high and the umbrellas about the same length from edge to edge.When she looked carefully she noticed too that the stalks joined the umbrellas not in the middle but at one side which gave an unbalanced look to them.And there was something-a sort of little bundle-lying on the grass at the foot of each stalk.In fact the longer she gazed at them the less like mushrooms they appeared. The umbrella part was not really round as she had thought at first. It was longer than it was broad,and it widened at one end.There were a great many of them,fifty or more.

她说的是草地上的那些东西。确实很像蘑菇,可是个头要大得多,伞约三英尺高,伞盖的直径也有这么长。她仔细一看,才发现蘑菇不是在伞盖中间,而是偏在一边,看上去不对称。每根蘑菇根部都有什么东西像一个小包袱一样躺在草地上。这些东西越看越不像蘑菇。正如她开头所想,伞盖部分并不圆,直径不一样长。有好多, 差不多有五十多个。

The clock struck three.


Instantly a most extraordinary thing happened.Each of the“mushrooms”suddenly turned upside-down.The little bundles which had lain at the bottom of the stalks were heads and bodies.The stalks themselves were legs.But not two legs to each body.Each body had a single thick leg right under it(not to one side like the leg of a one-legged man)and at the end of it,a single enormous foot-a broadtoed foot with the toes curling up a little so that it looked rather like a small canoe.She saw in a moment why they had looked like mushrooms.They had been lying flat on their backs each with its single leg straight up in the air and its enormous foot spread out above it.She learned afterwards that this was their ordinary way of resting;for the foot kept off both rain and sun and for a Monopod to lie under its own foot is almost as good as being in a tent.


“Oh,the funnies,the funnies,”cried Lucy,bursting into laughter.“Did you make them like that ?”


“Yes,yes.I made the Duffers into Monopods,”said the Magician.He too was laughing till the tears ran down his cheeks. “But watch,”he added.

“是啊,是啊,我把这些笨蛋变成了独脚怪。”魔法师说完, 也哈哈大笑,笑得脸上眼泪直淌,“可是你看。”他又说。

It was worth watching.Of course these little one-footed men couldn’t walk or run as we do.They got about by jumping,like fleas or frogs.And what jumps they made !as if each big foot were a mass of springs.And with what a bounce they came down; that was what made the thumping noise which had so puzzled Lucy yesterday.For now they were jumping in all directions and calling out to one another,“Hey,lads !We’re visible again.”

这倒值得一看。这些独脚小人当然不能跟我们一样走啊跑啊的, 他们就像跳蚤或青蛙一样跳来跳去,而且蹦得很有劲啊!每只大脚都像是一大弹簧。他们跳得也很有劲。那声音正是昨天搞得露茜莫名其妙的砰砰声。这会儿他们四处蹦蹦跳跳,大喊大叫:“嗨,伙计们! 我们又现形了。”

“Visible we are,”said one in a tasselled red cap who was obviously the Chief Monopod.“And what I say is,when chaps are visible,why,they can see one another.”


“Ah,there it is,there it is,Chief,”cried all the others.“There’s the point.No one’s got a clearer head than you.You couldn’t have made it plainer.”

“啊,说得对,说得太对了,老大,”其他的人齐声喊,“一针见血, 谁的头脑也比不上你清醒,你说得再明白不过了。”

“She caught the old man napping,that little girl did,”said the Chief Monopod.“We’ve beaten him this time.”


“Just what we were,going to say ourselves,”chimed the chorus.“You’re going stronger than ever today,Chief.Keep it up,keep it up.”

“我们也这么觉得,”大家齐声附和,“你今天比往日强多了, 老大。厉害,厉害。”

“That’s one of the funny things about the Duffers,”said the Magician.“One minute they talk as if I ran everything and overheard everything and was extremely dangerous.The next moment they think they can take me in by tricks that a baby would see through-bless them !”


“Will they have to be turned back into their proper shapes ?”asked Lucy.“Oh,I do hope it wouldn’t be unkind to leave them as they are.Do they really mind very much ?They seem pretty happy.I say-look at that jump.What were they like before ?”


“Common little dwarfs,”said he.“Nothing like so nice as the sort you have in Narnia.”


“It would be a pity to change them back,”said Lucy.“They’re so funny:and they’re rather nice.Do you think it would make any difference if I told them that ?”


“I’m sure it would-if you could get it into their heads.”


“Will you come with me and try ?”


“No,no.You’ll get on far better without me.”


“Thanks awfully for the lunch,”said Lucy and turned quickly away.She ran down the stairs which she had come up so nervously that morning and cannoned into Edmund at the bottom.All the others were there with him waiting,and Lucy’s conscience smote her when she saw their anxious faces and realized how long she had forgotten them.


