小学五年级作文450字:软黑屏英语作文1 - 作文大全



来源: 作文大全2024-01-10 11:17:42
导读:作文标题:软黑屏英语作文1关 键 词:小学五年级450字字    数:450字作文本文适合:小学五年级本作文是关于小学五年级450字的作文,题目为:《软黑屏英语...
作文标题: 软黑屏英语作文1
关 键 词: 小学五年级 450字
字    数: 450字作文
本文适合: 小学五年级


Computer screens are darkening in China, and it’s not because the nation’s netizens are powering down.   中国的电脑屏幕暗下来了,这并不是因为这个国家的网民关掉了电源。
   Several dozen users of Microsoft’s XP operating system and its Office software took to the Internet today to say that their desktop backgrounds had begun turning black. The switch doesn’t render the computer unusable, but it undoes people’s efforts to personalize their computer screens with photos or designs. Many said they were able to restore their original desktops only to have their screens turn black again an hour later.   一些微软XP操作系统和Office软件的用户们今天上网说他们的桌面背景变成黑色的了。这种变换并不会使用户的电脑不能使用,只是让他们个性化电脑屏幕的图片或设计失效。一些用户说他们可以重新保存他们的原始桌面,只是一个小时候就会再度变黑。
   The software isn’t restricted to China, but with many users owning illegitimate copies it has created a stir online there.   这个软件并不是只在中国运行,但是因为中国有为数众多的盗版,所以在中国引起了轩然大波。