25 地中海四十八小时(17) - 作文大全


25 地中海四十八小时(17)

来源: 作文大全2022-09-18 23:18:59

Furious, Ned tried to see through the mists on the horizon. He still hoped that behind all that fog there lay those shores he longed for.


At noon the sun made a momentary appearance. Taking advantage of this rift in the clouds, the chief officer took the orb's altitude. Then the sea grew turbulent, we went below again, and the hatch closed once more.


When I consulted the chart an hour later, I saw that the Nautilus's position was marked at longitude 16 degrees 17 and latitude 33 degrees 22, a good 150 leagues from the nearest coast.

一小时后,我看一下地图,看见图上记出诺第留斯号的方位,是西经16度17分,南纬33度 22分,离最近的海岸还有一百五十里。

It wouldn't do to even dream of escaping, and I'll let the reader decide how promptly the Canadian threw a tantrum when I ventured to tell him our situation.


As for me, I wasn't exactly grief-stricken. I felt as if a heavy weight had been lifted from me, and I was able to resume my regular tasks in a state of comparative calm.


Near eleven o'clock in the evening, I received a most unexpected visit from Captain Nemo.


He asked me very graciously if I felt exhausted from our vigil the night before. I said no.