“It’s all right,”she shouted.“Everything’s all right.The Magician’s a brick-and I’ve seen Him-Aslan.”


After that she went from them like the wind and out into the garden.Here the earth was shaking with the jumps and the air ringing with the shouts of the Monopods.Both were redoubled when they caught sight of her.


“Here she comes,here she comes,”they cried.“Three cheers for the little girl.Ah ! She put it across the old gentleman properly,she did.”

“她来啦,她来啦,”他们嚷道着,“为小姑三呼万岁。哎呀! 是她把老头儿糊弄过去了。”

“And we’re extremely regrettable,”said the Chief Monopod, “that we can’t give you the pleasure of seeing us as we were before we were uglified,for you wouldn’t believe the difference,and that’s the truth,for there’s no denying we’re mortal ugly now,so we won’t deceive you.”


“Eh,that we are,Chief,that we are,”echoed the others, bouncing like so many toy balloons.“You’ve said it,you’ve said it.”

“啊,说得对,老大,说得太对了,”其他人随声附和的同时, 像很多玩具气球一样蹦得很高,“你说得对,你说得对。”

“But I don’t think you are at all,”said Lucy,shouting to make herself heard.“I think you look very nice.”


“Hear her,hear her,”said the Monopods.“True for you, Missie.Very nice we look.You couldn’t find a handsomer lot.”They said this without any surprise and did not seem to notice that they had changed their minds.

“她说得对,她说得对,”独脚怪说,“小姑,你说得不错, 我们非常好看,没有更漂亮的人了。”他们毫不惊讶,而且根本没注意到自己已经改变主意了。

“She’s a-saying,”remarked the Chief Monopod,“as how we looked very nice before we were uglified.”


“True for you,Chief,true for you,”chanted the others.“That’s what she says.We heard her ourselves.”

“说得对,头儿,说得太对了,”其他人又喊,“她就是这么说的, 我们亲耳听到的。”

“I did not,”bawled Lucy.“I said you’re very nice now.”


“So she did,so she did,”said the Chief Monopod,“said we were very nice then.”


“Hear‘ em both,hear’em both,”said the Monopods.“There’s a pair for you.Always right.They couldn’t have put it better.”


“But we’re saying just the opposite,”said Lucy,stamping her foot with impatience.


“So you are,to be sure,so you are,”said the Monopods.“Nothing like an opposite.Keep it up,both of you.”

“一点不假,她是这意思,就是这意思,”独脚怪说,“不相反, 你们两个都说下去。”

“You’re enough to drive anyone mad,”said Lucy,and gave it up.But the Monopods seemed perfectly contented,and she decided that on the whole the conversation had been a success.


And before everyone went to bed that evening something else happened which made them even more satisfied with their one-legged condition.Caspian and all the Narnians went back as soon as possible to the shore to give their news to Rhince and the others on board the Dawn Treader,who were by now very anxious. And,of course,the Monopods went with them,bouncing like footballs and agreeing with one another in loud voices till Eustace said,“I wish the Magician would make them inaudible instead of invisible.”(He was soon sorry he had spoken because then he had to explain that an inaudible thing is something you can’t hear,and though he took a lot of trouble he never felt sure that the Monopods had really understood,and what especially annoyed him was that they said in the end,“Eh,he can’t put things the way our Chief does.But you’ll learn,young man.Hark to him.He’ll show you how to say things.There’s a speaker for you !”)When they reached the bay,Reepicheep had a brilliant idea.He had his little coracle lowered and paddled himself about in it till the Monopods were thoroughly interested.He then stood up in it and said,“Worthy and intelligent Monopods,you do not need boats.Each of you has a foot that will do instead.Just jump as lightly as you can on the water and see what happens.”

"那天临睡前又出了些事,使那些独脚怪对于自己的现状更加满意了。凯斯宾和所有纳尼亚人回到岸边,向赖因斯和黎明踏号上的其他人报信,船上的人都急坏了。不用说,那些独脚怪也跟他们一起去,一边像足球似的蹦蹦跳跳,一边一唱一和,直到尤斯塔斯说了句: “我真希望魔法师不是把他们变成隐形人,而是无声人。”

说完他就后悔了,因为他不得不跟他们解释无声就是听不见声音。尽管他费了不少口舌,但是也不知道他们是不是真的明白了。更让他恼火的是,最后他们竟然说:“嗯,他不能像我们的老大那样会讲话。不过你会明白的,年轻人。听老大讲话吧,他会教你怎么讲, 多会演讲的人呀!”

