32 海湾暖流(10) - 作文大全


32 海湾暖流(10)

来源: 作文大全2022-09-19 08:17:22

Sir, I said coolly, "I need to speak with you on a matter that simply can't wait."


Whatever could that be, sir? he replied sarcastically. "Have you made some discovery that has escaped me? Has the sea yielded up some novel secret to you?"


We were miles apart. But before I could reply, he showed me a manuscript open on the table and told me in a more serious tone: "Here, Professor Aronnax, is a manuscript written in several languages. It contains a summary of my research under the sea, and God willing, it won't perish with me. Signed with my name, complete with my life story, this manuscript will be enclosed in a small, unsinkable contrivance. The last surviving man on the Nautilus will throw this contrivance into the sea, and it will go wherever the waves carry it."

我们俩的想法牛头不对马嘴。但在我回答之前,他指了指摊开在桌上的手稿,口气较为严肃地对我说:“瞧,阿龙纳斯教授,这是一部用好几国语言书写的手稿。它包容了我对海洋的研究总结,如果上帝允许的话,这本手稿大概不会随同我一起消失。 这本手稿署上了我的名字,加上了我一生的经历,它将被装在一个不透水的小盒子里。我们‘鹦鹉螺号’船上的最后一个生存者将把这个盒子投入海中, 让它随波逐流而去。”

The man's name! His life story written by himself! So the secret of his existence might someday be unveiled? But just then I saw this announcement only as a lead-in to my topic.


Captain, I replied, "I'm all praise for this idea you're putting into effect. The fruits of your research must not be lost. But the methods you're using strike me as primitive. Who knows where the winds will take that contrivance, into whose hands it may fall? Can't you find something better? Can't you or one of your men...


Never, sir, the captain said, swiftly interrupting me.