大家来到海滩,雷佩契普想到一个好主意。它放下自己的小筏子, 坐在里面划船,独脚怪非常感兴趣。于是他站起来说:“聪明的独脚先生,你们用不着小船。你们的脚可以当船用,只要尽量在水面上轻轻地跳就行了。”


The Chief Monopod hung back and warned the others that they’d find the water powerful wet,but one or two of the younger ones tried it almost at once;and then a few others followed their example,and at last the whole lot did the same.It worked perfectly.The huge single foot of a Monopod acted as a natural raft or boat,and when Reepicheep had taught them how to cut rude paddles for themselves,they all paddled about the bay and round the Dawn Treader,looking for all the world like a fleet of little canoes with a fat dwarf standing up in the extreme stern of each.And they had races,and bottles of wine were lowered down to them from the ship as prizes,and the sailors stood leaning over the ship’s sides and laughed till their own sides ached.


The Duffers were also very pleased with their new name of Monopods,which seemed to them a magnificent name though they never got it right.“That’s what we are,”they bellowed, “Moneypuds,Pomonods,Poddymons.Just what it was on the tips of our tongues to call ourselves.”But they soon got it mixed up with their old name of Duffers and finally settled down to calling themselves the Dufflepuds;and that is what they will probably be called for centuries.

那些笨蛋对“独脚怪”的新名称兴致盎然,虽然他们念不准, 可是在他们心中这似乎是个了不起的名字。“我们就叫这个,”他们大吼大叫道,“独角怪,怪独角,角怪独。这个称呼实在太简明顺口了。” 一眨眼的工夫,他们就把新称呼与旧称呼“笨蛋”搞混了,叫着叫着就叫成了“笨蛋怪”。他们大概还会叫上好几百年吧。

That evening all the Narnians dined upstairs with the Magician,and Lucy noticed how different the whole top floor looked now that she was no longer afraid of it.The mysterious signs on the doors were still mysterious but now looked as if they had kind and cheerful meanings,and even the bearded mirror now seemed funny rather than frightening.At dinner everyone had by magic what everyone liked best to eat and drink,and after dinner the Magician did a very useful and beautiful piece of magic.He laid two blank sheets of parchment on the table and asked Drinian to give him an exact account of their voyage up to date:and as Drinian spoke,everything he described came out on the parchment in fine clear lines till at last each sheet was a splendid map of the Eastern Ocean,showing Galma,Terebinthia,the Seven Isles, the Lone Islands,Dragon Island,Burnt Island,Deathwater, and the land of the Duffers itself,all exactly the right sizes and in the right positions.They were the first maps ever made of those seas and better than any that have been made since without magic. For on these,though the towns and mountains looked at first just as they would on an ordinary map,when the Magician lent them a magnifying glass you saw that they were perfect little pictures of the real things,so that you could see the very castle and slave market and streets in Narrowhaven,all very clear though very distant,like things seen through the wrong end of a telescope. The only drawback was that the coastline of most of the islands was incomplete,for the map showed only what Drinianhad seen with his own eyes.When they were finished the.Magician kept one himself and presented the other to Caspian:it still hangs in his Chamber of Instruments at Cair Paravel.But the Magician could tell them nothing about seas or lands further east.He did, however,tell them that about seven years before a Narnian ship had put in at his waters and that she had on board the lords Revilian, Argoz,Mavramorn and Rhoop:so they judged that the golden man they had seen lying in Deathwater must be the Lord Restimar.



这两张地图上标注的城镇和山脉乍一看和普通地图一模一样, 可是魔法师给他们一个放大镜后,看到的就是活的真实景物的缩小版了,能看见狭港那个城堡和奴隶市场还有街道,虽然很远,却很清晰, 就跟用望远镜看到的东西一样。唯一的缺陷是大部分岛屿的海岸线都不是完整的,因为地图只能根据德里宁亲眼看到的来标注。地图完成之后,魔法师就留下一幅,另一幅送给了凯斯宾,这幅地图至今仍然挂在凯尔帕拉维尔仪器馆里。



Next day,the Magician magically mended the stern of the Dawn Treader where it had been damaged by the Sear Serpent and loaded her with useful gifts.There was a most friendly parting, and when she sailed,two hours after noon,all the Dufflepuds paddled out with her to the harbour mouth,and cheered until she was out of sound of their cheering.

第二天,魔法师用魔法修理好黎明踏号上被海蛇破坏的船尾, 还送给他们很多有用的礼物。大家友好的道别,下午两点起航时,所有的笨蛋怪都划着桨到港口,一直欢呼直到船上听不到他们的声音。

“But do they dare to talk about you like that ?”said Lucy. “They seemed to be so afraid of you yesterday.Don’t they know you might be listening ?”